This is the one. eufyCam 3

This is the one. eufyCam 3

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “This is the one. eufyCam 3”.
Thanks UV security for sponsoring this video, so there are three things in this world that I take extremely seriously I’ll. Let you guess what one and two are, but three is security not only of like my stuff, but most importantly of my family and one of the best investments to make is in a home security system. Uh these days, home security Market has changed dramatically used to be. You had to buy an entire system from some corporate sales person uh. But now you can pick and choose the products that you want.

This is the one. eufyCam 3

What provider you like best and yuffie is actually one of the top contenders in that space and uv’s been on a dare recently making a ton of new and Innovative Smart Home Products, and I think the new Edge security products are their best yet. But before I get to all of that, I do want to just give a giant. Thank you to you guys for being awesome for supporting me uh for years and generally just being good humans see if he has a chance to win 500 bucks anywhere in the world. You are located I’ll.

This is the one. eufyCam 3

Send you a gift card of your choice. Leave a comment down below. Let me know what you would do with your yuffie Edge system But be sure to leave your social handle in the comments. So I can contact you if you win. Otherwise I cannot contact you. I’Ve had a ton of people who have won, but I couldn’t reach out to them running for 10 days of all the information you need will be in the description, Isaiah, intense, intense box.

This is the one. eufyCam 3

I want to use this for afterwards, but got some use, let’s see. What’S in it, so I’ve actually been using ufe security cameras outside, for I think about two years we had a string of burglaries in my community, so I installed them to keep track of everything. People were actually coming in through the side yards, so I put one in front of my house, then one uh in my side of yard. So I know this setup really well, but obviously this is a new camera’s new Evolution of what up is doing. What I don’t have, though, is a lock with a 2K resolution and a fingerprint Rebellion which is pretty cool. So, let’s see what this guy looks like all right, so it’s actually really nice.

Looking lock um! This obviously goes on the inside the outside part, solid. So a doorbell built-in keypad for your code, there’s a 2K camera and fingerprint sensor built right in on top I’ve installed a lot of um locks. These sometimes seem complicated, they’re, usually really easy to install and it’ll recharge via USB type c, which is really nice too, and obviously mounting. Hardware and stuff is in the box. So I’m taking a look at the main stuff.

So this is the updated version of essentially what I have so on mine. I’Ve got the cameras, but I’ve got a separate solar adapter. I had to buy separately, these come together and the solar is actually built right into the cameras which is uh a pretty cool way to do it.

So, let’s open this up 4K resolution on these things too, which is awesome, two-way, audio, incidentifications, human recognition, even vehicle detection. So a lot of AI happening here behind the scenes and obviously you can use it with iOS or Android as well, so the camera the design, looks familiar but again, what’s new, the solar panel is integrated right in it’s a really cool way to do it all Right so next we got the video doorbell dual open this guy up here uh. This does more than just notify you of things too stutter a lot of stuff in here. So 2K resolution.

I think again, is the big one here. So you can see what it looks like it’s relatively simple and easy to set up a mount uh big camera 2K resolution next story. Here, two cameras: you got the big one 2K resolution and then the one facing down to keep track of packages cool too. Also, if you want to put them up, let people know that you are monitored by you feed the video doorbell dual has an awesome feature built in it’s called delivery guard uses the second camera to detect a package that is delivered.

So not only do you have a camera to see the person. Second one points down. I think that’s honestly, really cool someone who’s. That package is stolen uh.

It also has the same smart doorbell features that can’t even come to expect from most smart doorbells. Similarly, though, the video Smart Lock has some really great features, so, first, it’s a lock and it has a deadbolt and a code. You can enter and open it, but also has a fingerprint scanner built in that can detect your finger in 0.3 seconds. So it opens crazy fast.

It also has a 2K camera built in and doorbell functionality. This would be an awesome option for somebody who can install a doorbell on its own or you just don’t need both. So now we get to the U cam 3, and I think that this is where kind of the the fun begins. So inside you get two cameras that you can mount absolutely anywhere you want.

Well, I guess you could use these indoors. They’Re meant to be mounted outside to protect your domain, so these are 4K cameras which you don’t generally see uh often in the security camera space. It also has an F, 1.4 apertures, even in low light, you’ll get really clear images. Most importantly, the resolution means you ever have to check footage.

Get information from it. It’Ll be clear and easy to evaluate. We had a burglary about six months ago on my street, and I saw a car go past on one of my security cameras. The police came by and ask to see the footage because they can see the camera and I was unable to zoom in enough to see the license plate.

Clearly, it was really unfortunate. This would have taken care of that problem. A camera that high resolution sounds crazy and sounds unnecessary Until you realize that what you might want to see is in a very far off space, maybe a person running past your house or a car speeding away. You can get really granular details.

You could see even the person’s face inside of that car. It’S something, I think, is really important resolution matters for a lot of things. I think when it comes to security uh, it could potentially matter more than most well.

My favorite parts of this camera setup, though, is integrated. Solar charging so inside there’s a 13 400 milliamp hour battery, which is gigantic I’d, also recharge in two hours using the Sun. So once it’s mounted that’s pretty much it you don’t have to go out and every month change the batteries or plug it in or run cables through walls uh. It’S a really elegant solution, it’s pretty small and Compact and it works beautifully. The camera themselves are great.

If he’s been making cameras for years, but I think where the real magic happens, though, is with the home base 3.. So the crazy thing about this base station. First of all, it’s really small, but this top part comes off. It’S magnetized down. You’Ve got your used. Replaceable hard driving here and it comes with 16 terabytes of storage, all stored local Lee with military-grade encryption. That’S nuts really easy to install a new driver, literally just one screw and pull they made. It super simple and that’s the theme about this whole setup, simple and Powerful, see if he’s making new products all the time they currently have 15 on the mark that are available to buy that will tie into the home base three and actually there’ll be a bunch More available by end of q1 2023, so you can have security wherever you need it.

They have a ton of different types of cameras. They have doorbells motion, sensors flood lights, smart locks, all these products will tie in give you the ultimate home security system. I know home security is not something a lot of people like to think about, but something that you are very aware that you don’t have after you need it. Something that I think is an investment in your personal safety investment in the safety of those around you, especially your neighbors, and also investment.

The safety of the people inside of your house yuffie is a trusted name with a really solid reputation. I think that is really important when it comes to protecting things. You love the most .