This is NOT what it looks like… – Megalodon Console 64

This is NOT what it looks like... - Megalodon Console 64

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “This is NOT what it looks like… – Megalodon Console 64”.
As a PC Gamer, it can be pretty hard to choose. Do you play with a mouse and keyboard, or do you pick up a controller? Well, today, we’ve got the Megalodon console 64 from Duo. How do you pronounce that doy and d-o-i-o? You can find it on and they’re, currently doing a pre-release sale. It’S going for well, we’ll tell you later, but pretty cool.

It does not come with keycaps and switches. Just so you’re aware we actually put this together beforehand, or rather, Bell did uh. What else do we get, though? Cable is okay, a to c ertainly. What’S the arm span thing, your arms is like how tall you are yeah, I’m like five, six, five, seven on a good day, the it’s think it’s crazy! Sorry, I lost my train of thought. It’S so weird having an actual keyboard that you can hold like a controller. I’Ve been looking at a lot of handhelds recently like the steam deck and the Rog Ally they’re. Definitely not this big, but they’re, also not that much smaller.

This is NOT what it looks like... - Megalodon Console 64

To be perfectly honest and I’ll be frank, I don’t think you’re actually supposed to hold this keyboard like this you’re, the the joystick is joy to Mouse and you can map everything through via which is great, but I’m pretty sure this is not the intended use. The right side is also not a thumbstick, it’s just a knob for anyone who is hoping for an actual controller that you could use, but you do also get four little mini buttons down here. They feel terrible to press. I don’t like those at all. Actually, they don’t even feel like really good face buttons.

This is NOT what it looks like... - Megalodon Console 64

It’S kind of just like a little pogo. Stick, that’s uh sitting up and you can press it down. So I’m not a fan.

I’M not comfortable uh does not feel good to press, but you know you’re not using this like an actual controller, so whatever it’s not the end of the world, this is apparently a little screen that we’ll see once it’s plugged in it just displays a bit of Information, you can change it yourself, which is pretty cool like laughs. We got the red and blue one which looks a lot like a switch. If that wasn’t super obvious to basically everyone watching. It comes in a bunch of other colorways white, yellow soy and pink. Those are all sold out right now. Apparently I don’t know if they’re gon na change stock at some point it’s currently a pre-order and ships July 7th, so maybe you’ll get lucky and they’ll restock if you’re not a big switch fan uh, but for everyone else, yeah should be fine. If you like red and blue, then this is maybe for you. If you haven’t already noticed, this is a 60 keyboard, but it’s got 64 keys and part of the problem is they’ve, really squished it in here and you’ve got a 2u shift and then a 1u shift on this side and, as you can see from our keycap Set that is not included, it doesn’t match, we’ve got our enter Keys, sideways, that’s not supposed to be there at all and then we’re using a Windows key for the 1u, the nice thing, but the one you is, that’s, basically any other keycap you can put literally Whatever you want there, but to you, is kind of a weird size that you don’t see super often and you might need to buy a more expensive keycap set. If you want to make sure everything fits perfectly on here. Gmk sets, for example, tend to ship, with basically every option Under the Sun. Your options from Amazon that are like 30 40 bucks. They might not quite fit so be careful, it might be a 60 keyboard, but it’s definitely longer than average.

This is honestly almost a full-size board in terms of length, at least in ways they advertise about 1300 grams. Let’S see how accurate that is. 1500 wow. This is a heavy board. Oh it’s probably 1300. Without the keycaps and switches and everything.

This is NOT what it looks like... - Megalodon Console 64

But then you add switches. Keycaps and it’ll add probably a couple hundred grams, so that actually sounds about right. It normally has a 5.5 degree typing angle, which is pretty okay for most people. You might want to wrist rest just because of how tall the whole keyboard is actually um. I don’t know why it’s this tall, the case is a little excessive. It’S acrylic and aluminum, mostly acrylic and plastic, though I actually don’t know where the aluminum is in here, and I can’t take it apart to find it.

So that’s all we’re gon na get. It’S got a pretty cool see-through bottom for anyone, who’s been a fan of that craze kind of returning, I’m going to plug it in and turn it on and see if it actually feels any good to type on, but not before it worked from our sponsor dbrand. Although you can’t skin this, they do have real skins for your Nintendo switch they’re made from high quality 3M vinyl.

