This Company Really Pissed Me Off

This Company Really Pissed Me Off

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “This Company Really Pissed Me Off”.
General, Electric appliances threatens legal action against open source Dev and, of course, this was going to end up on the W show appliance manufacturer hire who owns both General Electric appliances and Hoover has issued a takedown order against Andre BOS. I’M so sorry, I butchered your name. I’M sure a developer who maintains The open- Source home assistant integration plugins for hires h on Han. I don’t know whatever this is their control app.

This Company Really Pissed Me Off

I think it’s like home on but shortened according to hire’s notice, the plugins use their services in an unauthorized manner, which is causing significant economic harm to their company. The are you talking about hire what economic people buy your product. I wouldn’t even begin to consider an appliance wait.

They have a service. I wouldn’t even begin to consider buying your Appliance if it didn’t have a plugin for home assistant and if I wasn’t a home assistant user, then I would have no idea what home assistant is. So what the are you talking about? Okay, I’m ready to listen! Oh I I need to look into this more but uh Mario p and full play chat said the post office said there was no bugs Fujitsu staff.

Witness statements were edited by the post office to remove references to their being. We don’t know enough about that. We need to look more into anyway this right now um, I’m wondering if there is a software solution that General Electric has that they’re trying to sell that people are using um home assistant 4. Instead, wonder if that’s what they’re saying, because I agree, you’re buying the appliance thing whatever I suspect people are buying this because it works with home assistant. More than anything else, um, probably not the home assisting Community is pretty small. Is it oh yeah? It’S just my circles, I guess yeah yeah. It seems like a big everyone.

I talk to about home automation. Just talks about home assistant so either way either way. This is this is crap um. I don’t want a billion different, stupid apps with a billion different subscription services, so H, tweeted out saying the higher brand in the US is independent of higher Europe and operat separately, Han or hon or whatever is the connected iot platform for higher Europe in the US Customers can use our open iot platform.

Smart HQ, smart HQ does not prevent Integrations with home assistant. Okay, so shout out higher us yeah for doing things right at least, is and for saying this publicly today, yeah and for coming out and condemning their their cousin company over in Europe um it’s time for their cousin company over in Europe to uh figure. This out. Cuz, this is not cool.

This Company Really Pissed Me Off

This is not how it works. Um, oh I gimle says higher us actually has an API that anyone can use to interact with their gear. That’S super cool, Cody 4K says: go, go European commission yeah, really yeah I mean hey.

This Company Really Pissed Me Off

We’Ve talked about it, fair, like the EU being pretty cool and stuff. This is something that needs to happen. We cannot allow Appliance companies like you’re stuck with this for years.

Right like these are not. This is not even a phone where it’s like optimistically you’re going to use it for five. I think Samsung just committed to seven years with the Galaxy s24, that’s kind of a big deal have in the dock. I totally forgot to that is co.

Talk about that! This week, but um, you know optimistically you’re going to use this phone. For you know, seven years or whatever we’re talking stuff that you are maybe going to use for 20 30 years, like no, you you don’t get to just sell me something with the with the understanding that I can. You know access it through this Plugin or whatever, and then just Goa no forget it now you need to pay our subscription fee for, for, like the the the the the the lifespan of I don’t know what kind of animal lives for three a horse. How long do horses live? I think they live about that long 25 to 30 years nailed it okay, any uh. It is unclear at this time whether the plugins actually contain any proprietary code, but BOS has announced that he will be pulling the plugins in the next few days due to fear of legal reprisal yeah. Under certain circumstances.

I would I would love to be like yeah. I’M going to get together a coalition of creators and we’re going to like fund your defense or whatever, but like um, this is General Electric. We just talked on the show about how you know lawsuits can run like I I I actually don’t have the money Apple. Trying to sue for $ 73 million if, if they decide to like goam at this um and and it sucks that the best advice I can give is that yeah, you probably should just pull the plugin. I I think you should pull the plugin and immediately uh. Send I don’t know how you do this contact some form of representative in the European commission and try to get some stuff moving. They seem to be aggressive about this stuff. This might legitimately be something that they want to jump on, and it might not be this specifically.

They might not have go after, like General Electric specifically, but they might solve this problem for the industry as a whole, which is way better anyways, and then you can release your plugin back again. I think that’s the way to go. .