This is the WORST Monitor Ever…ON PURPOSE!

This is the WORST Monitor Ever...ON PURPOSE!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “This is the WORST Monitor Ever…ON PURPOSE!”.
Your eyes are delicate instruments, one wrong move and you could damage them for life, which makes you kind of Wonder, Could blasting them with light from our monitors, be hurting them? Is there a better solution? Meat, the paper like u253, a monitor by Samsung, I mean da sung that is 25.3 inches, curved well kind of runs at 3K resolution and, most importantly, uses e-ink a panel technology that I have never before today. Seen in a desktop monitor it promises to change the game when it comes to Eye Health, could it make a difference, or is Das sung healthily eyeing a way to game? You of your spare change? E-Ink is far from new technology, but it wasn’t until Amazon introduced the Kindle about a decade and a half ago that it really hit the mainstream, which wait that’s 15 years. How is it that it took this long for someone to take that technology that people love for how easy it is on the eyes and try to put it in a monitor? Maybe because it’s not a very good idea with that said that song might be onto it, even if uh you guys, saw the title. This ain’t, it Chief, but this is a Segway to our sponsor keeper. Keeper is an end-to-end encrypted password manager. That’S trusted by millions of people plus they now support, pass Keys, the gateway to a passwordless future wow and our audience can save 50.

Today on personal and family plans at the link down below for all its flaws, it’s absolutely a head turner. We had this out when people were doing tours during LTX and literally everyone’s like whoa. What’S that there are a few reasons why e-ink has taken so long to come to the desktop and to understand those reasons.

This is the WORST Monitor Ever...ON PURPOSE!

We need to understand the technology e-ink, which is kind of the kleenex of electrophoretic displays works by suspending charged pigment particles in a capsule, that’s filled with viscous fluid. These capsules are placed between two layers of transparent electrodes that can send a charge attracting the particles to either side of the capsule. So if you zoom way in and slow things down a bit, you can actually see the individual capsules floating to the surface. You put a bunch of those capsules in an array and suddenly you have an e-ink display now you might think hey.

This could lead to a few problems. I mean if the particles are as big as they are and they are physically moving through this because fluid. How do we refresh the display quickly? That’S the neat part you don’t, despite touting ultra high refresh technology, this monitor maxes out at a whopping 15 Hertz 15 times it refreshes every second, but before we get too into the weeds.

Let’S take a look at the features on this thing. One of my favorite things about it is watch this, as I unplug everything to show you guys the i o da. It doesn’t need power in order to retain the last image that was on the screen. I mean it’ll degrade eventually, but ah cool right. Anyway, it’s got a built-in two Port, USB hub built-in audio jack.

It has height, adjust pivot, swivel and Power in DisplayPort USBC in oh, very nice, as well as an HDMI port Linus. You missed the grills for the speakers uh, it’s not that I missed them. It’S that I just wouldn’t want to use them. I mean okay, all right, fine, the girl really they’re pointing out Sideways from behind the monitor. How good could they sound left and right? I mean the front gon na sound great but they’re there. It’S a nice option, it’s true what he says, honestly speaking, I’m glossing through this as fast as I can, because I desperately want to try this I’ve had to look at this on his desk. For the last two flipping weeks is that as good as it manages to do converting to grayscale I’m going to give you a quick little tutorial on how to use it? Oh look, you’re learning thanks these six buttons are very important. They allow you to change, not backlight front light exactly because e-ink is a reflecting display. If you keep pressing that button, you’ll find that there’s different color front light, um reading mode, yeah, P yeah. Also, it’s not really very even you can tell it’s very edge lit.

It reminds me of the Game. Boy SP, when you have it on. Does the C manually refresh the display? Yes, if I could press this 15 times per second, no, no, okay, different modes, graphic mode mode, video mode, why don’t we start with text mode? It seems to be a contrast, control of something exactly, I think the funniest part about this is that you can see that the heads up display just kind of stays on.

If you get like a wins, it gets refreshed exactly. I know where could I get one like that? Lttstore.Com? Oh okay, I mean this is um. Oh, that logo is still burned in there.