That is true texture. The patented adhesive is guaranteed to leave no residue on your device. If you want to change them, they also have grip cases for your phone or air pods that fit snug and are super durable with thousands of grippy contact points go to and buy your overpriced stickers today, if you’re spending a good amount of money on a Mechanical keyboard, already it’s not going to kill you to just buy a slightly nicer cable.

That’S going to look a bit better, feel a bit better and match your desk and accessories a lot better too. I don’t really fault them for not including a nicer cable. It’S a Bare Bones kit and it’s fine. The cable is going to work. It’S going to do exactly what you want it to do and honestly it kind of matches with the black um. But you know it’s just it’s not sleeved just leave it make it make it just that little touch better uh. This is really cool. The screen’s got a one on it, we’re going to type on it first and then I’m going to check out all of those sweet sweet extra buttons that it’s got. I didn’t install these switches and I am just finding out now that a couple of them don’t actually work, I’m assuming that whoever did install them just kind of bent some pins and it’s a quick and easy fix.

But you know what you know: it’s a lot better than that watching me make a ton of mistakes on monkey type. Oh control doesn’t work. One nice thing that we can actually show off.

I guess, while I fix these switches, is the fact that this is indeed a hot swap board. Oh, my Lord yep bent, pin that’s pretty cool and it’s five pins, so any switch is gon na fit into this board without issues uh, except for maybe otemu, because they’re thinner pins. But that’s okay.

If you also didn’t notice, it’s got RGB, which is pretty great south facing and it looks like you can set it to a bunch of different customizations um, it’s qmk firmware, so you can use via to map it. However, you want including the RGB the nice thing about south facing RGB. Is it’s super compatible with whatever switch you want to use? The nice thing about North facing, though, is it tends to shine through shine through keycaps a little bit better. So take your pick pick your poison, whatever you want to use, I personally prefer North facing just because I like the shine through on keycaps, but it honestly doesn’t matter all that much. I really do like this little screen with the one on it because on player one, I don’t know how to customize that, but that’s apparently also customizable, so you can just put whatever you want on that teeny tiny little screen there.

One thing I want to mention before we do: the typing test is that the switches in here aren’t my purse, personal preference, and so I might not like the feel of the actual switches. However, I want to point out that the gaskets in this thing it is gasket mounted they’re, very squishy, there’s a ton of flex. So if you like a soft bottom out, feel then you shouldn’t be disappointed. Gasket mounting just means that the board and the plate are basically sandwiched in between these little rubber gaskets, so that when you press it down, it has some give to it into the rubber there’s a ton of different mounting Styles.

You can have top mount plate Mount gasket, Mount gasket Mount actually comes in a bunch of different forms, too. There’S socks, there’s bowls now. One thing I’ll mention actually is that it looks like it’s pretty easy to take, apart with all of the bolts being on the bottom.

However, there’s quite a few of them most of the time, you’re only going to have maybe six or eight case screws, maybe 10, but this has got two three four, five, six, seven, eight thirteen fourteen fourteen case screws uh, it’s quite a few. It’S not the end of the world, it’s probably because of all of their little extra electronics like for the thumbstick and the extra knobs on the bottom. Oh, they work. So this knob on the bottom left acts as an up and down scroll wheel. The bottom right acts as a volume, knob cool. What’S this guy do because it’s usually a volume. This is not doing anything.

The really cool thing is that the thumbstick, while it doesn’t do a great job. This is this is not a good experience at all. Uh. Navigating with the thumbstick, but it is doable, so you could hold this thing and use it as your mouse. If you so desire, I don’t recommend anyone does that. I think it’s honestly just a really cool kind of fidget toy I’ve been sitting here playing with it constantly because there’s just so many little dials and buttons and knobs to press you could map the thumbstick to wasde and then use it as your.

