They Sent The World’s Biggest Doritos Chip…

They Sent The World's Biggest Doritos Chip...

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “They Sent The World’s Biggest Doritos Chip…”.
Ah, did not expect this. A giant container in fact, will sliced the cardboard box and was like Lou. I think you’re gon na need to take a look at this, and I was like you’re probably right and take a look at it. I will. This is what it was Jurassic, Doritos, a giant metal crate seeming to imply some type of gigantic Dorito chip.

No, it’s not a new smartphone. It’S not a new laptop. It is a giant Dorito chip. I’M gon na take a bite of it on the side of the container.

You can see Jurassic world fallen Kingdom, a couple of giant clamps on the front. Here we go like it’s some sort of top-secret very sensitive material inside congratulations. You’Re now the lucky owner of the biggest and boldest Doritos chip ever created only 100 Doritos chips will be released into the wild, so take good care of it or just eat it. Of course, that’s what I’m doing you think I’m gon na look at a giant Dorito chip and not eat it Jack.

What do you even know me certificate of authenticity, all right that ain’t, no fake, that ain’t, a fake giant, Doritos chip, it’s a real one! Number 39 out of 100, okay, I’m gon na be very careful here. Oh man, it’s like a giant dinosaur egg. Oh oh, do you see that jack? It’S a giant chip, an official giant Doritos chip, R .