They FINALLY made headphones – Sonos Ace

They FINALLY made headphones - Sonos Ace

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “They FINALLY made headphones – Sonos Ace”.
It’S about time, it’s been 20 years since Sono started making products and the most requested product throughout that whole time has been headphones. Now you can take your Sonos music on the go on the bus out of your home without looking like a weirdo who’s carrying a soundbar on city transit. For some reason, Sonos sponsored this video for us to look at and react to the new Sonos Ace you trying to be the king, but the ace is back. It’S my favorite um line from Dr Dre’s, The Chronic 2001, because I’m old we got white. We got black both in these kind of felt hard cases. You can definitely shove this in your bag, pretty low profile case kind of green on the inside. This is pretty sweet and then the headphones themselves lightweight. They got this kind of, like Dr Mario pill, shape to them the Sonos logo, just embossed there on one of the ear cups black is way more subdued. I’M torn here, I feel like the white ones, are impressive, but the black ones are Keepers. You know man, they look good when they’re like brand new and clean. Are they going to fingerprint up not really a bit, but not really all right? We don’t need to unbox them both cuz they’re, the same but there’s a little CD size sleeve in here USB C, Toc USBC to 3 and 1 12 mil Jack.

So one USBC side is going to go to the headphone for wir Lessing and the other would go to your device depending on whether you know you’re using a phone which 99 % of them now have USBC or you’re going into something else like. Maybe you have one of those big fat, MP3 players that are $ 1,000 check out my unboxing and then there’s some literature. Please help power on the ace scan the code to get the app and some quick controls wow. They have this single button. That does a lot.

We will look at that in a bit. Pretty compact experience now to take a physical tour of the headphones themselves, and really I have to choose at this point I think, for ease of just visibility. So you guys can see what I’m talking about I’m going to go with white, but I’ll always love you.

They FINALLY made headphones - Sonos Ace

Okay, first thing: caliper pressure, these feel very springy. They don’t feel too tight and I don’t feel like they’re being stretched out at all for my kind of medium head. I can tell a and C’s on already that’s pretty cool. Now they have a kind of continuous as opposed to ratcheting adjustment here, and they go to this big. So if your head is this, this big they’ll fit you usually. I go to like three clicks into a headphone here, I’m almost at the bottom, not quite, but they are quite light and they’re they’re on their at all. Right amount, this amount and they have cushy PU leather memory foam. It’S this much memory and this much on the top. The top, I think, is really important cuz if a headband starts digging in after an hour, that’s just that’s just the nail and the coffin.

I often have a problem where my ears, particularly this ear, might touch the actual driver in here. I don’t know it sticks out a bit. I guess, if that happens, it’s toast.

I can’t use those headphones, not a problem for me on these. The ear cups are sufficiently deep, they’re this deep. Oh look at that whoa, that is cool. I’Ve seen ear cups that pop off before.

They FINALLY made headphones - Sonos Ace

But these actually have like this very fine mesh here, that’s part of the ear cup and you can see, there’s actually an L in this ear cup to indicate it’s left and the other one not only has an R, but it’s green. So just that is a very subtle way, but an immediate way to know which way to orient the headphones when you put them on, and you know it’s good to see that these are replaceable. This is always going to be the thing that fails. First on your headphon, so I assume they’ll be selling these sold separately so to increase the longevity of your device. You can see.

They FINALLY made headphones - Sonos Ace

There’S a sensor in here. This thing has eight different microphones, that’s going to help beam forming make you sound good. It has cancellation of the ambient noise around you, so people can hear you clearly we’ll show you guys that in a bit for buttons, we got a tactile, onoff button, a tactile toggle between a and c and aware mode and then another tactile ooh little springy switchy Guy called the content key. I noticed that they’re all different shapes the power button is a little rectangle over here. Thec toggle is round, and then the content key is is like a a pill-shaped and a switch.

So it’s very easy to figure out what you’re touching at any given moment all right time to try them on and hear them we’re using black for that. Okay, they’re on I’m, going to use this button to toggle thec and see if the hum from this big electrical Transformer in this industrial building turns off I’m in a void, it’s absolutely gone and it has a little sound toggle when you, when you switch it. It’S like, which is cool cuz. I have other earphones that a little voice comes on.

