This is the retro keyboard of the future!

This is the retro keyboard of the future!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “This is the retro keyboard of the future!”.
Almost a year ago, we asked iconics if we could check out a few of their keyboards, and you know what it took a while, but at long last they have arrived. The iconics zx75 is here. We got two of them uh. I also don’t know if I’m pronouncing iconic’s right kind of sounds like Articuno to me. Take that as you will this one says dark side on it, so it’s probably black or dark blue and it is indeed the Black Version. As you can see here, uh. It’S a TTC Ace key switch. I am not familiar with them uh, but it looks nice and it’s got RGB and this one is uh. Oh, it’s green, very cool. This one’s also got a TTC gold pink looks very pretty. I’M actually really excited for this um. It’S a plastic board and it’s got a bit of a hefty price tag that we’ll get into later, but I think the design is really cool and also it’s wireless. So if you need a wireless keyboard, you’re just gon na end up paying more money.

Zx75. What’S in here, a little envelope with some quick start stuff, it’s mostly in what looks like simplified Chinese, but I am not sure. Oh, the back is English.

This is the retro keyboard of the future!

Okay, that’s cool! Uh, yeah cool! It’S just got a bunch of like indicator, light status Stuff how to do with the wireless things you can do 2.4, gigahertz or Bluetooth, which is very handy uh. If you’re doing the 2.4 gigahertz, it stays at the 1000 Hertz polling rate that you’ll get. If you plug it in directly, but if you do Bluetooth, it’s down to 125., totally fine for like typing, but you probably don’t want a game on this thing.

If it’s in Bluetooth, let’s take a look at it. It’S got some cool keycaps on it that I can see through this little plastic case. This is a really tight fit though they could have gone with a slightly larger, slightly larger plastic sleeve.

Oh underneath actually yeah. Sorry I mean you guys, can see this here, but I’m going to check out. What’S underneath we got a cable like other keyboards we’ve checked out, it doesn’t have a sleeve cable, it’s just a regular old USBC to a could be a little nicer. I know that this guy is more expensive than some of the other boards. We’Ve looked at so you know higher expectations, but that’s all right.

This is the retro keyboard of the future!

We’Ve also got a bunch of extra keycaps a little option. Oh, it’s the Mac, stuff, okay, so this one is also another Mac, uh easily adjusted to Mac keyboard. I don’t use Apple products, it’s not for me, but I like that. There’S an option for people.

This is the retro keyboard of the future!

We’Ve also got a switch puller and a keycap puller. We’Ve also got the USB dongle, ah get out of there, dongle, as if you want to do Bluetooth, it’s USB a to c uh. So if you only have C ports, which is great for a lot of laptops, you can still use this and then, on top of that, we’ve got this little.

Oh, it’s a brush. What okay? I have not had a keyboard come with a brush, yet they get extra points for this. This is awesome.

I would love a little brush to just like wipe the cat, hair and stuff off of my keyboard and out from the keycaps. I want to keep this. I don’t care.

We’Ve got two of these, I’m putting this one in my pocket before I leave now the keyboard. This thing is actually surprisingly Hefty for a plastic case. Uh.

Let’S give it away actually before I do anything else, 1.15 kilograms. So that’s not super Hefty uh about not quite three pounds. It’S pretty cool, though, and actually really do like it. It’S really grippy on the bottom. Here it’s a textured plastic and it’s all see-through as well. Oh, it’s just super cool uh. I think my only complaint so far I haven’t even typed on this or anything, so I don’t know how it feels. But my only complaint is that, especially with it being see-through, it would have been really nice to have like a silicone layer or something on the bottom or some foam.

I’Ve got for reference, I’ve got a portico 75 and that one is a similar plastic case like this, but it comes with a big silicone pad on the very bottom that really helps deaden the sound so we’ll see how this one is. I’M going to open the black one and take a look at that just to take a quick look, see I’m so excited. I’Ve actually been waiting for these for, like a pretty long time. They caught my eye on their website and you know I just thought they look.

