This Literally Makes No Sense

This Literally Makes No Sense

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “This Literally Makes No Sense”.
Valve dropped the price of the steam deck so Asus seized the opportunity to launch a new, cheaper variant of the Rog Ally, with a 30 slower processor, providing a more interesting alternative for those considering lighting their money on fire, I’m Riley Murdock. This is techlinked, and this new ryzen, Z1 equipped Ally makes very little sense according to basically every review. That’S out right now: that’s because it has one third, the number of GPU cores, it’s big brother, the Z1 Extreme has and accordingly performs as much as 37 percent slower, while being only a hundred dollars cheaper at 600 bucks. Okay, fine uh, that’s not a fair comparison, though. So what about the steam deck? Well, the Z1 Ally still has roughly half of the steam decks.

Gpu cores and yeah. The new ally costs 50 less than the most expensive Deck with a matching 512 gigs of storage. But that was before the aforementioned discounts, which actually usually bring the top deck model down to seventy dollars cheaper than the new Ally and the base model deck. That’S still about twice as powerful 240 dollars cheaper, I mean the Ally has a high-res screen and variable refresh rate, which won’t be much of a selling point when it’s less powerful than the deck anyway. So in terms of valuable allies, we’re talking like Italy here mostly there for emotional support, let’s go, I’m wow, I mean the timing on this release makes it seem like Asus wanted to be spanked, which is weird for a tech company. I’M not Kink, shaming.

This Literally Makes No Sense

I’M Kinka asking why Chief product officer and guy, who always kind of looks like he’s about to cry: Panos Panay is leaving Microsoft. After nearly two decades. He announced this disappointing news today on X, Twitter, the platform known for disappointment in his post penae said I’ve decided to turn the page and write the next chapter. However, just a couple of weeks ago, Pinay said he was excited to appear at a Microsoft Event happening three days from now, making it sound like his metaphorical book. Writing is going about as well as George RR Martin’s, The Winds of Winter. It’S never coming out accept it.

This is especially surprising since the upcoming event was expected to unveil the latest surface products and an A has overseen the surface line, since it was, but a twinkle in former CEO, Steve ballmer’s eye. His eye bomber got ta, be kind of gross in there. Microsoft has said that current corporate vice president of Modern Life search and devices Yusuf Medi will be taking over as head of the windows and service divisions, leaving many with unanswered questions. Questions like how can someone be a vice president of Modern Life? That’S such a made-up sounding title. I mean.

What’S next, does Microsoft have a chief Vision officer got him? The UK has come up with seven principles to guide development of generative AI, as laid out by the CMA, the country’s Anti-Trust regulator, not the American Country Music Awards. At least one of you was confused. The report is the result of an initial review of AI first announced back in May and is intended to ensure consumer protection and healthy competition are at the heart of responsible development and use of foundation models which refer to generative AI models serving as the foundation for More advanced ones like Harry Selden, some people got ta, get that reference.

I don’t know what it means. I know the report suggests seven principles for consideration that they tragically decided to just list alphabetically. Instead of forcing an acronym we’d be able to make fun of rude in the report, the CMA highlights the potential benefits of foundation models, while also arguing societal harm could result from weak competition or weak consumer protection laws. In other words, it is a thing in society.

Now it’s time for quick bits brought to you by go to my PC, whose remote access solution lets you access your computer and files from anywhere with maximum speed. Keanu Reeves would be proud. It’S simple and secure once the software is installed, just press connect and it’ll be like you’re sitting in front of your computer, like you’re jacking into the Matrix, and if reliability is your concern go to PCS. Excellent, real-time troubleshooting tools can help diagnose issues with the click of a button join the high table of go to my PC users. Today, using the link below I got like two of those references, quick bit to the little one bite desserts you get at the end of a fine meal, Bon Appetit, but there’s five of them. So it’s like and ordered the entire dessert menu hope you saved some room: the Microsoft AI research division accidentally leaked 38, terabytes of sensitive internal data beginning in July 2020.

This Literally Makes No Sense

According to Cloud security firm with, apparently a public GitHub repository for open source, AI learning models was mistakenly linked to a misconfigured Azure blob storage bucket, which is also what I call the hot tub at the public pool regularly visited by blobs. The storage container used an overly permissive shared access, signature or SAS token, which meant that anyone who accessed the URL had full control of the entire storage account and all the data in it. According to Microsoft, customers should be unaffected Beyond The Haunting knowledge that we are forever a single misposted link away from certain Doom, but that that’s fine, Asus, famous inventor of the award-winning Rog Ally we mentioned earlier, is suing much bigger tech companies Samsung for allegedly violating one Of asus’s smartphone related patents, Samsung has used the patent in basically all their phones and tablets since the Galaxy S8, without paying Asus licensing fees. The patent’s description lists a method and apparatus for improving a transmission using a configured resource and a wireless communication system, which honestly sounds like something Samsung could have figured out themselves. Pretty embarrassing.

This Literally Makes No Sense

Google announced a major change to one of the main selling points of its nest. Hubs Max Smart displays. The removal of video calling support for zoom and Google meet horrifying fans of video chatting one’s mom, while one chops carrots, they have a subreddit.

However, a Google spokesperson has said you can still make and accept video calls on the nest Hub Max, but what you can’t do is join a meeting via a meeting code or a link, meaning you can’t pre-plan meetings anymore. Google didn’t explain why this is happening or how I’m supposed to have a hashtag grind set. When I can’t schedule my business calls during my weekly carrot, chopping sesh, it helps me think I don’t use the carrots I just chop them Apple will be issuing a software update for the iPhone 12 following a ban on sales in France due to a report that It exceeded EU limits for electromagnetic radiation exposure, while other countries are now looking into the issue.

Apple states that the discrepancy is likely related to the specific testing protocols used by French Regulators, where the phone is force-fed grain to fatten its liver to 10 times the usual size, so cruel, they’re not built for grain Apple, has reportedly told tech support staff to shut The up, if asked for updates and to deny return requests unless the device was purchased in the last two weeks, so for now, French customers will have to keep the phone that may or may not be gently cooking, their right buckcheek. That’S how you deal with top round low and slow and Apple CEO Tim Cook claimed in an interview that he uses the upcoming Vision Pro on a regular basis and that he watched the entire third season of beloved Apple TV plus original series, Ted lasso on the Headset super relatable guy Tim Cook also said: there’s some things that I have access to, that other people don’t have, which was an incredibly surprising fact to learn about from the billionaire CEO of a multi-trillion dollar company yeah, like steaks made from Human clones and more and You’Ll be surprised by how much more Tech news there is when you come back on Wednesday. It’Ll be a lot like today, but different in that it won’t be Monday.

So .