The Worst Thing about the Fairphone

The Worst Thing about the Fairphone

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “The Worst Thing about the Fairphone”.
Hey elus, sorry about the wing, not my fault! Why are you sorry then sounds like it might have been your fault admission of guilt. Yeah? Are you planning to do a follow-up daily usage video on the fairphone 5? What are your impressions so far been eyeing that as a potential upgrade? Yes, I’ve been daily driving it for uh, there’s a bit of a gray Zone in between about when the LG wi video came out and sort of the week after that, where I still had some stuff, I hadn’t transitioned over to the fair phone. But my intention is not just to daily Drive the fair phone for a review, but also to make the fairphone my new note 9, if that makes sense, like my my fallback, if whatever it is, that I’m using right now doesn’t have something on it um. This is like the one that will definitely have like all my tofas or you know, whatever else like. This is like the one that I can use if I’m in in between other phones that I’m reviewing or something so that’s my goal. However, I’m having some issues.

Um some things are little like when I’m watching uh a TV in the dark. I don’t know what it is. The ambient light sensor, uh kind of struggles, sometimes so it’ll go bright in the dark and bright in the dark and bright in the dark, and this one’s really annoying.

The Worst Thing about the Fairphone

So right now I have my ringer off and the reason for that is that if you guys uh would like to do a little experiment with me watch this Luke yeah um. I am going to turn my ringer down to the minimum volume while still being above zero. Okay, so I’m now at the minimum. Okay.

The Worst Thing about the Fairphone

So that’s off! That’S the minimum volume above the lowest setting right. Okay, go ahead and text me or like teams. It doesn’t matter.

Just just notify my phone of something yeah, okay, okay, you can send anything, doesn’t have to be a that is really really that’s loud. That’S that’s quite loud and it’s it’s those kinds of little quality of life, things that are making it kind of hard to like it. There’S a lot to like about the philosophy but um. It’S been a while, since I’ve reviewed a phone and I just kind of assumed they all just kind of worked at this point, the fair phone proved me wrong. Um, oh people want the loudest setting, I mean sure, uh all right hit Me Again.

The Worst Thing about the Fairphone

Luke uh, okay, give me one. Second, I’ve actually bu texting other people. No, I’m actually busy texting. You oh, but give me a second it’s okay.

I just need to send it. Well, it’s fine! It’S you’re going to I’m going to send it to you, you’re, going to see it in a moment. What no that that? Okay, just I think it’s not bad okay, okay, anyway, you’re making like 10,000 people, wait for you to send this text message! Well, I wasn’t going to, but then so wait, that’s max volume, I think so. So there’s just no difference.

Yeah, I’m at Max now is that actually the notification volume that you’re adjusting oh crap, you goof, no, no, no, no, no hold on hold on hold on no, no. The Ring of notification. One is is down at the bottom, W yeah, but it wasn’t at the top yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah. No do more time, one more time, one more time: okay, yeah! No! Here’S Max! Here’S Max! Oh yeah! That’S another thing! That’S been kind of annoying, so it gets louder, which is, I guess, a feature not enough louder for it to go up the entire bar.

You know yeah, so it’s that minimum volume is still very high. Do you want to compare it to mine sure, because I I don’t think I’ve actually tried this? I just realized, though, there’s zero, so there’s zero without it being silent. Try one more time, maybe there’s a maybe maybe 0 % is audible, which was not intuitive. To me, but hey, no, that’s five yep, so that was minimum volume on this phone, which is a problem for me because if I don’t have my ringer on, I don’t notice things because I am distracted doing things and if I have my ringer on but too Loud it can’t be on when I’m shooting and if it’s not on when I’m shooting, I won’t remember to turn it back on when I’m done shooting.

So I basically just don’t find out about people messaging me until later. When I look at my phone anymore uh, which is not working, why are you say why why do your messages say: penis grow up. Okay, let’s see how L your minimum is.

I I should hold it in front of my mic, though, because this is mine only has seven volume levels yeah. I think mine only has about that. Oh okay, like on Samsung, I know that um for media volume anyway, there’s a third party app that I installed that the same way you’re holding your phone, no, not yet.

That gives you way more granular control um. I don’t know if there’s an equivalent for this, I haven’t tried to solve this yet to be very clear, but there’s just been some annoyances, pretty quiet super reasonable. That’S the kind of thing that I could leave on to make sure that I notice things, but you know if it goes off in the middle of a take, then I can still continue to do it. We honestly don’t even need to play full volume. It’S like reasonably loud: it’s what you’d expect yeah yeah that sucks anyways, hey dlll, first time listener longtime caller oh hold on, I should say there are a lot of things I really like about it, though, like the fact that you could like kill someone with it. Yeah, like good, feels many generations ago, yeah it’s as big as my wife’s in a case, but it doesn’t have a case on it.

Yeah it is heavy yeah, it’s thick, it’s like you, know, yeah. It’S fair, though yeah all right go ahead. Dan first time listener.

Longtime caller, they never said great phone. They said Fair phone, that’s a good line. I should use that.

How many like fair use? Jokes, do you have in the in the script as long as they’re, not free use? Jokes, we should get away with it. Huh, the best part is, he can’t take any kind of moral High Ground because he knows what I’m talking about. We can’t react at all. Can we I mean uh Luke, please explain it to me.

I don’t know I don’t know, no we’re good we’re good, we’re good we’re good we’re good .