Neat they’ve got this really kind of retro design. I don’t know if this is an actual speaker or not, but it looks like a little speaker Port that it’s got a plastic knob on it nice and tactile. I like the sound of it too. Oh these switches feel good too.

These are just linear. Spacebar could sound a little better, it’s a little Hollow, but overall I actually really like how it sounds and you’re getting 81 Keys. It’S basically it’s a 75, so you’re getting your fro still, which is really nice for a lot of people and then like delete, insert home end and then some arrow keys. Let’S check out the green one, though, because what I’m really excited about is these keycaps they’ve got this really cool Camp life. Keycap set. It’S got Camp life there.

You know it’s like a moon, it’s all green there’s, a little Camp symbol up there, west east, north and south directional buttons, that’s great, and then they’ve got really cute um optional keycaps for the side here for like delete and insert and and whatnot, they got a Little campfire and a backpack and a tent, and then I guess, a compass or something I don’t know. I just think it’s a cute keycap set, I kind of want this too. I oh. I like these switches more. The spacebar could be improved on this one as well. I don’t know anything about the stabilizers in here they’re, I’m not sure if they’re clip-on or screw in – and I can’t quite see them so they might be clip on if I’m wrong.

I’M sorry it’s just really hard to see through this board either way they sound pretty good. These are definitely better than a lot of like manufacturers that you get like Corsair or Logitech, or something and the spacebar can be improved. It’S not rattly. It’S just a little Hollow, so you can put some foam in there or something and it would really bump it up. Oh one, other really interesting thing to talk about is that these are KDA profile, keycaps, which I’m really not familiar with at all. I’Ve never typed on KDA I like sa, I like SDA, I like XDA, but yeah. I’Ve never tried, KDA and I’m not sure just kind of looks like a slightly lower version of sa. I’M not I’m not sure. Don’T quote me on that, but it looks cool and you know what yeah it feels, okay to type on kind of digging it one pretty cool thing that I just noticed is the knob is like this is Beefy. I don’t.

The push down is just crazy. I’Ve! Never had this tactile of a push down on a knob before and I’m kind of digging it. I like how it’s really hollowed out in the center too, like you’re, not gon, na miss that bam. I’M doing it then, on the back of the board, we’ve got adjustable feet whoa. Those are just magnets. Okay, so do you like reverse these or something? How do these work? Okay, so they’re just like magnets that go in like this normally to store it away or whatever or to have it flat, and then, if you want a little bit more of an angle, you flip them backwards and they’ve got the feet there.

How well does it stay, actually stays? Okay, it’s not great because it’s plastic on plastic and it’s mostly using the magnet to hold it in place. There’S definitely like some slippage on the right here and it’s not the keyboard. Slipping on the mat. It’S the feet.

Slipping in the receptacle that they’ve got so I don’t know. Beware of that. If you want a higher typing angle, then this might not be for you what else. It’S got a 6 000 milliamp hour battery for all the wireless charging that you want looks like there’s two of them one here one here and then it’s got an on off switch right here between cabled and wireless other than that it looks pretty standard really easy To take apart, it looks like you just take apart a bunch of screws here and here and here lift the top off, maybe take a few more off of the PCB and plate and whatnot, and then it’ll come up right apart yeah, I guess that’s my only Complaint so far is that I really wish they’d done anything on the bottom. Just like a silicone layer, or I mean you could tape it yourself and it would probably fix it, but that’s okay! I’M gon na plug this guy in I’m gon na test it out.

I really wish this thing came with a green cable. It really would have amped it up uh, but we’re not gon na check it out before we talk about our sponsor secret lab thanks to secret lab for sponsoring. Today’S video secret lab chairs are engineered to keep you incredibly comfortable for long hours at work and play their new Titan Evo 2022. Chair keeps you feeling comfortable for longer. Four-Way lumbar support, Ultra comfortable line of different seat material and more all chairs, come with up to a five year, extended warranty and a 49 day return policy head to the link in the description and check out secret lab.

