These Wireless Earbuds are SUPER Comfortable – LG TONE FREE FP9 Showcase

These Wireless Earbuds are SUPER Comfortable - LG TONE FREE FP9 Showcase

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “These Wireless Earbuds are SUPER Comfortable – LG TONE FREE FP9 Showcase”.
Sometimes it’s almost unfortunate when a brand sponsors, a video like LG, sponsored this one, because the TONE free FP8s are hands down the most comfortable in-ear wireless earphones that I have heard yet.. Not only that but they’ve got a super compact hearing case 24 hours of battery life with the battery included in the case., And they are super small.. Look how tiny these things are., I mean next you’re gon na tell me: they’ve got some kind of bacteria killing light inside that destroys bacteria on the mesh inside the ear.. They got that too Well. We’Re gon na have to take a closer look at these.

These Wireless Earbuds are SUPER Comfortable - LG TONE FREE FP9 Showcase

Aren’T we ( upbeat music, ) LG, sent me a fancy package with a few fun things. Inside. We’ve got the FP5, FP8 and FP9 TONE free earbuds here to check out. They’ve all got active noise cancellation and they share the same physical design..

These Wireless Earbuds are SUPER Comfortable - LG TONE FREE FP9 Showcase

But the FP9s have LG’s new plug and wireless feature, which is great for devices that don’t have Bluetooth or that have really janky Bluetooth. Implementations like ( Linus, clearing his throat ) certain mobile game consoles that bug out. If you try to connect Bluetooth, audio and a Bluetooth controller at the same time., So all you have to do is plug in a three and a half millimeter to USB-C cable. And then you can actually use your case to forward the audio to the earphones.

These Wireless Earbuds are SUPER Comfortable - LG TONE FREE FP9 Showcase

Super cool right. That’S actually great for things like playing treadmills like there’s any number of things that still use the three and a half millimeter jack. But you don’t necessarily wan na carry around two different pairs of headphones with you all the time., The FP9s retail at 1.99.. So if you want a cheaper option, you can check out the FP5s here.. You just won’t get the plug in wireless or their UV. Nano feature. We’ve mentioned that on the channel before, but now the UV light inside the case works twice as fast killing, 99 % of the bacteria on each ear mesh within just five minutes of charging.. These ones also lack wireless charging, that’s available only on the FP8s..

So choose wisely based on which features you care about the most. As for which feature I care about. The most LG apparently sent a special version of the FP8s.. These are so cool.. Why are more electronics, not translucent LG, on behalf of everyone, watching this video, I’m calling upon you now to sell these.? It really makes you appreciate all the tech built into them.

So much better. In terms of colors LG’s TONE. Free lineup is available in white.

They’re calling this rose gold, that’s gold. And black.. They call that rose gold, apparently, but I don’t buy it. At this point.

I’Ve already hit most of the talking points that LG asked for in the sponsored video.. So, let’s focus on what really matters. Inside you get small, medium and large medical grade ear. Tips.

The medium ones are the right size for me. Your mileage may vary.. You got a USB-C charging. Cable.

Charging is handled by these three metal contacts on both sides and you just pop them in little, something like that. They’re magnetic, so they should snap into place pretty easily. And since you’re in here, you can also see that these were developed in collaboration with Meridian. The high-end audio manufacturer that LG actually also sponsored a tour of their facility a couple of years ago, back when touring facilities was a thing.

On the earbuds themselves, is a total of three microphones per earbud., And these contribute to a couple of features.. One is apparently exceptional call quality., So we’re gon na go ahead and record a call to Plouffe who’s sitting over there in a minute., But another one is that the FP8 support active noise cancellation just like the top tier competitors that LG is up against at this Price point. – The mics – are located here here and right. There. They’ve also got proximity sensors in them, so they can detect if you take them out of your ears as well as touch sensitive buttons right here that can be configured in LG’s app to serve various functions.. Hopefully the setup procedure is pretty painless, but it should be because I tried it once before.

We started and it was like ( Linus snapping his fingers ) super easy. Connect prompts you to download the app boop touch twice end call volume control three times to play. The next song and long press is ambient. Control.

Colored light indicator tells you how much battery life is left on your case., Hey, Oh right! That makes sense. I closed it., So it went away.. I was going through the user manual. Let me have my fun.

Time to put these in.: Let’s try a couple of different EQs., I’m gon na start with natural. Obviously that’s usually my preference.. Let’S just have them be noise blocking, but not noise canceling by default., Touchpad lock., Oh interesting.! Well, how do you unlock it? No, it’s just locked right, now.! Now it’s working., So you can see. I changed over to ambient mode.

There. Noise, canceling, mode. Huh., So you’ve got different levels of noise cancellation.. You know that kind of pressure feeling on your ears.

When you have noise cancellation on, I mean honestly, it’s not especially noticeable to me on these anyway, but you can decide if it’s over your threshold, then you can turn it down to low.. Normally, noise cancellation doesn’t do a great job of things like human conversation., But., (, Linus, mumbling ). I could hear it kind of like that. Like I could just barely make out little bits of what Colin was saying.

