This PC Can Game at 1080p Without A GPU

This PC Can Game at 1080p Without A GPU

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “This PC Can Game at 1080p Without A GPU”.
What’S up youtube, as you guys have probably already figured out, you can actually game without having a gpu with amd’s latest ryzen cpus. Both the 5700g and 5600g have shown great promise in building entry-level gaming systems. So today’s video we’re going to talk about an 800 system that’ll play probably 10 of the top games on twitch without any problem and probably play even some of the aaa titles, just probably not at 60 frames per second or more. So, let’s jump in. Let’S check out this system a little bit of footage from kyle at bitwit, where he talks about the games that he played at 1080p.

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This PC Can Game at 1080p Without A GPU

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This PC Can Game at 1080p Without A GPU

Could you please like and share my video on social media and, if you like my style, please subscribe to the website and hit that notification bell so that you know i’m making videos right now you can actually build a system. That’Ll play your games where you don’t even have to buy an additional gpu, because we all know the gpu market has been completely fracked for the last couple of years and honestly, i’m so impressed by these new amd cpus that i’m trying to save my money. So i can buy one and get one in here in the house so that i can have one of those systems just for myself, because i think it’s so incredible.

But for today, let’s check out this system that me and a friend of mine travis have put together for you guys, that is about eight 800 and with a few changes you can even make it even less so, first off, obviously we’re going to be talking about The cpu, which would be the 5700 g in this case the cpu, is about 369 dollars, but then there’s other parts in this build as well. First of all, let’s talk about the motherboard. The motherboard for this build is the gigabyte b450m ds3hv2, a really nice motherboard from gigabyte.

This PC Can Game at 1080p Without A GPU

Am4 chipset supports both of these ryzen cpus. Now for the memory. We all know that amd motherboards, like really fast memory, so we have a nice 16 gigabyte kit. This is the pny 16 gigabyte accelerate gaming, epic rgb ddr4 at 4, 000 megahertz. Next up, we have the case the antec nx 400 nx series. This is a mid tower case.

It’S an atx gaming case and has a cool nice glass window to check out your build now. As far as the power supply, we chose the evga 210 gq0650v1. Now this is an 80 plus gold, 650 watt, semi modular power supply, and it even falls with the parameters of those new crazy, build requirements from the cec from california, which is a whole another ball of wax. Now, as far as the hard drive goes, we chose an nvme hard drive, because a lot of the games that are coming out now say that it’s best to have an ssd, but you could actually change it out for a different drive and save a little bit Of money which we’ll talk about a little bit later in the video, so we chose the samsung mz v8 v1.

One terabyte am 980 ssd, like i said this is a one. Terabyte m2 nvme drive fits right in your system and leaves you plenty of room for putting expansion inside of the computer, but the really cool thing about this system is that it will play the top 10 games on twitch without any problem at all. Games like gta 5, you guys know this one. It’S an old favorite. I’Ve been playing it for years, league of legends. You guys know this one as well. Minecraft one of the most popular games ever call of duty war zone, apex, legends, valorant, fortnite, dota, 2.

Counter strike go and final fantasy 16 online. Now real, quick, let’s cut over to my buddy kyle from bitwit and let’s check out some footage of the games that he played on his system, which is very similar to ours. Cs, go dota 2 minecraft overwatch rainbow six. Siege rocket league, balheim and ballard can’t believe i got through those.

The other reason i like these games for this. This test is because a they’re popular, so you know, like millions of people, are playing some of these games as we speak, and i wanted these games to be relevant to you guys. I don’t want to use some like.

You know old-ass games that you know no one’s playing now like left 4 dead, 2 or something i don’t know. Maybe there are still people playing that game, but you know what i mean and then the other reason is because these are games that are well known to be relatively easy to run fairly lightweight. I didn’t want to throw like cyberpunk in here and stuff, because we already know that that’s just going to tank and not a very realistic use case scenario. So hopefully you guys are happy with this benchmark suite. I think you’re going to get a kick out of the performance which we should look at right and here you can see that it is an average frame rate of 153 with a one percent low of 81.. Not too shabby there right out of the gate and with our quality setting, i was able to bump this game all the way up to 4k 3840 by 2160p at max settings, and we were still getting 86 fps on average, with a one percent low of 50..

Generally, i like to see the one percent low above 60, if possible, so we’re always staying below that 16.666 millisecond frame time, but this is still really not bad and and the gameplay was buttery smooth, even uh, despite that, so uh overall minecraft gets an a i’ll Give these games a subjective, playability grade as we go along, so minecraft gets an a plus honestly, it’s able to run 4k on an apu, that’s ridiculous. The next easiest game to run on this list was valorent and, unlike minecraft, this game is a fast-paced shooter that relies heavily on high refresh rates and high frame rates that actually gives the player an advantage. So that’s that’s a bit more important here than it is in minecraft. Fortunately, in performance mode, i was able to get away with 1080p max settings and still get away with a 197 average frame rate and a one percent low of 113..

