This Lasagna Lasts 20 YEARS!

This Lasagna Lasts 20 YEARS!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “This Lasagna Lasts 20 YEARS!”.
What’S up guys Lew here back with another video and today I’ve got another kind of mystery unboxing. I suppose you could call it. I’Ve done something like this before from a different company. And inside supposedly is a set of variety of survival. Things..

They don’t write zombie apocalypse on here, but I know that’s where your head is going. Crack this baby open. Oh MY-, This baby’s packed Holy *POP*. What do we have? Ok, Cotton ball waterproof match case a key to survival. Put your matches in there it’s waterproof and if you get dunked in the river you’re still good, First aid. Very important unboxing can be dangerous.

I have like little cuts on my hands. I got ta keep these nearby. Sticker, I’m not sure-! That really probably wouldn’t help. You in a survival situation A raft Wha What the No A BAG. It’S a bag Heavy-duty cord paracord., The real survival dudes know.

This Lasagna Lasts 20 YEARS!

What’S up when it comes to paracord. Now this fire starter, I’ve experimented with this before Go back, I did a different box.. I started a fire in here., It’s probably dangerous. What do we have here? Ah …, No survival box would be complete without a knife. Obviously, some more paracord wrapped around the handle, Heirloom seeds.

Post-apocalypse and now you’re, trying to reset. Tomatoes, cucumbers and squash. Get her started up again like the pilgrims. Oh, this is important.

This Lasagna Lasts 20 YEARS!

Little LED flashlight … Probably needs a battery or something … Definitely add a battery before you think you’re gon na survive with it. Ok, WHOA Emergency drinking water, 4.225, ounces of water in a bag Recommended life Five years. Another thing i’ve noticed in these survival boxes. It’S always got the … Start, a fire anywhere anytime. Oh look at that. Waterproof matches to go with your waterproof case. That’S double waterproof. Soke it.! You got a good look at that. There Jack A little dunkaroo. You remember, dunkaroos! I crack the …, OH baby.. Yes, sir Money in the bank Jack, this is uh …. What are we …? Am I eating this right now? Oh man … Bring four cups of water to a boil.

This Lasagna Lasts 20 YEARS!

Add the contents Turn it off and let it stand for 12 to 15 minutes and then you’ve got lasagna. Oh My- Pshhh- Look at this best by date. Up here, That’s 2036, my friends., I’m gunna be a 150 years old, Teriyaki rice. I find this to be a little more trustworthy for some reason-I feel like Water rice..

What are we do doing? Are we really boiling water in the microwave I’m gon na test some lasagna capable of living until 2036 … 2036? So I have some boiling water here. Ughhhhh, I’m a guy who likes lasagna but … (, Laughs, ) Stir.

I guess this isn’t all that different from like instant noodles or whatever, Except I don’t think instant noodles last as long as this does Cover for 15 minutes, What’s going to happen in 15 minutes, It’s not going to be soup anymore. It’S going to be actual lasagna. The rice would’ve been safer, but no … Jack.

It’S got to be the lasagna Cheesy lasagna. I’M concerned right, now.. Ok, It’s been 15 minutes Brewing in here Fairly strong Dog food vibes going on … Really soupy still as well.

I don’t know how hot tha- Mmm …, You know what Not that bad Little bit eh. Let me go back for a sec. It’S edible.. I mean it aint, going to surpass your nonas lasagna.

No, In fact, your nona she’s, probably gon na, kill you. If you bring this home A little chewy., If i got ta be honest, I just ate 20 years, lasagna .