They challenged me to review it – HP Dragonfly Pro

They challenged me to review it - HP Dragonfly Pro

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “They challenged me to review it – HP Dragonfly Pro”.
Today, I’m going to be taking a look at the HP dragonfly Pro two things to note. First of all, thank you very much to HP for sponsoring this video. Second of all, calm Austin has returned yes, my friends, the myth is true. The yelling has gone. Let’S just sit down sit down we’re going to be calmly, taking a look at this, a very high quality laptop from our friends over at Hewlett-Packard. Can you say the word a laptop? Can you say a laptop? I have not physically touched this laptop, yet I’ve done some research.

I know some of the basic Core specs, but it’s a little bit more exciting to me to actually do an unboxing and to show you the first impressions and to kind of just experience the device for the first time with you. So the better way of doing these than I think concerning it down to three minutes of bullet points and specs and whatnot, but instead it’s like oh hey, how’s. This thing to actually use what are the advantages and who is this really for inside? We have the dragonfly Pro. First and foremost, this is powered by the latest generation of AMD processors, which is actually quite unique, but this is, as far as I’m aware, a device which has been pretty much designed from the ground up to be co-engineered with AMD. To take advantage of their latest tech, which, for someone who takes a look at a lot of laptops that are typically either powered by Intel or, of course, things like MacBooks, I’m really curious to see how this is actually going to stack up.

The lid is actually quite thick, which I’m not entirely sure what that’s for feels solid, but okay, I’ll give them props that, as a 14 inch laptop, I’m very happy to see upward firing speakers. I just think that if you want a nice audio experience on your laptop having speakers that fire directly towards you, instead of something that fires down or through the back or whatever that’s a win. I also like this finish very sort of matte and the port wow. What an interesting Port selection, there’s uh three usbcs, no headphone jack huh boy with a laptop this thick, would have been nice if they would have fit a headphone jack huh firing up the dragonfly.

This device is targeted at Freelancers. It’S targeted people who want to get work done, but don’t necessarily need some hugely powerful device. They also sell a Chromebook version of the device. Although I will say that the Chromebook version is powered by an Intel processor. It’S a little bit cheaper. This windows power with the AMD, is a little bit more.

They challenged me to review it - HP Dragonfly Pro

You know loaded with everything, wow, okay, so that’s the first day of noticing that touchpad surface feels terrific. It’S super smooth wait. Is it touch screen touchscreen now? I know that when designing this laptop battery, life was one of their main focuses according to HP. This is the best battery life they’ve ever offered on one of their 14-inch consumer laptops.

Now, I think, part of the reason they’re able to do that is because uh I haven’t opened it up yet, but I’m assuming that there’s quite a large battery inside here now it is touchscreen, of course, but what you’re, assuming is that slightly lower resolution here is Definitely going to pay dividends when it comes to battery life and, let’s be honest at 14, inches 1200p is completely fine. It still has 16 by 10 aspect ratio. So as always, let’s pop open task manager and see exactly what we’ve got. So this is outfitted with the ryzen 7 7736u, which is a Zen 4 based CPU with eight cores.

We also have a pretty monstrous 32 gigs of RAM, as well as a one terabyte SSD, and this is outfitted with Radeon rgna3, graphics, uh. This is meant as a device that can get productivity done. If this is your device to run your business, this is what they’re really designing it for it’s not meant for crushing noobs. It’S designed for or crushing spreadsheets emails a little bit of light video editing.

Let’S be real, that’s what most of us are doing. If you really want a editing laptop or a gaming laptop, there are clearly better choices out there. Also. I still cannot say enough nice things about this trackpad.

It is just the surface alone is so so nice at this kind of price point. You should accept very, very few compromises, so why don’t we actually take a look around the device? One interesting thing: they’ve done it actually has slightly rounded edges. So if you look all the way in the corner here, they just knocked off just a few pixels on the side. It’S definitely becoming a little bit more of a trend, especially with Windows 11, to have like rounded corners on things, it’s more of a modern UI.

So, let’s take a look to see some of the custom features the HP have built in here. Oh my goodness, there’s no blowhere on this laptop, I’m shocked and surprised. I guess I mean when you’re getting a little bit more on the premium price point. That’S nice to see, but I’m used to a lot of trials for things.

I don’t want some specific security software that I always uninstall: okay, cool, wow, that’s actually really nice. So there are actually a lot of Premium features that HP have included. So you guys, you can see some of this on the keyboard, so you can see that for the most part, this is a full-size keyboard. Would you have some custom Keys over here, so this little uh triple dock? I can set here to do multiple items.

