THIS is the highest voted Setup? Really?

THIS is the highest voted Setup? Really?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “THIS is the highest voted Setup? Really?”.
I’Ll be reacting to more alltime best setups from the RIT battle station, so sit back and relax and let’s get into it. I do want to take a moment and thank War Thunder for sponsoring today’s video. Do you guys prefer battling with a plane, a tank or a battleship? Well with War Thunder, you can do all three with over 2,000 tanks, planes, helicopters and ships to choose from you will never get bored with these high adrenaline Dynamic, PVP battles. The game is very addictive, with Incredible graphics and extremely detailed vehicles that have been modeled down to their individual components, offering full immersion into the combat experience at 4K resolution. It’S also free to play on Playstation, Xbox and PC. What I love about the game is also what sets it apart from other war games, and that is, there are no General hit points. Vehicles suffer actual damage to their components and crew.

THIS is the highest voted Setup? Really?

Instead, This is shown through a damage x-ray. This shows exactly what has happened to you or your enemy’s vehicle as it gets hit or destroyed. You guys are going to absolutely love this game, so download it now for the Playstation, Xbox or PC, using my link down below and if you’re a new player or you haven’t played for at least 6 months. You can claim a large bonus pack.

The large Bonus Pack includes multiple premium Vehicles, a premium account an exclusive 3D decorator for your vehicle and much more, but it’s only for a limited time. Okay, I’m pretty sure I reacted to another version of the setup before, but this looks like an updated one, so we got a closet set up, TIE fighter, monitor layout and the PC is water cooled in the corner, but check this out? If you look closely, you can see this pillar that he custom made with six exhaust fans. So it’s going to help exhaust all the hotter out towards the left side, which doesn’t really go anywhere. I guess it’s going to bounce off the wall and Escape into the room, but at least this way the PC is going to stay cool.

The cable management everywhere else looks fantastic. I wish I could see more underneath the desk, but um I’m going to assume that it’s spectacular, oh here it is the the the setup we just reacted to. So this is the older version, but somehow it’s got more votes than the more updated version which makes no sense soft tubing custom Loops. This is a much better angle, because now I can see the cable management and just as I expected it’s Flawless, oh, this looks badass, I’m loving the theme Here. Anybody who’s into cars probably would like this setup as well. It’S it’s so Tastefully done and decorated like I can stare at it all day.

THIS is the highest voted Setup? Really?

We got a 42-in monitor as a primary in the middle sandwich by two 23in displays in vertical mode. Wireless profs high-end speakers with uh, looks like acoustic panels on the side and two PCS powering this entire setup. This guy definitely knows what he’s doing he’s not here to mess around okay, I’m going to feature this one because it’s got a Tech Source mouse pad in here so uh. Thank you Char good for your support.

Honestly, the setup is worthy enough to get featured anyways. We got dual stack moniters, the top one is flipped upside down to minimize bezels. You love to see it. We got two speakers in the sides sitting on a monzer and beautiful symmetry. Throughout I mean we got wood shelves for some decoration and vines on both sides. Very, very beautiful you know this is making me realize where the influx of cells are coming from, sometimes like once every other week or so we’ll get like a massive surge of cells, we’re talking like 20 to 30 mouse pads in a day, and now it’s all Making sense it’s all coming from Reddit, this one’s very, very cool, I love what he did with the um, the Glide bar it’s the first time. I’Ve seen that that’s very creative I’ll give you that that’s a pretty sick mon layout, I’m not going to lie dual Ultra rides with 27 in in vertical modes, but I do see something very bizarre. Do you have one exhaust fan on top and one intake flipped on the bottom of your PC? I’Ve never seen that before that’s interesting yeah, it is that’s, that’s you have an exhaust on top and you have an intake on the bottom. What I’m curious, what your thermals are in your your PC? Okay, I clicked on the setup just so I can find out what mug holder this guy’s using check this out. Is that not the coolest mug holder, you’ve ever seen that has to be custom made someone’s got to be talking about this there? It is 3D printed. Oh, no, my dreams just shattered my dreams. I don’t have a 3D printer big sad now.

This is an actual closet battle station. That’S a pretty big closet! If you ask me, there’s definitely a lot of room for activities here, he’s able to fit a desk with a giant, monitor and he’s got space on the left for a fridge. That’S a pretty cool closet setup not going to lie.