Is that what clear does exactly if you’ve used e-readers before you’ll notice like when you change a page, you see the whole screen flash? It’S refreshing every pixel, a couple of times to totally separate out the e-ink, because when you have all those charged particles in there, if you have a bunch of positive particles and negative particles, they’re going to be attracted to each other sometimes so they don’t always 100 Clean, I can see that afraid to know what it’s going to look like. If I just Mouse wheel down. Oh wow, you can see all these post counts in between here yikes. Well. Well, we’ll go back! Go back! Go back! Look at that! What that I don’t understand, there’s so many things going on on the display that is like worth talking about one. I don’t know why this happens, but you’ll notice that here, where we’re supposed to have like a gray background, yeah, it’s doing some dithering, because e-ink you’re, either black or you’re not or you have to find sub pixels that don’t exist on this monitor to make gray. So you just use actual pixels, meaning that your text is not necessarily going to be that sharp, unless you tweak your contrast and make sure that there are no Shades of Gray and as you can see, there’s supposed to be text up here. Oh no so you’re saying we found the one scenario where dark mode is not better yeah, it’s substantially worse, it’s way more distracting to have bright ghosting than it is to have dark ghosting.

I can tweak the contrast to make that show up. It’S still not a great experience, terrifying here. Well, let’s go to something that’s more of like an article uh as soon as I scroll it just turns into a mess a readable mess. Oh can I adjust the brightness yeah.

So if you want to adjust, you just hold it, you hold that and you hold the light, and then you press, plus or minus, and the amount of just faffing about with this thing, to get it to look decent in all your different content. I just clear it: you can download software, but it doesn’t offer a ton of benefits. The best one is that you can make a shortcut to clear the display, or you can set it to refresh every 30 seconds, but it’s super distracting because just randomly the whole thing, you’re, like oh, it’s very jarring – we’re experiencing some video, whether we intended to or Not I mean it’s watchable. One thing I want to take a look at is that I think we’re currently in one of the fastest modes.

I think it boots up at the highest refresh rate. No, I put it in text mode. No, that’s not that doesn’t Define your refresh rate. The different modes defines like how it handles contrast. Okay, how do I change the Other M and plus switches you from the five modes? You got fast, you got fast, Plus you got fast, plus plus you got pass plus, plus okay. How many pluses are there there’s four pluses now this is the fastest refresh rate.

Why would I ever turn it off of the fastest refresh rate? While you were complaining about the ghosting right? Oh, I see it’s still comparable. It’S a different kind of awful they’re, both off yeah. This is far more smeary yeah and the contrast is lower and I don’t mean contrast in terms of how the processor in the monitor is taking the input and assigning it to black or white or gray. I mean the actual level of black and the level of white are closer to each other. The contrast ratio – and you can really see it when you look really close on sort of dark colors you can see this is like not filled in yeah right. That’S because the e-ink doesn’t make it to the surface in time for your refresh and it’s much darker, even if the ghosting is absolutely still present, I wasn’t sure how fast fast was, but I think I could literally count it and I think it’s four frames per Second time to review video, I guess everything’s kind of nightmare Irish, I think you’re right. I think it’s about four frames per second, I’m trying to move the mouse around. It’S very challenging to be clear. We didn’t bring this in to hate on it. I was actually very excited to see this technology in a monitor and I think for a certain user.

This is the WORST Monitor Ever...ON PURPOSE!

Even this first generation implementation – and you know who you are you’re, probably going. This video did not kill the Radio Star, though this will like Etch A Sketch away. I’M sure captions are going to be a problem. Playstation logo.

Any text is really distracting, but oh man look at the smears from the headset just following it around. You could mess with the contrast a little bit. Maybe that’ll give it. Oh, my God, yeah that did not improve anything Adam.

Do you? Actually you managed to make it worse substantially worse, good job, okay, yeah yeah right there right there, that’s the spot. You can save a single preset to this monitor so that it will always boot into that one. I don’t know how to change it to that preset once it’s already on, but it will boot to it, which I mean it makes sense. If you go like I’m using this to type my scripts, I need what’s the best way to make word, look good yeah.

I would never have this as my primary monitor, but it has a secondary display. You really can’t have this as a primary monitor, because of just how grayscale works when you have two colors that are different but have the same brightness, they look identical so you’d never know. What’S a clickable link versus what’s just text on a page exactly it can be really frustrating. I was worried about this before and I was right the longer you actually just let it run without doing a refresh the more washed out it ends up.

