The World’s LARGEST “Graphics Card”

The World's LARGEST

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “The World’s LARGEST “Graphics Card””.
Hey yeah, there’s a time for tech news forget about it almost there, as promised nvidia published their GTC keynote yesterday, announcing the first GPU built on the ampere architecture, but instead of one big video, they published it conveniently separated into nine different parts, signifying the number of People who understand every word of the data center jargon that made up the majority of the presentation. Did you watch it? The star of the show was, of course, the dgx, a 100 nvidia x’ latest data center machine composed of 8, a 100 GPUs and 264 core epic CPUs from AMD a departure from Nvidia’s previous dgx systems, which used Intel Xeon. But that makes sense because they’re better now, while this is the first example of an ampere powered GPU, we’re seeing it doesn’t look like it – can really tell us a ton about any potential ampere gaming cards. We may or may not be seeing in the future.

But if you just can’t wait, you could put in an order for a $ 200,000 dgx a 100 and try to run Crysis on end or something good. Luck shout out to lols on the forum for finding this next story. 0 diem a security company that collects software, exploits and pays the researchers who find them has stopped accepting submissions for iOS vulnerabilities for the next two or three months.

That’S because so many people are finding and submitting exploits that it’s presumably inefficient to collect anymore 0. Diem. Ceo put it in plain English: iOS security is with a ton of vulnerabilities that potentially allow hackers to execute remote code on iPhones and iPads his takeaway. Let’S hope, iOS 14 will be better geez time to switch to Android. I hear they don’t get viruses and the 1 8 pros camera is so good that it can use x-ray vision and I’m only half joking. The phone’s camera array includes infrared sensors that can be activated using the camera. Apps photo crumb filter. This allows a user to see through some materials, particularly certain types of plastic commonly found, Electronics and even some clothing, as pointed out by unbox therapy settle down James, so that basically confirms it. If you’ve got a oneplus phone, I’m sorry you’re a pervert look.

I didn’t make the rules for which parts of the electromagnetic spectrum human eyes can pick up on. Okay, maybe try switching to iPhone or wait. No.

The World's LARGEST

Now it’s time for the quick bits brought to you by private Internet access VPN, which lets you ask your IP and encrypt your traffic P ia offers over 3300 servers in 30 countries with no bandwidth caps. It is configurable encryption levels and a kill switch to keep. You in control and when combined with private browsing it can make websites think you’re in a different country. You can practice your acting and pretend you’re British. You can connect up to five devices at once, whether they be Windows, Mac, Android, iOS or Linux and P IAS Mace feature blocks, malware and tracking domains, so try it at the link below with a 30 day money back guarantee. Facebook is gon na acquire giffy.

The World's LARGEST

The popular chip sharing company for 400 million did you notice something there. I’M saying giffy because the CEO said: that’s how you say it and I’m saying jiff, because that’s how the gifs creator said that you say it. It’S called respect. That’S right! Regardless now you’ll be able to respect Facebook moms a bit more when they actually embed a Jif properly instead of posting a link, it really annoys James.

The World's LARGEST

He just told me that how many Facebook moms do you talk to another acquisition? News Apple has bought next vr rumors have flown the past year about Apple developing some kind of VR headset, but next VR specializes in VR broadcasting. So it seems like the company’s ambitions, may go beyond a lame addition to Apple arcade. Maybe you’ll be able to virtually stand on stage at the WWDC s of the future and virtually tickle Tim Apple’s ear. That’S what I’ve wanted to do ever since I saw him speaking of VR.

Oculus has updated the quest with oculus link support for the USB 2.0 type-c cable that comes with the headset. So I guess you don’t need the $ 80 oculus link, cable, the company sells and that a bunch of people bought already. I guess they didn’t buy anything. So much as they just paid the earlier to tax, which is now making it easier for the rest of us thanks, rich vr, nerds duma turtles, new update adds some cool game content, but it also brings along a new version of de nouveaux anti cheat.

That includes a kernel level driver similar to the notoriously hated software used by Valerie, hey if they all jump off a bridge. You know who but developer in software, says that they’re anti cheat launches and closes along with the game, which I’m sure means everyone will be fine with it and hey looking to expand your vocabulary of words that don’t exist. Well, that’s a good one! Well, go to this word does not exist calm. I love that one even more.

It’S a website that offers up AI generated nonsense, words that maybe sound like they could be real along with a similarly fictitious definition, you’re you’re on a roll I mean I finally learned that an end to Nahum was each of the four interlaced obsequious. I always wanted to know that, and I’ve also wanted to end this episode when it’s over and now it is come back on Monday for more tech news see ya. I have some too we’ll show you our skin leadings .