This Is The Car Of The Future…

This Is The Car Of The Future...

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “This Is The Car Of The Future…”.
So today we’re downstairs because I’ve got something big to show you and it’s unusual for the channel. To be honest, so follow me here and take notice. Look at the symbol on the hood. Look at Willie do on the couch this. My friends is the model 3 performance edition from Tesla. It’S here in the studio ready to be unboxed, I mean it’s, not a box milady, it’s Tesla right there. You see the shape. Now I haven’t seen this vehicle, yet the only person to see this vehicle was Willie dude, because I wanted it to be the real true first impression: that’s what I do so without further delay. Let’S peel off the cover and check this thing out. Well, is this gon na blow my mind or what man, oh yeah, oh boy, woo Wow, looks so futuristic just right away. You can just tell how futuristic it is. You know, though, in cakes there, it’s just futuristic kind of front end. What do we got LEDs up in here? Uh-Huh, the roof is crazy glass extending essentially the whole way. Now this is the performance edition dual motor, so we got the spoiler over here as well. Carbon fiber, that’s nice! These ones are the performance wheels with the brake calipers.

That’S how you know performance when you see the red calipers yeah, the exterior touches that are gon na give away the fact you had the dual motor version. You got. The extra little boom hit the old pedal, not a gas pedal, not a gas pedal. It’S so simple inside spaceship vibes outside inside. It’S got the self-driving. You get a trunk in this thing or what two chunks actually yeah.

This Is The Car Of The Future...

So here’s number one. Oh that’s pretty significant. That’S a decent sized bin to go with a decent sized trunk now well, weren’t! You telling me that this thing, the only one of this version in the country right now pretty much yeah pretty much, I’m believe it uh a little second one driving it unbelievable. We got the white vegan leather gluten free gluten free, so you can see on the app we have range on the battery and you can see it also showcases the fact that the trunk is opened up.

Oh that’s light. So a little bit more storage up here. In the front as well, okay, let me get in the driver’s seat.

You tap here and then all the music is on right away. Whoo, that’s a comfy seat. It starts to feel to me, like I kind of need one of these, I’m starting to think I might be because you should sorry to think that maybe we look at the display I mean holy like of course, Tesla’s have been around for a while. He had the Model S, but the layout in there was kind of more like what you were used to seeing in a sedan now this time around. What is a smart phone on wheels? That’S fast.

What is that like this right here is probably the closest name. He’S got to be the closest thing on the road right now, so what that is, the interaction here is bananas like it’s so responsive, is reading the street signs your vehicle represented here, as well as the obstacles and obstructions that get in the way of it got This awesome spot to put your actual smartphone, I mean this thing is thinking it’s living its breathing, it’s smart! It feels smart when you’re in the fog lights that turned on to today, they just came on in there now, of course, since this is the performance Edition you have this part, oh dude, it’s like a rollercoaster, the steering wheel. I really like it. It’S kind of a little bit fatter.

I also like that. It’S not overly busy, I mean that’s another thing about this vehicle is, it doesn’t seem like there are things that are unnecessary anywhere, because everything leads back to this display. There’S no clunking around it’s just just you know it’s just you can dial in the airflow on the chin cool the beard no issue. This is a very easy car to drive. Everything is mapped out well, where you want it to be you’re, not looking at anything that you won’t use super quick, very snappy, no transmission, it’s just instantaneous and so far everyone that I’ve shown the acceleration to has the exact same reaction. I’M sure you’ve seen these reaction videos, I’m testing out the navigation here, because I’m taking a trip to a supercharger.

This Is The Car Of The Future...

This will be my first supercharger experience. This model that I’m in has around 500 kilometers of range or just over 300 miles of range. We can do the auto pilot.

This Is The Car Of The Future...

Is it autopilot, I’m top it twice? Oh, this is indicated on a display by the blue lines here on the lane. You also see the blue dot on the steering over here. Oh man, that is so weird apply light force to steering okay, wants to make sure I’m nearby the steering wheel, which is good.

I’M not doing anything, though it’s completely driving itself right now. So if I you just indicate over there – oh my goodness it’ll detect that it’s safe and then he’ll turn and then, if I want to go back, go for it! Oh, even with that, guy over there that’s wild come on now come on now, there’s a really sophisticated system. Oh let’s see! Oh oh! Oh! I know that’s not me.

That’S not me! That’S not me! Wow! This guy’s really testing out our autopilot right now in this Corolla up here he sees the model 3 he’s like. Let’S see what it’s about, let’s see if we can slow this man down a little bit. Oh we’re super close 16 of 20 years still available. Just like a regular parking spot, it’s nice man, it’s more friendly than a gas station.

Look at it try to back in! Well, I got it back in. I got it back in open up the charge port. Okay, let’s go check this out. So this supercharger station a lot of stalls here, 20 stalls. What do you think fresh yeah and thankfully, not too busy for us right now? Yeah take this off boom line, her up? That’S it! We go over to Cal C’s.

We have a bite to eat, or here we have a coffee, or I mean we do whatever it’s no big deal right now, we’re just getting juiced up flashing yeah. That means it’s charging mr. Tesla over here, huh, I’m getting good, alright guys, so I got ta. Be honest here, like I don’t own a Model S been driving gasoline-powered cars for a very long time. This car was so highly and hotly anticipated people were buying it sight unseen. It’S like sign me up for the pre-order, the future, not too many knobs and dials autonomous driving for everyone.

What do I think? How do I feel, but it is so hard to compare this car to other luxury brands cuz, it’s so different. It’S about being a part of of progress to a certain degree. It’S it’s about having the vision to be a part of a transition, early you’re, taking part in something ambitious. Is everybody ready for that people like you guys who watch tech videos you guys are all over it because you want to be early and that’s good and when you think about it, if you’re gon na place your bet, why wouldn’t you place it on the innovator? I think the model 3 – you know when I heard about I’m like I don’t know, can they do it, can they deliver. Then I grabbed the steering wheel on this thing and I was like you know what it’s polish. It feels like a finished product.

It’S not gon na be for everyone to be clear if you’re, a real heavy price shopper, you’re looking for absolute value and availability and not going on to a wait list and not outfitting your garage with the charger and so on, if you’re not in. For that whole deal, but I don’t think that’s why people are buying this car anyways at least not people like you that are watching this video. Those of you that are interested that are watching this video you just want to participate in the future. You want to have that smartphone on wheels where you reach for the Google Maps, and it reacts the way that it does. It is the most futuristic car on the road. If you are into the future, then it’s probably for you .