This iPhone Case Helps You Start New Relationships

This iPhone Case Helps You Start New Relationships

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “This iPhone Case Helps You Start New Relationships”.
Bluetooth speakers you’ve seen him everybody’s got one. It’S the hot thing to do right now to have that’s the future of boom boxes. I mean when I was a kid. A boom box was that giant Masonic thing with a cassette player in it.

Well, that was a while ago now it’s about bluetooth, but what is the issue with a lot of these Bluetooth speakers that are supposedly portable but unfortunately, as portable as they are they’re, not with you when you need them when the mood strikes, you might need some Very white to enhance the moment: well, that’s what this product aims to do. This is a Bluetooth speaker that fits right on to your phone. It’S part of a battery case this Zagg speaker case.

This iPhone Case Helps You Start New Relationships

It does that it gives you eight hours of talktime. It’S got an 1800 milliamp hour battery, but at the bottom there’s a grill and that’s a speaker. What do we have here? Look at this happy couple that could be you she’s into him, but only cuz of the case. This guy wouldn’t be here right now in this situation. Without the case same thing goes down here. Look this guy is even charging her up. I don’t know about you. That’S step. One in any relationship. Jack doesn’t know anything about it. Enough is enough. Here’S what it is excuse me, Kate, holy aggressiveness Wow.

I, like the design of that play, pause, mute power, a USB port for power sharing, because sharing is caring, a micro, USB cable to keep this guy charged up and then the bumper portion. This has me thinking you have this on the phone clip this off. You have.

This iPhone Case Helps You Start New Relationships

A little conference call chat it up. It’S got a microphone as well. Okay, cool this just slide in sweet; okay, just a little bumper.

This iPhone Case Helps You Start New Relationships

You still have access to your ports as well as your volume buttons. What do I do? I go like just clips in there. Look at me now it’s a little bit thicker, but at this point now you’ve got an 1800 milliamp hour battery, which also functions as a portable Bluetooth speaker that you’ve got on you now. Unlike a battery case, your phone isn’t immediately charging when it’s inside of here.

Instead, you would have to connect your phone to the case itself. I would recommend a short little cable that you carry with you that could go from this USB port into the Lightning port. Hello there, let’s see here, yes, Zagg speaker case comes up and we’re connected. Oh that’s way louder than I expected it to be. Wow that’s way louder than I expected. So theoretically you got this off it’s anywhere on a table. I could get up and walk away. I like this, you might just want better audio for video that you’re watching a couple people gathered around the phone peel this off watch your video you’ve got your audio to go with your video.

We should do a quick comparison versus the phone turn off the Bluetooth. You can hardly listen to it like that. You never know when a party’s gon na strike – and you want to be the guy who’s, always prepared. Why carry a backup battery when you can carry a backup battery that has a speaker built-in, whether you keep it clipped on to your phone or just in your pocket? That’S pretty cool! .