It goes like a andc on a and that’s just kind of annoying sweet action, all right, let’s getc on and listen to, music. All right so looks like I can sign into this app or just add headphones without signing in. I dig that now, as I understand it, this app was recently redesigned to accommodate the use of the headphones cuz. They wanted a unified app that had the headphones and all their sound bars and everything which meant that they had to change the app that people have been using for years and the new new app is different and also does not include some of the features that The previous app has Bluetooth iPhone. I mean why would it tell me, but you know what you can connect this thing to two devices at once, so it’s nice to have a little indicator there. We got head trck, I’m going to keep that off.

For now the EQ, oh, you can do balance like you’re in a car that is wacky. I never see that trouble and base just two different sliders, not a lot of resolution there and what plus or minus five loudness boost the base and trouble at low volumes. Uh, that’s a good thing to do, because your ears are not very sensitive to to Bass, so, usually the quieter.

The volume gets, the more baseless. It sounds, but it’s not the music. It’S your ears, you’re.

The problem. Uh, there’s a little noise control option here, where you can make it that circular button, actually just toggle like a wear mode on and off you can do all three modes. You can say off’s, not an option.

You can say I never use a wear mode. So just toggle noise, cancelling and off. I like that. I’M going just going to blindly explore this uh content button here so intuitive you hold it down and it gets quieter and you can hear this little. That is actually a great volume interface.

It doesn’t matter if your hands are kind of like sweaty or whatever it’s easy to grab. There’S like a lot of kind of grip or friction on this thing. Oh, when you get to the bottom, it goes like a different, sound. It’S thoughtful, you can click the content button.

That’S how you pause it. What if I double tap it next track triple P triple back, so will it pause if I take him off no, but I did see a setting in the app. So maybe that’s relevant here play and pause pause content.

You take your headphones off and resume when you put them back on. That’S what I was looking for and look at this where to answer you’re, getting a call, just put your headphones on and answers the phone. I feel like that’s something I would turn on and and then maybe have a bad experience and turn off forever, but for now yeah, that’s pretty good. That’S pretty good and pretty quick whoa. This base is really it’s like.

The kick drum is like this big. Just the Baton just slapping it and they got no pillows in there. I think base people will like these. I think if you like, Sono sounds you’ll, probably like these. If you like apple type, sound you’ll, probably like these, you can actually stream audio losslessly via Bluetooth or via the cable. Let’S see what the graphs say, we got some frequency response graphs here from Thank you guys for helping us out with the testing.

You can see the dotted line is our Target curve and then the color lines are the actual, measured performance bit of a pronouncement in the bass, particularly like the higher base. You know around 100 htz, usually a crossover, especially in the home theater world. The crossover from your base to your other speakers is about 80 HZ, so right in that kind of crossover zone is where it’s more pronounced here bit of a mix bag in the mid-range here from 100 to 800, and then in the treble it tracks pretty closely Around 3K, but then around 6 7K, it’s a a little bit bright and here’s some other graphs. If you’re interested you nerds. This is what the mic sounds like: there’s not a lot of ambient noise in here right now, but I’m going to turn on this YouTube.

Video of construction sight, sound effects and Ambience drilling Jackhammer metal, hammering soundscape. You can find anything on YouTube, just amazing, um hi. Thank you for joining this call. I’M sorry! I was just couple minutes late.

My last meeting went long. How was that you tell me you be the judge now I want to watch some premium content on YouTube because you could use these for not just music. You know, in fact you can connect these to your home system so that anything that would have been routed through your select Sono Soundbar, like a Sonos Arc, will actually just get transmitted right to here for secret viewing at nighttime. For example, there’s lonus.

You know knowing lonus in person. I can say that this sounds like lonus anyways. These of course support Bluetooth, Bluetooth, 5.4, Dolby, Atmos, Dolby audio for wearables and head tracking head tracking. You know the source of your sound is here and when you turn your head like this, you hear it more here and then you hear more here and it’s more like you’re watching TV, some people really like it anyways battery life claims on these things are pretty Crazy 30 hours of battery life – that’s mixed use with ANC on. You can charge 3 hours of playback in just 3 minutes. We actually did some battery testing ourselves and we have results that are not very far off those claims so respect 450 bucks for these. These are available starting June 5th, so you can pre-order Now using our link uh thanks for watching and thanks to Sonos for sponsoring this video bye-bye .