They cut out all the BS! – GL.iNet Flint 2

They cut out all the BS! - GL.iNet Flint 2

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “They cut out all the BS! – GL.iNet Flint 2”.
If you’re anything like me, you are absolutely utterly exhausted. At looking at the random BS new feature that somebody has put in to a Wi-Fi router to sell to people on Amazon, it looks like a spider or it has RGB. No, this is a Wi-Fi router that doesn’t have it just has things that you know a Wi-Fi router should have and uh ginet sponsored us to check this out. This is their Flint 2, and just just look at this, we’ve got Wi-Fi 6. We got fast Wi-Fi.

We have two 2.5 gbit ports rather than you know a lot of the ones you see online where it’s like. Oh it’s got. 2.5 g, oh yeah, it’s just the WAN! So if you have a 2.5 gig connection and you want a hardw computer too bad buy something else, this one they at least included two. It’S got multi-wan support. It runs open, wrt, just an operating system, that’s open source, it just works and best of all VPN and not just some layo VPN.

You can run a wire guard server, a a private VPN for yourself, so you can connect to your devices at home anywhere in the world or you know stream. Your internet connection, through your home connection, securely at 900 megabit, almost a gigabit off of a $ 200 Wi-Fi router, which is pretty freaking sick. I like these.

These are like the convertible power bricks. We can kick it onto here. Does it come with the other ones? Hey it does so you could travel with this. Look at that, oh cute. I didn’t actually realize that this has redundant hardwired, wian, which is super cool, so we’ll see in a few minutes here, but I imagine you can probably use this as like a catch. The Wi-Fi and repeat it: you can also use a hardwired wi.

You could use two hardwire WS. You can probably connect cellular to this thing. There’S a USB port to tether your phone too, and those two hardwired w ports are both the 2.5 gig and you can see right there.

You can switch it between Lan and lamb, like I mentioned before, so you could use this to pass a faster than 1 gig internet connection to a device or a switch, or something like that. They’Ve also got four more 1 gig ethernet ports. So you can use this uh for most of your devices like a switch 12vt DC jack USB 3 port on the side. Oh, look: it’s got the little um Keyhole Mount, so you can mount this on the wall or to something metal with the LT Cable Management product.

We have a little thing that goes in the keyhole. Stick it in there tighten the thing that one on magnetic you ready for this. Can we see it bam, cable managed it’s kind of awesome.

You can have like your PC right there and just like mount it to the back of the PC or to the PC case magnets. Let’S uh, let’s do some Wi-Fi stuff wow look at all these see. I was right. Multi-Wan we’ve got ethernet one ethernet, 2, repeater and tethering all right.

They cut out all the BS! - GL.iNet Flint 2

Let’S connect it to the Wi-Fi too. Why not right? Let’S set up a multiwan here. Why not? Oh right here, repeater options? Oh beautiful! That’S easy band selection! Five apply connect! Oh, you can even lock it to a specific access point if you have multiple access points or set a static IP on this, which is nice, we’ve now got the ethernet that’s coming into it, and the office Wi-Fi going to this, and then it’s beaming internet back To me, so if I were to go into this and say yo dog, it’s failover right now, load balance use multiple interfaces to increase the total bandwidth whoa, let’s disconnect unplugged and we’re still vibing.

Obviously, the paint is going be a lot worse on Wi-Fi but unconnected disconnected, see, imagine you’re on like a cruise ship or something hey, and there we go bam. Now we have two internet connections again and it’s so easy like that, did not take any fancy hacker man setup. I just literally connected to the Wi-Fi network, but that’s only two: how about three connections? H, East two iOS boom three connections now all right: let’s unplug that boom we’re not going through the cellular on my phone over USB aside from that, it can do all of the other normal things that routers do. You can play around with your IPS either in a advanced or easy way. You can set up a firewall.

You can open ports, you can have a guest Network, you can do DNS over htps or TLS. You can change the network, but yeah. You can actually run this thing just as an access point. If you already have a router, you can totally do that.

There’S IPv6 support! You can change the Mac addresses. You can do pretty much anything you could do with any other router plus they have the cool VPN stuff and not just you can run a VPN server on these which, like I said before, is a really strong suit, so say you’re from the states, and you Have like bomb Netflix but you’re, you happen to be overseas somewhere and they have crap Netflix well, connect to your home home network and watch whatever Netflix you would watch like you were at home. You can also connect to zero tier or tail scale natively, which is super nice tail scale, and zero tier if you’re not familiar, are peer-to-peer VPN solutions that are really awesome, but let’s try. The wire guard server generate config start okay.

Well, that was easy profiles. Add a profile we’ll call this Jake’s laptop. Ah it even it prompts you to use Dynamic, DNS cuz. If your IP address were to change EX internally uh, you wouldn’t be able to access this router right, but it will, let’s say, enable Dynamic DNS and it gives us okay, sick. You don’t even have to like set up a service, they just have their own Dynamic. Dns service, that’s awesome! It’S been set up. I have wire guard running on my laptop. I’Ve got my laptop connected to our 10 GB internet, and this router is connected to a separate 1 gig connection that we have for testing things out.

They cut out all the BS! - GL.iNet Flint 2

Let’S see how fast the wire guard connection is: oh, let’s go 800 180, look at that boys and girls wow magic. Naturally, if you were to use openvpn, it would be a lot slower since openvpn is single threaded, but wire guard, freaking, rips and the reason it can do that is due to the hardware acceleration on here. It is a quad core, mediatech chip. So it’s nothing like the super insane.

It’S it’s only a $ 200 router, but the hardware acceleration is what makes this able to go so fast. They even have ad blocking on here. Not that I would recommend that, because that does pay for me to feed my children, my my child as a cat, but still they got DNS over hgps. They got aduard home.

They cut out all the BS! - GL.iNet Flint 2

They got wpa3 support for security. They also have built in parental controls with bark. That does require a subscription to use that other than that man it just it just Wi-Fi it. Wi-Fi is good it routes good.

It does a VPN good. It’S not that expensive um. You could also, if you’re like a traveler big travel person, you could host your own VPN on this thing and then get one of their cute. Little travel routers like the Slate ax or the barrel ax um, and then you can run these as a VPN client.

You know what screw it. Let me show you how that works. The provider is the Flint 2 router boom apply. We now have our little baby slate ax travel router running is a VPN client for the VPN server, that’s running on the Flint 2. Let’S see how fast that goes, damn look at that. Okay, that’s pretty ridiculous! This is literally faster.

I don’t know how, but it’s faster little guy can run wire guard client at at gig down 500 up. That’S pretty good! I mean you’re, probably not going to find a 1 gig connection, while you’re traveling, but if you did it can handle it. It’S so little look how cute it is. Last but not least, let’s try the Wi-Fi set to 160 y. This is still Wi-Fi: 6, not Wi-Fi 6, so we shouldn’t expect like above gigabit speeds per se, but we should still be able to get some pretty fast Wi-Fi out of this thing. This is a relatively congested environment, so I wouldn’t expect anything like much crazier than this yeah it’s about 600, both ways overall, pretty stout little router I mean it can do really fast VPN.

It can do real fast, Wi-Fi. It has two 2.5 gig ports and for $ 189 I mean, if I had to pick this or a gaming router. I think the choice is pretty obvious again thanks to glette for sponsoring the video uh.

If you guys like what you saw here, you can check it out at the link down below we’ll also have their travel routers linked down there. Those things are pretty sick, get subscribed like the video and, if you want more content, why don’t you check out the video I did on the barrel ax, which is one of their little travel routers that think it’s pretty sick, .