Game. Mode. Whoa cool, Lower latency., Whispering mode. Hold the right earbud near the mouth, to speak softly on the phone..

Okay, we’re gon na have to try this., Okay, I’m calling you. Hello [ Nick ]. Can you hear me Yeah? I can hear you.. How am I doing You hear me all right, [, Nick ], Yeah you’re, pretty clear.. Okay, let’s give this whispering mode a shot here.. I have to take out the right one and..

Okay, can you hear me all right, [, Nick ], Yeah you’re still whispering.? Oh interesting., I screwed this up, Andy. The microphones. I dunno there’s four holes in the thing., So I don’t know which three are microphones.. So there’s the one here which I suspect is to listen to like what makes it past the earphones so that one’s got ta.

Be a mic., This one’s got ta be a mic, but I don’t think this one is. I think it’s actually just another port for this one.. Okay. What about now? Can you hear me better [, Nick ] Yeah? I can hear you whispering. It’s a little better.. Okay, but the point of this mode is supposed to be that you’re in a loud environment or a busy environment where you wan na have a quiet conversation..

So what if there was some ambient noise ( Crab Rave playing on laptop ), Get some Crab Rave going in here. Okay. I’ve got the speaker like right near to my head.. Can you still hear me all right, [ Nick ] Yeah? I can still hear you.. I’M having a harder time hearing, you. [ Nick ], Oh yeah., Hold on give me one second..

I just got ta turn a thing: real quick., [ Nick ] Crab Rave is coming through loud and clear.. I’M turning on my noise cancellation, so I can hopefully block it. Better. ( Crab Rave playing on laptop ).

Okay. So how would you describe the audio quality out of 10 [, Nick ] Uh. I’d, say it’s a six or a seven, but considering your whispering. Six or seven.

[ Nick ] Yeah, your whispering ( indistinct ), Not bad., I mean a six under those circumstances. Is kind of a win. [ Nick ] Yeah you’re clear right up when you turn Crab Rave off., Okay, thanks Nick that’s good for now.. Unfortunately, it looks like whisper mode is something you have to toggle manually right now, it’s in the lab., But maybe it’s something that you can use your buttons for. If you customize that., Oh customize, touchpad functions., Here we go. Cool, so touch three times., Okay, whisper mode on and off is not a thing that you can do, but it would be cool if you could.

LG, if you guys are watching, which I know for a Fact you are it’d, be super cool if you could turn things like whisper mode on and off in here, rather than just having a limited number of functions. They’re IPX4 water resistant, (, Linus clicking his tongue ), not the case. Though. Five minutes of charging gets you an hour of battery, but, more importantly, these sound great..

Let’S see how easy it is to nail those touch: controls: okay, That’s on and off., Responsive, so far. About a third of a second delay. One of the big things.

For me, is I actually sleep with my earphones in so comfort is king for me., And you know I’ve settled in terms of audio quality in order to have something. That’S really comfortable., But part of comfort is what they feel like when I’m up and about and part of it is what they feel like when I am lying down.. Ever since I had kids, I’ve slept with noise, canceling earphones in or at least noise blocking earphones, in.

Just helps me sleep through better., So let’s see. Sorry. This is just a very important benchmark, because this is what ended up killing the Sony WF-1000 XM4 for me is that they’re super comfortable under all circumstances, but the touch sensors on them were activated by my pillow constantly..

Let me see if I can activate a touch sensor here.. This doesn’t look like benchmarking, but I assure you it is. ( phone ringtone playing ) Nope., Haven’t managed to hit it. And how did they do for a shake test here? Let’S get this pillow out of here: ( rock music, ) ( Linus’ neck cracking ), Oh well! I heard my neck crack.

( rock music ), That’s pretty good. Huh.! Sorry, I’m a little. Woo, I’m fine. All right! The last thing I’m apparently supposed to try is the immersive audio mode that they worked on with LG..

I can pretty much guarantee that I’ll hate it, because anything other than just the music in my ears is generally not my preference. [, Andy ]. You can hear me: okay, Yeah, I can now. The ambient mode sounds really natural actually.. That’S great., Like I can converse with you just fine.. What about just passive noise control? [, Andy ], Hi, hi, Linus., Oh yeah! I can hear you. [ Andy ]. Could you put the phone, I can hear you reasonably well.

[ Andy ] Into the center. Please Oh sure.! I think I’d probably just leave it on high mode. Personally., Honestly, you know what Lots of people do like playing around with different EQs and different audio effects and stuff. Like that., I don’t personally find that these need any EQing out of the box..

Your mileage may vary as far as that goes., But as far as the effects being applied, a good pair of your phones won’t need them, and I don’t honestly think these need them.. Oh look at that. There’S a nice little custom, EQ, control., Love it And natural is fine., And it’s fine for this video to be over., So they’re not cheap, but as far as being feature-rich goes there’s not much else that I’d be asking for. Thanks LG for sponsoring this video and Sending these over., That’s it! Bye! .