Looking you can see, it’s gotten pretty hard to look at now I mean I do have to say the viewing angles on it are great. Oh man, I can’t even tell that this web browser isn’t open anymore. That’S rough. They also say that the best way to use this is by setting your desktop wallpaper to be Pure White, so that you don’t have that kind of ghosting.

This is the WORST Monitor Ever...ON PURPOSE!

Look at that gradient. Let’S stop showing what it’s not good at for a bit, though yeah. How about just for word processing, I’m going to put it in text mode, maybe tweak the contrast a little bit. Oh I’m going to slow down the speed a bit too. You definitely need to be a confident typist if you really want to take advantage of the slower ones. Also, the text doesn’t look that good on text mode and find it very frustrating yeah. I mean this is supposedly 3200 by 1800 resolution. That does not look like a 3200 by 1800 display.

I think the issues that text smoothing is done on a sub pixel level, which this doesn’t have. So it’s just getting these really weird signals of brightness and trying to like interpret them. So it makes things really grainy, whereas when you have something like on your Kindle, where it’s a dedicated OS, it knows it’s one to one, no sub pixels things just look smoother an obvious solution would be to adjust clear type, just turn it off. That’S only going to work in the programs that use Clear type.

This is the Kindle scribe and look how much better that grayscale looks. I can erase this and it refreshed it. Oh it refreshes like part of it. If that’s all, it needs yeah if it needs more, it’s like no! No, I need more I’ll.

Do the whole thing. Why doesn’t this do that? It’S receiving the video signal, because dasung probably doesn’t have the same r d budget as Amazon. You know what for just typing, though, it’s really easy on the eyes like it really is, though I would never want to use even the front light. I would just want to have a comfortable amount of ambient light in my room and just oh, we haven’t even played video games on it. I can’t even ah see dark steam adjust your contrast. Can it run crisis yeah for mode I’m kind of feeling, video mode? The empty overlays, just yeah I’ll, be your clear guy.

You just you just yelled clear whenever you want it and I’ll press the button. Okay, this is a good solution. Clear! Oh look at that clean, uh, Claire, clean, clear, wait! Can’T we skip this intro, probably not! It’S 2006.. No, it seems like it’s a good time to talk about the letter that that song includes with the monitor, ooh a letter yeah.

We know that eating products have distinct disadvantages, but they also have advantages and, as long as you understand the shortcomings, those can be worthwhile depending on your use case, which honestly, I think I agree with that – makes me very excited about what they have coming in the Future they’re going to release a color e-ink version of this monitor, so we could be looking at a product from them again very very soon, one that I am way more excited about yeah having the color will solve. So many contrast issues make things a lot easier to see. It has the potential to make a huge difference. Uh it’s night time in this part of the game. Isn’T it if you give the positives that they bring up on their website? I want to contest some of their claims as they’re a bit spurious. They claim things like it’s good for people with myopia, which is nearsightedness.

There is no benefit to using an e-ink monitor if you’re nearsighted. They also claim that it’s good for digital eye strain, but there’s no conclusive evidence that the ink will help the issue of digital eye strain comes from not refocusing your eyes and staring at the same thing for a long long time. E-Ink doesn’t change that. It’S still a monitor, it’s still not very far away. Your eyes are still going to get strained, but a big part of the strain is a the lack of focusing and B that people forget to Blink as much and then your eyes aren’t lubricated and they dry out. If you do have digital eye strain, you should try and follow the 20 20 20 rule, which is every 20 minutes, take 20 seconds to look at something. That’S 20 feet away. That way you let your eyes refocus. You work out some of the extra muscles for focusing your eyes. It’Ll help a lot.

How about you work out the muscle for clearing the display, so I can see what the heck I’m doing here. I don’t think it helped. No, it really didn’t the only thing complicating this matter is the cost it’s uh. Two thousand dollars seems like a value to me right, um there, okay, this is the only setting that works at all. What mode are you in I’m in game mode, fast, plus, plus plus plus, is that four pluses four pluses of fast Claire um? I think I got him wow keeper.

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If you enjoyed this video – and you want to talk more about text Clarity, we discussed that a fair bit in our video on the Odyssey G7. Why? Why did we focus on that so much uh qdo that has color fringing? Ah, that’s right! .