You can always tell if the person is married if they have a closet battle station. I’M going to give you guys some advice based on what I’ve been seeing this past year or so. If you’re, really interested in doing a wood, themed setup consider painting your wall black, it is the best color that compliments the wood accents white does not do it. Justice, I mean it will still look nice. Don’T get me wrong, but I feel like black is where it’s at take a look at this setup.

For example, I mean the black gives so much contrast that it makes the wood accents pop. Even more include a few green plants here and there to add a bit of color and boom. You got yourself a masterpiece. What is this? What is that painting? Oh I have so many questions.

THIS is the highest voted Setup? Really?

I have so many questions with this setup build my own desk and finally, a huge PC upgrade. That’S not the only thing that’s huge stay down now is not the time we’re in the middle of a video, My First Impressions with this setup. As I’m sure, a lot of you might have the same exact Impressions is: how do they get a person on the photocopier number one number two: how are those brackets holding up the desk? Those do not look like triangle brackets. They look like L brackets. I don’t know how effective that is, it’s actually giving me a bit of anxiety, but seeing as how there aren’t that many things on the desk, I want to say say you know I want to. I want to hope hope is a better word. I want to hope that the table doesn’t collapse over time, but what scares me the most is the PC shelf. Look how close it is to the ground. There is no way he can fit an actual triangle bracket so like what on Earth is holding the Shelf against the wall, I’m more worried about the PC collapsing than I am with the actual desk, but honestly, all things considered.

I think this is this. Is Art like this is this? Is the epitome of Art combined with a setup if it wasn’t for that painting I’ll, be like okay cool, it’s another floating that setup, but that art is what makes this setup so unique and interesting to look at. I really hope those are girl cheeks by the way.

You know this, give me a pretty good idea. I’M curious, if my wife will. Let me do something like this and have a painting of her butt hanging. Next to my setup, let me uh. Let me just ask her real quick see what she says: FaceTime her, I’m afraid, hey babe. How are you um? Can I ask you a question? Yes, anyways uh.

I saw this really cool painting in one of the setups. I want to know if, if I can do the same thing for you, let me show you just have an open mind: okay, okay, you can. I paint you like that and hang you on the wall. Do you see the picture yeah? Do you like it or is it’s a nice, beautiful painting, but look it’s hanging in the it’s hanging on the wall next to the setup.

I want to do the same thing with you. Do you do you like the idea? Do you want to do that? No, no, why not I’ll lock the door? No, no okay was wor the shot. I really like this setup. Actually, it’s simple: it’s clean, there’s, just something about White theme, setups that Harden my groin, and this is one of them. This one’s actually pretty cool but reach ing the PC on the top shelf.

There sounds like it’s going to be a pain. Hopefully you don’t have to do any upgrades anytime soon, there’s barely enough space on the top to let some hot air Escape. I mean.

That’S. That’S a little too close to the ceiling for my taste, but I love wait a minute. No, this this setup looks familiar. This setup looks very familiar.

I’M pretty sure I reacted to this in a previous episode, yeah yeah, I remember the desk. The desk was custom made, it’s got two layers, one’s the headboard with a shelf and then the tabletop with the bottom headboard, it’s two pieces. I remember this setup, yeah yeah this was 8 months ago. So I’m guessing this is the older one or the newer one. I can’t tell but yeah I remember the setup.

My boy saer is back again, I don’t know which version of the setup this is he’s been featured on setup for so many times. I lost count and I think he has a new color scheme as well. He ditched the black and yellow one but um he did take home the seal.

If I’m not mistaken um. On the last time he was on setup board easily one of the best, if not the best black and yellow setup. I have seen in my entire life, this setup looks so freaking good in so many different ways.

I don’t know what it is there there’s nothing really specific about this, one that just stood out to me, but it looks so nice. It looks so well put together that looks like the Asus Ikea collab pegboard, if I’m not mistaken, he’s got that mounted on the center wall, with a katana right in the middle Ultra rde, with a smaller display right underneath it two speakers on both sides. I mean it’s so well thought out.

I love it. We got an Alex unit for the PC on the right side and guess what another black wall to complement the uh the wood accents. Oh actually looks like the martyr’s skinned. Oh, he skinned it in wood.

That’S clever very nice. I’Ve never seen that I’ve seen people skin it in white and different colors, but wood is the first time, definitely not everyone’s cup of tea with the RGB, but it’s mine, and I love it. I don’t know why people people always do that. They’Re like well, this is definitely not everyone’s taste, but I love it.

