They keep screwing up Halo!!

They keep screwing up Halo!!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “They keep screwing up Halo!!”.
343 keeps screwing up, halo infinite and it cancels split screen co-op. I was so excited when halo infinite launches. He knows that a bunch of my other friends really excited like like this tier. I, the second i load it in.

I see the the launch screen, the music looks fantastic, the launch screen looks great, you jump into a game, uh, hopefully really quickly or you have mic general microsoft multiplayer problems and it doesn’t work, but you eventually get into a game and it’s fun and it’s cool And you’re like okay. Well, this is really really really really noticeably missing co-op and forge, because just jumping into playlists, i think, is what they call them to play like. Oh i’m just gon na play deathmatch 47 times in a row is not actually super entertaining and one of the best things about halo has kind of always been the custom maps and being able to do things you want. I really want to be able to play blood gulch not being able to play gut blood. Gulch makes my soul sad. I don’t really care too much, which version of halo it is.

I just want to be in blood gulch and then i’ll be happy um. So not being able to, i am certain one of the first things someone does with forge, is going to be just make blood gulch um, so that’ll be nice, but first of all, okay, they cancel split screen co-op. Why does that matter so much? A lot of you probably are never going to play. Split-Screen co-op, yep. It matters, because some of us would okay and because they said that they were going to have it um. They said after halo, it was noticeably missing from halo. 5.

They keep screwing up Halo!!

– and they said after it was missing from halo 5 that they would include it in halo, infinite moving forward. There is hilariously enough, apparently a glitch that allows local co-op to work on at the very least xbox series – s or x, sorry um, but they’re not going to officially support it. So that’s frustrating now we’re looking at the roadmap sure yeah it’s on the dock, but that’s fine um! The roadmap is going from november. Okay, the first section of the roadmap goes from november, 9th or november 8th to march 7th.

I tripped on my word so much there, because damn that’s a big gap, holy crap and then okay. It also goes from march 7th to june 27th, so everything you’re seeing on here, it’s like almost a year, whoa yeah one of the things that’s in the second gap, so after march, 7th, potentially as far as june 27th, if there isn’t another delay, is the custom Game browser r.i.p dude, that’s remember when that used to be like the most basic multiplayer feature: yeah custom game browser yeah. Speaking of the most basic feature, have you read this list? There’S mission replay i had to google because i haven’t played the campaign yet because i’m waiting to be able to play co-op because it’s halo, yeah yeah yeah. I had that same reaction.

I had to look it up. You can’t replay missions and you’re not getting it for like a while possible. I don’t know – and you can be like. Oh it’s hard to replay missions in in open world games.

No, it’s not! No, it isn’t. There’S tons of open world games, lots of them have mission replay figure it out. My goodness, oh coming sometime from november 8th to march 7th, is free 30-tier battle. No one cares fix your game. Quality of life improvements sound pretty good yeah. We need some of those. Oh no, i have not been interested in launching halo infinite in a while and it was like the only shooter game i played that was like the i was like yeah gaming. Every other night yeah playing halo, infinite like the multiplayer was fun. That’S a rare pikachu! You don’t see that too often, but, like my goodness, okay, we we jump far into the dolphin says just abandon halo like the devs, did no oh too soon rough too soon march, 7th to june 27th. It includes in-game reporting cool that probably should have been on launch yeah. So much of this stuff, like ability to mission replay, should have been on launch co-op, should have been on lodge forward, should have been on launch. Tell me something tell me something, mr lefer.

Here: okay, you’re, you you actually work. Managing a development team is that okay? Is that correct, correct? Okay, i feel like i’m testifying yeah you have so you have some developers who report to you you you task them with new things to do they. They tell you when they’re done and you find more work for them to do and help help to keep projects on track. Is that would you say that that is correct sounds about right? Okay, all right! That would be yes.

Yes, sir yeah. Okay! Thank you. Okay! So, yes, your honor, okay, we can drop that now um. So, in your humble opinion, okay, this this one feature here in particular in-game reporting. Now my understanding of a feature like this is that it’s probably like a cheat. I i i like, like yeah or swearing or bad language, so tell me this tell me this. In your humble opinion, the complexity of implementing a feature such as this, knowing knowing the amount of metadata and telemetry data, that a modern game engine is generating and crapping out, yeah the complexity of creating at least a minimum viable product version of this. Would you describe it as extremely high, somewhat high, moderate, somewhat low or extremely low, i’m gon na give a really annoying answer. It sort of depends on. What’S there you suck it sort of depends on what’s there, what you suspect is probably there, though it shouldn’t be that hard, yeah yeah. Like really look, i don’t mean for you to have to throw your your fellow development industry, yeah yeah, it’s under the bus. It depends like like okay, i don’t want to be a management issue.

Yeah, that’s my point: i’m not throwing developers under the bus. It feels to me, like they’ve, launched way too early because there’s something that i actually commended them, for, which was, they saw a battlefield, launch and immediately hard flop, yeah and they were like. You could play halo and we were all like sick and it was nowhere near ready, yeah and they should have held it back. Unfortunately, unfortunately, so now, like eighty percent of the team is probably working on stupid.

