Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “They Sent A Special OnePlus 6T…”.
This is a special phone. It’S a special one. 60. In fact, you can probably tell, from the box salute to speed, there’s a McLaren logo. This is the latest one 60, a collaboration between one-plus and McLaren. The speed that they’re talking about is in reference to some changes to this device from the regular 1 plus 60. This one is gon na have a bit more RAM, 10 gigabytes holy moly. That’S a lot of RAM on a smart phone and also it’s going to have a crazy charge feature which is what wheels, probably in your email, 30 minutes. Oh they’re, calling it warp charge 30 and that will offer a day of power while they’re saying a day’s worth of power in 20 minutes in 20 minutes of charge.
Oh now we know in the past one plus has had some of the fastest charging devices by them, improving that even further this will probably be the fastest charging device on planet Earth. It’S quite likely, and in case you were wondering about the McLaren authenticity. There is an official product badge there, so yeah it’s a real collaboration. I do not know how it differs in appearance from the regular one plus 60. Oh look at that carbon fiber on the packaging ooh, so a special box as well. Look at that right. There fast and smooth that, just like you, Jack or what huh whoa yikes, this is a real special edition going on.
This is a heavy book. What is in here, Wow McLaren historical stuff, going on look at the early 1 plus team wow. This is some thick stock as well.
Will you appreciate a thick stock? Of course you do McLaren, papaya orange and carbon fiber speed, design built for a fast and smooth user. Experience see that jack the color. It actually makes the phone faster.
That’S not true at all. Obviously, 30 watts of cool and safe power to charge the 3700 milliamp hour battery to 50 % capacity in 20 minute holy moly. That is impressive, so the device is over here and oh, it does look good what it looks really good.
I thought it was going to be super orange, but orange is just an accent. Oh that’s a pretty looking phone around the edges here in the glass you have this amber hue. Very subtle! Look at that on the ridge. I’Ve never seen an implementation like that. Now, of course, the pattern on the device has that carbon fiber look as well. You can see along the top there I like how they did it. It’S understated, but a little special, a braided type-c cable in the same McLaren Orange. Look that is a sturdy cable. Headphone jack adapter in the same color in the fancy charger right here capable of those insane speeds: 20 minutes for a day of power. There’S a case they’ve also included fittingly. It is the carbon fiber looking case.
Look at that little plaque, McLaren MCO, 33 edition carbon fiber. Oh that’s some actual McLaren carbon fiber up there that’s McLaren grade carbon fiber. That’S fun! That’S fancy! So when you boot up the device, you might think that you know that sort of looks like one plus. Sixty and that’s because they left it mostly the same, they didn’t go overboard with like a car on the background or anything like that, but it is a bit different. You can see the orange accents here to go with the orange accent on the phone.
The cable under the theme settings there’s now a McLaren option. That’S the one we’re looking at here, but you can of course switch back to the standard, one plus themes now otherwise, you’re looking at a regular one, plus sixty spiced up a little bit, you got more RAM, so theoretically, more performance in that department and then, of Course you quick charge power brick to get it charged up a little bit faster. It’S gon na be pricier, though, so. Keep that in mind.
What’S the retail price going to be well 699 bucks, it’s a few extra bucks on top of a regular one plus sixteen, but if you’re a car fan a special edition fan or just an orange fan, you like the idea of what might be the fastest charging. This out there a bigger Ram, a bit of a boosted, one plus 60, plus a cool little book and some McClair and carbon fiber, and I guess you get the case too. So, in that sense, maybe you can make the case see that you see what I did. I think it’s pretty cool.
I actually think it might be. My next switch as well I’m on Niska right now. It’S no time for me, I’m using the pen, but I got a switch to something else eventually, and I’ve had my eyes on 1/16 to begin with. Now you add this special one to the mix might be calling for my SIM card a little bit making.
You might be saying my name, you think it’s cool. Let me know down in the comments, and I already said there you have it. I already did that, which is what I normally would do at this point right now. I already did that.
So there’s no other way. We can’t get out of here we’re here forever now [ Laughter, ], .