It’S that you shouldn’t care what anyone has to say about your setup or what everyone thinks if you love RGB, go for it, stop trying to gain everyone’s approval, like at the end of the day, you’re building something that brings you happiness. That makes you happy end of the day, so never start a sentence with okay. Well, it’s definitely not everyone’s cup of tea, but I like it. It’S mine. You shouldn’t care what anyone has to say. Honestly, oh my God, it’s so pink! It’S so pink! I’M just kidding, but man I have never seen a more pink room than this boys and girls.

Literally everything in this room is pink. Oh, you know what no the desk is white, but there’s so much pink light that it it converted into pink. Essentially, it took me 2 years to put this all together, so I’m very happy to share my safe space with you. This is violently L pink violently is a good word.

Aggressive is a good word, but hey again, this is your setup. It Makes You Happy by all means: go for it. It’S just very interesting. I’Ve never seen um this this much pink in a setup.

I’Ve seen Pink theme setups, but I feel like this is this is the top for me. Oh look who we got here. Folks, a recent seal wiener for Seal Seal winner seal winner seal winner, I’m losing my voice. It’S getting late.

All right, guys cut me some slack but yeah. This is Adam setup, AKA Tai, Mr tybox 123. He took home the 47th or eighth or ninth seal of approval. I can’t remember yeah, always a treat seeing the setup pop up on my feet. Ladies and gents, we found Jeffrey dmer battle station at last. That was a terrible joke. My vintage basement station – I mean you, didn’t, have to tell us it was in the basement. It’S it’s pretty much a given my dude over.

There hasn’t seen sunlight in ages and he seems very malnourished. Have you been feeding him? I’M pretty sure. My third grade, math teacher, had the exact same desk and the exact same color too. 8.1K votes, not bad.

I mean, let’s be real you’re, either solving murders here or you’re planning on them. I built a space. I never want to leave so first off I I love that he made great use of space in his garage. But personally for me, I can’t do garage setups the main reason because of the smell right doesn’t the tire smell get to him the engine or engine oil? If it drips on the floor, like you have to have a really good air filter system to be able to tolerate the stench of your vehicle, but that’s just me right like can you guys do that? Can you build a setup in your garage? That’S always so interesting to me.

I’M curious if there’s even a scent to begin with, and it’s not even the smell too, but I’m sure there’s a way. This affects your health as well right, but aside from that I mean the setup itself looks freaking spectacular. I love the desk.

I don’t know what desk that is. It looks like it’s custom made, but it looks very sci-fi and futuristic and modern all. At the same time, we got a 43in TV, that’s sandwiched by high-end speakers. Some wall shelves in the corner for decoration and a random caror – that’s just chilling over here very cool 10 points to anyone who names the car.

In the comment section, I have no clue what this is and I don’t want to look in the comment section of the post to find out. But let me know if you guys can tell what car this is based on the hood. Let me make a guess: actually, I’m going to say a beamer, no a beamer doesn’t have a hood like that.

No, I don’t know, can it be a Viper, I’m so terrible when it comes to cars? Clearly I’ll leave that to the car guys watching this video? Oh and we made it to the top the highest voted setup of 2023. Ladies and gents 44,000 up votes. My mom is here and needed to use a computer for her weekly book club Zoom. I don’t think I’m getting it back. This got 44,000 votes. Let me be clear: this is still miles better than the oldtime setup that we’ve seen in the freaking truck okay. This one has a bit of wholesome Vibes to it. Who is that in the mirror? Is that the person who’s taking the picture? No, the angle doesn’t make sense.

I mean this one’s cute. What can I ah my fingers? I mean sure this one’s cute, I guess he’s letting his mom use the PC for her weekly book club on Zoom. It looks like I didn’t even know. That was a thing to be honest.

Why I just get her a laptop, she does seem excited, though I mean very enthusiastic. Can we talk about the setup, though I mean it’s? Not bad cables could definitely use some Tiding up. Some of the gear could be organized a little better. There’S like a random pen over here, a remote on top of the PC, but I mean all in all: it’s yeah. It’S not bad. I don’t know why this is number one for this entire year, but hey this is redddit after all, and that will do it for today’s video. I do have a few more coming up so make sure you guys are subscribed with notifications on. If you don’t want to miss out, thank you so much for watching and I’ll see you very soon in the next one.

Also, another quick reminder to download War Thunder by using my link down below, to claim a large Bonus Pack if you’re new to the game or you haven’t, played in at least 6 months. .