That’S fantastic! In my opinion. More than enough speed for this game, if we step up to the quality focus scenario, i was actually able to get 1440p max settings with an average frame rate of 148 and a one percent low of 89.. Still with that one percent low well above 60, i’m not seeing too many issues here, very playable, extremely playable. This also gets an a in terms of playability with the 5700g next up on the list is cs. Go cs: go is a little bit more demanding than valorent, actually quite a bit more demanding, but still relatively easy to run and on the performance settings. I use 1080p medium, which still looks really good, and that gave us an average frame rate of 114 and a 1 low of 75. very playable. I think csgo, like you know, a lot of these esports shooters is a title that you really want.

I would say over 100 fps, if possible, that’s usually ideal. Generally, a lot of these gamers want a lot more than that, but if you’re just casually gaming, then i think over 100 fps is pretty acceptable for most people and it’s nice to see the 5700 gs capable of that. With our quality focus scenario, i went up to max settings still at 1080p and that gave us an average frame rate of 88 and a 1 low of 57.. We are dropping just below that 60fps threshold on the one percent lows, but still a very playable experience.

Overall, i would suggest that if people are using the 5700g to play, cs, go and they’re just running on the integrated graphics that they use the 1080p medium setting, because it just gives you a bit more fluidity with the gameplay plus the visual quality. In my opinion, going from medium to to ultra maxed out uh in this game is not that noticeable. I don’t know not noticeable as some of the other games on this list, that’s for sure, but the frame rate certainly is as far as playability grade. I would say this is a b. I would give this a b, which still makes for a really solid experience, as you guys can see at 1080p.

Many of the games that we talked about just a minute ago will actually play at up to 100 frames per second. This is actually incredible. Like i said before, right now, amd is so far ahead of the game that intel’s probably grabbing their ankles and going ouch ouch ouch. Please grab the ky. Please please please because they cannot keep up with amd right now at all and with these new onboard vega, graphics, things are just incredible now. Just imagine if amd upgraded this chip with an rdna 2 video card built on board and, what’s even crazier, is this apu is actually only 65 watts, yeah 65 watts for both your video card solution and your cpu all in one, and you guys can see that All of these games are being played. They look great.

They play great there’s, not a lot of stuttering. There’S not a lot of staggering. The onboard graphics, also support fsr, so games that have fsr support are going to look even better and do even better all around. So this is just to me a total win-win for team red now.

The system that we built is about 800, but you can actually save quite a bit of money if you don’t need an eight core, 16 thread cpu, because you’re not doing content creation whatsoever, you can use the 5600 g, save yourself a hundred dollars right off the Bat right there, you also could use either a standard ssd which you can save about 20 to 30 on or you could use a hybrid drive. You know there’s a lot of good ones from seagate. I really like the fire. Cuda, that’s a great drive.

You could save even more money. You could also go down to eight gigabytes of ram and people are playing these with 3600 megahertz memory, which is even cheaper. The memory that kyle used in his system was the 4400 megahertz memory that stuff’s actually really really expensive, and, what’s even really cool about this system with the power supply is, you could even put in the brand new 6600 xt that’s coming out very soon. It supports smart access memory and all that stuff, so you could have yourself an even better system with just a few minor upgrades.

So let me know what you guys think, like i said, i’m trying to get my hands on these parts. I’M just kind of waiting for a check – that’s a little bit late for me, but as soon as i get it, i’m going to be building a whole system myself and then i’ll bring that system to you guys as well. I want to try to make a trick that one and have my friend in la anthony, reynolds, build it and then ship it out to me because he’s just a great system builder, but at the end of the day you guys can see. You no longer need a gpu to play a lot of today’s really popular games, which, like i’ve, said many times in this article.

I just have to give two thumbs up to amd for bringing these cpus or apus. However, you want to call them to the market. Amd is no longer using the term apu. I don’t really know why.

Maybe because it has some association with past stuff that didn’t do very well, but we can all see that this new ryzen processor, with the graphics on board, is doing great and, like i said this is vega graphics, which is a little bit of an older chipset. But if they change this around to our dna 2, just imagine the possibilities. I think that we’d probably see the wattage on the cpu go up a little bit, but at 65 watts there’s room for you know increased amount of watts that you could put in the system and still have no problem against your power supply. So we’ll have links for all of these parts down below, so you guys can check them out and, like i said, you can move a lot of stuff around and get this system even cheaper.

The bottom line here is with good memory, a decent, hard drive and with the 5700 or 5600 g you can have yourself a gaming computer without any additional gpu, and that’s just totally awesome stuff. So once again, i thank you guys for watching tekken tomorrow, peace out um, some of the links that we have are to amazon. If you guys want to try amazon, prime for free and get in on that free two-day shipping i’ll have a link down below where you can try it for 30 days, and if you’d like to keep my site around, you could actually donate one dollar to my Patreon site i’ve got a link down below for that, as well as my music, and all of these things keep tech tomorrow going around by the way. One last note before i get out of here i’ll, be giving you guys a health update.

No amputations are necessary. My foot is healing i’m going to be good to go within six weeks and be back to my normal cheery self, so peace out, i love you guys, you’re, a great audience i’ll see you guys back here for more tech. .