The Ultimate iPhone 7 Case?

The Ultimate iPhone 7 Case?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “The Ultimate iPhone 7 Case?”.
So for those of you that follow me on Instagram, You already saw a teaser of this right here. This is an abundance of cases for the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7, Plus I’m going to try to break it down for you.. Show you what the landscape looks like … In the world of cases, for your new iPhone One of the first things I noticed when I was handling these latest and greatest Apple.

Products.. Is just how slippery they are. This thing is whatever they did on the finish here. Just makes it incredibly slide-y.. There’S a lot in front of me: here., Hopefully help you select the right case for your iPhone 7 or 7 Plus..

So first up the bumper case Drop protection from 11 feet. What does that look like, So it can fall from basketball heights supposedly …, That’s …, pretty amazing. You’Ve still got a physical button to press there. The bottom has access as well. Having given up the whole design, aesthetic of the iPhone, And then it gives you that grip as well. We have the official Apple leather case. Now these aren’t cheap Made out of a real leather, though *Sniffs* Yeah, that’s leather, Snaps, right on pretty easily With real leather, especially this tan color.., There’s gon na be some nuance imperfections… But this is how you know it’s real leather As nice as they look. They are a little bit flimsy, So I don’t know how much protection that offers up Way more grippy than the … Stock naked iPhone.

The Ultimate iPhone 7 Case?

So there you have it Holy smokes Lew. Are you crazy Military strength protection Like what a weird combination of worlds? Oh my … Gadoosh, That is …

The Ultimate iPhone 7 Case?

Solid, So it’s like a soft shell interior, which then goes into this hard exterior. Maybe you are a military minded, bling type individual. What next Presidio Clear This to me looks like a a basic clear case, So it won’t yellow It resists UV light, Have protection without completely covering up the design of your product, So you can still see you’ve got the matte black iPhone And the extra protection Look At this monster, This is the Defender Triple layer, protection.. screen protector.. belt, clip Kind of bulks up the phone a little bit, but a ton of grip. I’M pretty confident that in a in a case like this, you are not gon na need to worry at all. You might have to worry about the case attacking you, This part clips on.., Nice and easy And then.. Maneuver, that around the outside, It’s hard to say you can do better.. Than the defender.

The Ultimate iPhone 7 Case?

This one is a little bit different, It’s from UAG and it’s got a built in wallet. It’S not like. It got super fat because of it On the back. Here.. You’ve got a spot for some cards And it clips down Hey.

If you are trying to eliminate your fat wallet and force yourself to only bring what you need, That’s kind of cool Next up, we’ve got the official Apple, silicone cases, I’ll open up the red one here.. Woah, that that was.. super satisfying well done Oooooh And on The big boy.., A ton, more grip, Rep the red: What’s this one called Plasma.., A vibrant yellow for the boss players out. There You’ve got these bolts, so you look tougher than you actually are. That’S kinda of an interesting look right there.

Now this guy is an even bigger boy. This has an armor frame, Top grain leather 2x against the military standard and a 10 year warranty Slides in super easy Woooh, I mean that’s a kind of statement… You got ta be up for that.., That’s aggressive, That’s rugged, But if you wan na go straight RoboCop/Terminator/Every action, hero of all time, That might be your one right there. Next up, we’ve got this product from Moshi, which is kind of funny, because they’ve labeled it as “ Premium vegan leather”, Which to me, is like a kind of hipster way of saying synthetic leather.

This is military grade drop protection, But I bet you, it doesn’t smell. Like leather *Sniffs*, No, not at all, It actually feels kinda nice, though This one has a.. A harder shell to it. You know what…

I don’t really mind that This one is another bumper case, but for the bigger 7 plus.., So same concept as the first Another UAG one… This is the Pathfinder Plasma Monarch and now Pathfinder One.. solid piece of plastic. I mean that’s just if you want a slightly more subdued version Now.

Maybe you want something: that’s a little bit less.. Kind, of.. Obvious! Here’S one from Spigen called “ The crystal hybrid”. This is kinda cool, So that’s very clear with a hard shell around the exterior Phone goes in here first and then the next part kinda locks it all in It’s gon na give you some grip.

This. The only one we’ve got that can kinda have a little viewing stand to it. We got one more.. Competitor from Otterbox.

This is called “ Symmetry”. It’S a hard shell I’ll. Tell you what You drop it.

Nothing happens.., You’re, not concerned. If you’re kind of like a mid-range protection person – and you still want that nice easy in and out From your pocket, that has you covered The sides, grip it a little bit but not much. Let’S I wan na show you what I’m talking about with this one..

With the defender A real breakdown of the craziness that is.. The case market. You might be able to repurpose a 6S case, But even on the 7, the camera cut out is slightly larger. What am I going to use? Oh man, this is that’s a tough one. I’M gon na go Robocop for a little bit.., Total recall.. Terminator.. Something about this. One speaks to me. So… If you see me in the street, you’re gon na know, what’s up Pooororooobabbababa Who’s better than you .