They Discontinued This Before I Could Buy One! – Hisense U9DG

They Discontinued This Before I Could Buy One! - Hisense U9DG

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “They Discontinued This Before I Could Buy One! – Hisense U9DG”.
Three years.: It was three long years ago that I first laid eyes on the technology that would put OLED in its place. And I’ve waited since then for what would eventually become the Hisense U9DG.. This is no normal TV. Instead of one LCD panel filtering the white back light, turning it into the vibrant content that you enjoy., The U9DG has two LCD panels..

In theory, this unique design gives it the best of all worlds near perfect, blacks, like an OLED and vibrant peak brightness for the best possible home, HDR experience., And it’s already discontinued, that’s terrific., because it means that you might be able to score a deal on the Remaining stock, which appears to be now on clearance, making this video interesting for two reasons.. First to get deep under the hood of a display tech, the world may never see again and second to maybe score a deal. Perhaps., Oh and a third to learn about our sponsor GlassWire.

Thanks to GlassWire for sponsoring this video. Keep track of the weirdest stuff. That’S connecting to your PC., Even when you are not using it.. If a strange device joins your WiFi, you’ll be notified. Instantly. Get 25 % off today, using code Linus at the link below The big problem, with displaying HDR content on LCDs is that even the best ones can’t fully block out the back light behind them.

Making black look like more of a faded out gray. And the solution. ( mumbles ) has been to divide up the back light into multiple zones that can be individually controlled to darken or brighten the image, depending on the content in front.. This works okay, but even on many LED TVs with a thousand plus dimming zones, the bloom or halo effect around bright objects is almost always visible to the naked eye.. But what if you had 2,000,000 local dimming zones, This one? Doesn’T it’s only got 132 but in front of those dimming zones is a 1080p IPS black and white LCD panel. That acts has a light filter.

They Discontinued This Before I Could Buy One! - Hisense U9DG

And then in front of that is a 4K IPS color panel to output. Our final 75 inch image at refresh rates of up to 120 Hertz.. Doesn’T that add a lot more cost and complexity? You might ask yes. For everything packed into it. The U9DG is impressively slim, but Hisense says that the bonding process to fuse the panels together was extremely difficult to perfect., And it clearly contributes to the shocking 42 kilogram curb weight that resulted in our first sample being damaged in shipping.. The good news is that it took years, but it was worth the wait.. The two panel solution gives us an unbelievable amount of dynamic range on an LCD.. I mean these are nearly OLED like blacks, less than 0.01 nits and it still reaches as high as roughly 1100 nits in a 5 % window.

They Discontinued This Before I Could Buy One! - Hisense U9DG

And the best part is the fineness of that control.. The 1080 monochrome panel doesn’t quite match the resolution of the 4K colored one, but if you need a pinhole of light in the darkness, it’ll block most of the back light strength before it ever reaches the color panel. And with over 2,000,000 effective dimming zones, the halo Effect is nearly imperceptible unless you put your eyeball to the glass. For reference, we compared the U9DG to a cheaper OLED and a nicer Mini LED., And even though the Mini LED had a whopping thousand zones of local dimming on a smaller 65 inch panel, the 75 Inch Hisense was hands down the best performer for HDR content..

They Discontinued This Before I Could Buy One! - Hisense U9DG

Did I even mention yet that it has a and supports Dolby Vision. So unless you’re in a light controlled environment, where the OLED really shines, it’s just wow. And the U9DG is pretty color accurate too.

Giving us an average LTE of 5.1 and IMAX HDR and just 2.3 in SDR, Filmmaker mode similar to our LG Mini, LED and way ahead of our ( mumbles. ), though it too, is still pretty respectable for a home display.. A quick note for the Hisense, though, if you want to get this crazy dynamic range, while maintaining color accuracy, you’ll want to use IMAX mode with local dimming set to high.. Now, at this point, everything is proceeded as I had foreseen, but my big question for Hisense from day one has been: isn’t this going to add a bunch of processing, delay and totally ( mumbles ) the gaming experience. To find out? We had to hook it up., Along with ethernet USB RCA, a headphone jack and optical output.

The IO was solid with two HDMI 2.1 ports, one with eARC and the U9DG supports variable, refresh rate with ( mumbles ), free sync, as well as automatic low latency mode, which should kick in with any supported input. Device. That’s promising for gaming., But unless the pixel response times of the two panels are darn near identical, you could end up with some really weird motion. Artifacts. Now Hisense says they solved this getting both of them to a matching eight milliseconds, but keeping them synced up. Does require some extra work, courtesy of their capable SoC with T-Con or timing controller..

We used an ( mumbles ) with an RTX 3080 on our three TVs to test latency. And unfortunately, the Hisense does indeed lose handily to the competition.. It’S not the worst we’ve seen, and they were at least upfront about it.. Eight milliseconds on the box should tell you that there’ll be noticeable ghosting or motion blur., But as long as the scene isn’t moving too fast, your games will look gorgeous like our new towels.

At, At this point, some of you must be wondering if this performs as well as it does, then, why is this the only TV on the market using this two panel tech and why is it already discontinued? Well, first of all, this TV is relatively new, but the technology isn’t and there’s a commercial mastering monitor from Sony that actually uses the same idea. The BVM-HX310. It came out in 2019 and cost a whopping $ 30,000 at launch, keeping it firmly in the hands of the Hollywood elite kind of like Chris Rock’s face..

It can also do a thousand nits full screen and it has insane color accuracy for film colorists.. By contrast, pun intended, the U9DG was always intended to undercut OLED for the consumer market. And it launched at just $ 3 to $ 3.5 thousand., That’s roughly a 10th of the price, but now mere months later, you can already find it for just two grand at Best buy. Thanks to strong competition, both from Mini LED and new OLED, from both LG and Samsung. As for why they’re not being made anymore., Our best guess is that it’s due to production complexity and a competitive landscape that looks dramatically different today than it did three years ago.

When I first saw this demonstrated. So with Sony’s, mastering display being forever out of reach Of the general public and dual panel tech off of Hisense public roadmap, the U9DG might make more sense in a tech museum than it does in your living room.. But if you can find it for a clearance price – and you need a huge TV, mostly for movies. With a little bit of light gaming, it’s actually a pretty solid choice.

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We’re already seeing the follow from it. Bye, bye, U9DG, .