This Isn’t a Video

This Isn’t a Video

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “This Isn’t a Video”.
Uh, oh hey uh. We have a new segment for wancho. The segment is called. This was not a video, so as part of our um I mean this is something that we had already started before the week of introspection as I’ve come to call it um, but we have a new process for doing what’s called uh exploratory testing, and so, instead Of we ran into this a handful of times where the labs would Labs team would get an assignment or get get a project um Pitch from the writers, and they would basically run through and do all the testing, and then we find out.

This Isn’t a Video

You know there really wasn’t much of a story there, unfortunately, and we can’t really move forward with it. But we’ve done like all this testing now, and so we we made a new sort of process for pitching exploratory testing and setting a much more limited scope to help us answer whether there is something worth exploring Dan thanks, Dad literally wasted paper um, creating a little Thing to put on his little sign that says this was not a video down. It’S not going to happen every week. It’S it’s not part of the regular program. Okay, the point is that um we had a concept for a video that, in my brain seemed kind of kind of cool, and the idea was: should you disable the igpu on your CPU in order to free up some power budget to get better CPU performance? Because we know that modern chips can be so power and thermal constrained that any little bit a few extra watts of idling GPU could potentially be problematic, and so what we, what we decided to do was instead of testing uh.

I think the the scope that I saw when I kind of went holy crap. Are we really going to do all this testing without any idea? If this is uh? If this is a completely dead end or not, was I think we wanted like six different CPUs? Three AMD three Intel and then, like a whole whack ton of different benchmarks. It’S gon na be like a week of testing or something like that. I was looking at it going uh okay hold on a second: can we just take our most likely candidates? You know the ones that we think are most power constrained and then we test those ones and we see if there’s any performance to be gleaned and then, if there’s something there well, then we keep digging. We go to the medium power and the lower power ones. To see if oh actually on those ones, you can just leave it on because they aren’t power constrained anyway, so uh the notes say we we recently canned a video on whether yeah this was inspired by the early behavior from ryzen 7000s dgpu we’re having a display Connected caused the CPU to not sleep properly, so it idled with high power consumption that is, that is fixed now. So our questions were what performance impact does the igpu have on the CPU when it’s enabled versus disabled? Does the extra power draw and heat generated, reduce max turbo speeds or durations? Does this change when a display is connected or disconnected? Does this change when you’re using the igpu’s hardware encoder, for example, in a streaming setup and does a disabled 13 400 behave identically to a 13 400 F which just doesn’t have the igpu from Intel so whether they laser it off or whether it’s um done in Firmware or whatever else it, however, they do that is.

Is there some difference between disabling it yourself and having Intel disable it so uh? In summary, our exploratory testing showed there was no result um. The question has no satisfying answer. There’S not going to be as far as we can tell a significant measurable difference and we kind of went well um, it’s really hard to make a whole video where, from start to finish, it’s like this doesn’t matter.

This Isn’t a Video

Here’S all the new ways. This doesn’t matter. Here’S a new scenario where this is: we know the answer ahead of time too. So this isn’t like a voyage of Discovery, yeah yeah um. We don’t know for sure 100 that there are no CPUs out there that just not that one yeah. We know that it’s modern ones are looking like, probably not really a thing and we we just, but so so, there’s no video uh, but I I wanted a way to kind of talk about this stuff like if we’re gon na, if we’re gon na, if we’re Gon na test them uh, why don’t we? Why don’t we at least tell you guys like hey, we we looked into this and um, it seems like it might be.

This Isn’t a Video

It seems like it might be a dead end. So that’s our new! That’S our new segment called. This was not a video and it was uh. Should you use your igpu? The answer, as far as we can tell is yes go ahead and turn on your igpu, which is good. Well, I suppose .