Today, oh yeah, I didn’t use the brush yo, that’s it! That’S all you need it for you just got to get in those cracks and crevices brush off your keyboard. You know I’ll be anyone’s, probably laughing at this right now, but honestly for any pet owners. Um or someone working in like a Dusty environment, I don’t know why it would be dusty, but maybe it is. This is great. I would absolutely just brush my keyboard down once a week or something if I had something like this.

I was not kidding when I said I’m gon na try to steal it, wow look at that. It’S see-through and you can just barely see the RGB lights. On the back of this thing, cool uh on the front, it actually looks pretty good.

I, like the shine through on the sides and in between these, are not uh double shot PBT but uh. They are using like a hundred percent PBT, so they feel pretty good. Oh, it doesn’t say double shot on them. The keycaps that we’ve got on the black one are double shot PBT.

These are dye sublimated and it still looks pretty good. I actually really like the feeling of it, both the quality of the keycap material, as well as the uh KDA. Oh I just realized.

Kda is like kill, death’s, assist and cool all right, sweet that doesn’t really matter, but just neat um. I got type on it now. You know, as I like to do.

I like I do like this board. I don’t know if I’d pay the price for it, but I like it a lot, especially the camping, Motif and, like the whole, like green, aesthetic, that it’s going for. I really dig it. Okay, let’s go! Oh, I screwed this up already. Okay, I’m keeping this one. I get one Mulligan, oh no! This is bad.

99. 95. I screw it up a bunch of times. It’S not the keyboard’s fault.

I actually really like it. I am a big fan. Honestly. I still don’t know what’s up with this little area here, I’m not sure it just looks it’s just aesthetic.

I think it looks neat. Even if it’s not actually a speaker. I think it really fits this whole thing.

I don’t know if I want see-through to be perfectly honest. I actually really do like the whole see-through thing and I’m kind of upset that it doesn’t happen more frequently, but I I think, with the solid green on the keycaps, I would actually prefer a solid green plastic shell for this thing. Otherwise, though it’s great, I I like the look of it, I, like the feel I like the typing experience, it’s pretty stiff and sturdy for plastic. So obviously, you know you’re not getting a CNC aluminum shell, which can contribute to a lot of the cost of a board, we’re going to take a look at the black one too. Just to see if you know it’s just the green.

That kind of has me turned off on the transparency or not actually yeah. I I honestly it’s just the fact that it’s green, I, which is crazy, because I like colored like old Gaming, stuff too um, it’s just the RGB, is train. I absolutely do like the black one as transparent, maybe because it’s a darker transparency, so you can still see through but like especially on the back here with all these lights lit up. That looks pretty cool. I don’t know the green I just I wish it was solid. I can’t even really explain why I just that’s what I would prefer in this scenario. Yeah, the black one see-through looks great, feels great super, pretty I’m going back to the green one, though, because that’s the one I want it comes down to price, if you’re not paying for CNC aluminum, then how much is molded plastic worth to you? This guy is 215 dollars for the RGB version and then, if you want the unlit non-rgb one it’s 195., so you can save a bit of money, but I mean honestly, I think 20 bucks is worth the RGB, it’s it’s good and I like it and I’ve Paid about two hundred dollars for plastic boards, I’m pretty torn. I think that if you don’t have anything yet and you need something Wireless like that’s the big thing is I I don’t need Wireless. I will almost never need Wireless. That’S just not me.

I try to plug stuff in and there’s a big value in this board in the fact that it has a big battery and it’s got Wireless capabilities, both both Bluetooth and uh, 2.4 gig. So I don’t know, I don’t think it’s worth it to me personally, but I think if you’re looking for a really cool looking board, something that looks kind of retro uh, maybe something with the cool camping, uh keycaps like these are sick. If you’re really want KDA, then maybe you’re going to have to get one of these if they had a cheaper version that was only wired.

I would probably jump on this thing honestly just to have it in my collection. That’S the iconics! Zx75! If you want one, I mean, I hope, they’re still in stock, we’re going to have them linked below took forever for us to get ours. Unfortunately, this is a short circuit.

If you want to watch another short circuit, maybe check out The Cooler Master Video. We got a Cooler Master board, it’s got hot, swap in it. How cool is that? That’S pretty cool .