You know single thumb navigation tool instead of using wozni like a keyboard. This just feels wrong. It’S one of the only keyboards that I’d actually suggest that you pick up and handle constantly. Instead of just finding the heaviest thing you can and plonking it on your desk and leaving it there, let’s open a keyboard, tester and see what they’re actually triggering launch the tester sorry, this is actually registering as a dash or hyphen when you press it this one. Doesn’T seem to be activating anything, this guy’s also not set to click. Oh page up, page down, oh yeah. That makes sense because it Scrolls and then the thumbstick is just just joy to Mouse and then what’s the click. Click is not mapped to any buttons.

You could probably map it to your mouse. Theoretically, I don’t know if I’d want to and then these face buttons don’t seem to be anything either. So if you want to make use of these out of the box you’re not really going to be able to do that, you’re going to have to actually go and map it.

Oh they’re doing their RGB. Oh, that’s what I get for pressing buttons, while not looking at the keyboard, one seems to just turn: RGB on or off. That’S like your a button, but X and B, aren’t changing. Anything y seems to also be changing the RGB in terms of like solid color, whether you want uh flashing colors, whether you want it to like pulse when it presses a certain key. Oh, that’s a mute button.

Oh clicking off so clicking on this guy is a mute button. Overall, you know, I think all the extra buttons are pretty cool, it’s kind of like a macro person’s dream. I’M not really that person. I tend to just use my keyboard, as is maybe I use a function button for a couple of keys like F5, if I’m using uh, 65 or 60, but otherwise I tend to just leave it, as is I’m not even a big via user, but it does Support that and you can use it if you’d like to monkey – you know what’s cool, though I’m not going to use the trackpad on the laptop. Well, I don’t have a mouse click, so I am going to use the trackpad on the laptop. Oh, my C button doesn’t work uh, that’s definitely the worst.

I’Ve ever done both here and I think in general I got 60 words per minute 82 accuracy. Only part of that is because of our c-switch not being properly working here. Otherwise, it’s mostly the layout. It’S really condensed and I have a bit of a problem going for some keys, especially my shift key when it’s this small. So if you’re new to 60 or 65 keyboards, it might take quite a bit of learning to get used to typing on this smaller layout. Otherwise, it’s not bad, though we’ve only got some pretty stock switches and uh, not the greatest keycaps.

To be perfectly honest, but the sound isn’t bad. It does come with a number of sound dampening pads. I don’t know what kind of foam or padding they are, but it is included, and I can hear it at work – it’s okay, not great. You could probably mod this to make it sound quite a bit better though, and the stabilizers are not terrible.

Actually, not a ton of rattle at all and they’re pretty evenly spaced, so yeah, oh one thing I didn’t notice about the bottom as well, is that this uh DUI logo is actually machined in. So it’s not just you know, overlaid or or painted on or anything like that, it’s a pretty deep machine, so you can actually feel it yeah yeah, that’s a good point! Actually, if you are using it as a controller, then maybe you are going to care about. Having a nice machine back like this overall, I think it’s not bad. I think it’s pretty cool in a number of ways and it’s definitely for a very specific audience if you’re a big switch fan or if you’re looking for something that’s just unconventional.

I know a lot of people that buy keyboards only because they’re different and the reality is. This is incredibly unique. I’Ve never seen something quite like this before the only problem is that they do charge a bit of a premium. It’S 219 dollars right now down from 228 big sale, probably because there’s only the one color left it’s hard to swallow that pill when you also got to buy switches and keycaps.

On top of that, and it’s a little harder to swallow when the keycaps that you’re going to want are going to have to be very specific to fit this very specific layout. That being said, you know the build quality is not awful either way at 220 bucks. Once you add in switches, you know another 40, at least probably more, like 60 dollars, depending on what you buy and then throwing on a keycap set, especially something that’s, probably a bit more premium, you’re looking at an extra 80 100 bucks, if not more the price. For this quickly adds up, and I think that if you’re looking for just a regular mechanical keyboard, one that’s a little funky that looks like a switch.

It’S probably not worth your money. However, if you want a really really cool macro pad, that’s got a bunch of different functions that you can map to whatever your hearts desire, uh. Maybe it is for you thanks for watching short circuit.

If you want to look at another keyboard short circuit, we did that was at a similar price point that I liked a lot more check out the key boom. It’S also clear, but it’s just a bit more premium feeling .