They challenged me to review it - HP Dragonfly Pro

So if I wanted to, I could set that to copy paste macro, perhaps what’s something I need to do on a regular basis. I want a keyboard shortcut for I could use this to automatically open up Bing and to copy paste. The first chunk of my prompt in there there we go. No, that’s neat. That’S neat one of the more unique features of the dragonfly. Is they dedicated support button on the keyboard, tap and hold it for a second and you’ll? Get access to 24 7 support via text or via call. This is actually really nice because, especially if you’re a one-person show and you’re doing everything from your laptop and if something goes wrong, having the ability to instantly get, that is a huge win.

So it’s included for a year with a laptop, although you can pay an additional subscription and you’ll also get ongoing support. If you do have say hardware issues or you literally just need to talk to somebody, not just you just need to talk to somebody. We all need to talk to somebody at some point, I’m sure they’re very friendly, but they probably prefer if you talk to them about like laptop related things. Not just like. I don’t know, let’s watch a video, oh my God.

Oh my, I just typed. The word YouTube into YouTube search, dude these speakers, Amazon, as well as Prime shipping. These bang Olufsen speakers sound, terrific and also, I will say the screen is really nice as well.

They challenged me to review it - HP Dragonfly Pro

If you’re using this for consumption, whether it’s for video or audio or whatever it’s nice, I will say it would also be nice if they had found a way to fit a headphone jack and the laptop. But the next best thing is have some really nice speakers. Let me actually do a little typing test on the keyboard. I didn’t yell. That was just an excitement, an exclamation of Glory 104 100 accuracy um.

So yes, I will say the keyboard. Is nice um, it’s a very sort of um, clicky kind of feel. So it’s not like a really deep sort of press, but I think for someone who’s gon na be spending a lot of hours typing, especially when you compare it with the touchpad, which just feels incredibly smooth. This is a nice place to spend time.

I also like the material, if you take a close look, you actually see like little speckles in the actual material, it’s on the trackpad as well, and it gives it that sort of, like kind of feel, that it’s not going to get like really scuffed and scratched. Like it feels durable, which I really like, let’s do a quick little check of the webcam, it is Windows, hello, power, start HP, enhanced camera hell, yeah, one enhanced camera. Oh look! I’M in a cafe wow how about blur yeah! It’S pretty neat.

One thing that will give HP props, for it is quite easy to open up the dragonfly there’s a total of I count. Six screws on the back side, not entirely sure if it’s gon na be anything uh user upgradable. But I always just like to take a look to see what’s actually inside these devices.

Oh look at that wait. Is this magnetic hold on a second, it’s magnetic look yo. I will say: there’s probably not a lot that you can actually do underneath here. So we do have the battery, which is 65 watt hours uh. We also do have dual cooling fans and uh that’s about it. I don’t think, there’s anything replaceable look at the size of those drivers.

No wonder it’s so loud! That’S actually really impressive. This latto smells delicious [ Applause, ], normally with pretty much any device that I try. I run some extensive benchmarks, but it feels like while, yes, this does quite well in cinebench 3dmark and all The Usual Suspects. I’M gon na actually try to do something inside of excel.

I’M going to multiply every number I can by every other number I can think of times as many as I could think of, and I’m just gon na just try to break cell all right. So we’re gon na just extend it out to. I don’t know how about this far as it’ll go. How about that many numbers? Can you oh wow? Okay, oh, that was 20 000 numbers.

That’S fast! Okay, let’s put our ryzen CPU to work, let’s calculate about it. Just calculated 97 000 numbers before I could even finish the sentence with that Andy ryzen 7 processor. You know that you’ve got decent Graphics, 32, gigs of RAM and an 8 core CPU.

But on top of that, you also have the flexibility of usb4, something that used to be a little bit of a downside on AMD processors. But now you’ve got the ability to have that full 40 gigabit in and out. You can connect it to monitors hubs.

Docs. All that kind of fun stuff uh – it might not be the world’s most exciting looking Hardware. What it is designed to do is to be relatively eco-friendly, but importantly, actually durable right. This thing is meant to last for a extended period of time, with some great support and the ability to easily open it up and swap the battery out is a big win. So, if you’re interested in learning anything else about this HP, dragonfly Pro definitely be sure to go check it out at the link in the description and huge. Thank you to HP for sponsoring this video look. If you buy the dragonfly Pro, you can program that button to open up the Austin Evans channel, so you’re always kept up to date with the latest and greatest I’m not saying you should do that, because there’s probably better uses of that button.

But you know what I mean: I wouldn’t blame you for it: Austin, Evans, .