Cosmetics and stupid. Ideal passes: that’s in here uh in the march 7th june 27th new 100 tier battle pass, it’s coming, there’s cosmetics coming all the time, yeah for all the dozens of players that are still playing it. Yep i mean hey.

They keep screwing up Halo!!

Maybe three four three doesn’t have a lot of development, a little smaller like i maybe it’s a very small whenever i say some stuff about development on wan show, and then i get people reaching out from those companies. Often, what i hear is that a lot of these developers want to fix this stuff yeah or want to do this. That’S always the story. Look you got ta understand, it’s not like these people are incapable software and it’s it’s not even that it’s not that they don’t have the passion for it. Software developers in a lot of cases, especially the ones that work in utterly thankless industries like game development. They are artists every bit as much as the artists who draw the assets or model the characters or whatever else it is. They are every bit as much artists, the the art of of the art of coding how a projectile might bounce off of an object and create. You know these sparks that come out at oh well. If it comes in at this angle, it comes under that that is, it’s freaking art, it’s all art, and so you know you talk to these people and they get they get so frustrated right because they want to spend the time, often very passionate about the things That they work on want to do it properly right, but it’s and but but a lot of these companies are super massive and when you’re super massive it can be very difficult to move.

They keep screwing up Halo!!

It can be very difficult to make make things happen. Things can be very rigid, um and, and that’s that can be difficult for the managers that can be difficult for the developers. It can be difficult difficult in a lot of parts of the chain and something that i don’t have experience with directly is working in one of those gigantic companies uh, because i would hate it. I have no desire for that whatsoever.

Yeah we stay just small enough for his tolerance level, so when lmg got too big okay, well, no you work for float planer! I was expressing concerns about us getting too big like many years ago yeah. So it’s it’s uh! That type of thing i understand. I empathize it’s one of the reasons why i don’t work in that industry, so it is what it is but yeah i i understand it can be tough and i understand you’re you’re often left wanting, because you want to fix the thing you hear the feedback. You know you want to do something about it and you just can’t so i get it but yeah.

It’S very disappointing. Some people are discussing whether the like bullet ricochet, sparks or whatever that, whether that qualifies as art, no that’s physics right but there’s an art to physics, physics, yeah, like okay, okay, think think about this right. Okay, science can be art, go grab, grab, grab your water bottle. Okay, we’re having an epic movie, sword, fight thing, pink, okay, see he automatically started doing melt, sound effects.

Why? Because metal clashing against each other swords clashing against each other sounds stupid and boring. There is artistry to it. It’S you can’t just go well. My physics calculations are actually correct. Therefore, this uh fire is uh uh, accurate simulationally to the real world. Like that, that’s not how it works.

That’S not how video games work. You don’t actually want to play that game right, so no there’s absolutely room for artistic license when it comes to things like like buildings falling down or when it comes to the way that grass waves in the wind or whatever else it is. It’S absolutely art and i will not accept any other opinion. Sorry, no, no, no, there’s, there’s an art to i.

I strongly am of the opinion that some people are talking about like things that separate away from that there’s an art to making what you’re there there was something that i used to think was really really cool and i’m trying to make sure i quote it correctly. I believe it was morrowind. I used to really really really love watching, like the special edition dvds of like the making of this game or whatever i remember, there was a halo one back in the day. That was super super cool and there was one from elder scrolls, but i don’t remember if it was for like oblivion or morrowind or or what, but it was like from kind of back. Then i think it was morrowind and they were talking about how they had to put certain assets on different parts of the disk so that it could read it faster or else like the game would like have issues loading and could crash and stuff, because it would Take it too long that there’s an art to that, in my opinion, actually you’re gon na, have to see what i had typed up as the next thing. I wanted to say here right, yeah yeah, exactly like it doesn’t just have to be things that you that you see it can be. There’S an art to dealing with the technical limitations and compromises that are inherent to gaming is what i said, because you would rarely be able to run an accurate simulation in real time at 60 to 120, or i mean gamers, are getting more demanding all the time. 240 frames per second good luck to say that there was no art involved with developing the software that got the first rocket to the moon is crazy. In my opinion, there’s it was morrowind yeah, yeah, yeah yeah. I think a lot of games.

I mean sony talked about in the playstation 5 launch how there was like some spider-man game that had the same garbage can asset uh within on the disc, like like hundreds of times, or something like that, because it’s just a waste they might need to grab it Again, oh okay, yeah yeah, yeah yeah, or something like that. One of my favorite ones is that from super mario bros, the the bush and the cloud is the same thing. It’S just recolored. Did you know that i have heard that, but i had forgotten so cool.

Really funny and like yeah thinking to do that and and and knowing that you need to do things like that and actually implementing those types of actions and making it so that, basically, unless someone told you you’re, probably not going to notice, is so cool and a Lot of that is a lot of those types of things are lost in the modern day. You have call of duty downloads that are 150 gigs and all this type of stuff, but they are doing other artistic type of things. I i don’t know i don’t know. .