The ULTIMATE Fingerprint Scanner SPEED Test.

The ULTIMATE Fingerprint Scanner SPEED Test.

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “The ULTIMATE Fingerprint Scanner SPEED Test.”.
Today, we are doing something: we’ve never done before. I’Ve got together your guys top most requested smartphones and together we’re gon na unlock each one using a fingerprint scanner 100 times and we’re gon na see which device can do it fastest. So we’ve got the standard, top-tier flagships, you’re all probably familiar with, but also the new vivo NEX s, which uses an in display fingerprint scanner, so it’ll be interesting to see how this impacts its performance. Now the test we’re about to do is about more than just how fast the fingerprint scanner can scan your finger.

This test will also help us see many of the other different facets when it comes to the overall experience of unlocking your device, for example, how easy or hard it is to actually land your finger on the scanner or something as simple as the number of times It makes errors we’re gon na get some answers. Ok, so initially, there’s a lot to see here. This test might seem a little bit overwhelming, but let’s break it down and see what’s actually happening so on the far left, we’ve got the samsung galaxy s 9, plus a smartphone which has the fingerprint scanner mounted on the back in the middle of the device, and It’S fairly easy to reach for your finger naturally rests on place. We all noticed the opening animation after you unlock. It is not the snappiest of the bunch taking a step to the right. You can see the vivo NEX s with its in display. Fingerprint scanner is by far the slowest. The numbers underneath each device indicate how many successful unlocks we’ve had and the V bone access. This early on in the test is trailing way behind and the problem is threefold, because the fingerprint scanner uses the display in this phone.

The ULTIMATE Fingerprint Scanner SPEED Test.

The company has had to find a way to save power. So when the phone is stationary or relatively motionless, you have to turn the screen on before being able to press your thumb into it. You might have also noticed that the error rate is higher. I get falsely accused of having used the wrong finger more times than I’d like to, and also it is a very specific point on the display you have to touch if you’re, even slightly below it or slightly to the side. You’Ve essentially missed the scanner and therefore it takes a little bit longer. Compare that then to the centre phone, which is the Huawei P 20 Pro, and this device has its fingerprint scanner in a very similar location to the Nexus.

The ULTIMATE Fingerprint Scanner SPEED Test.

But it’s just. This is on the bottom of the device rather than in the display, but you can see quite clearly that this makes the process faster. I would say, though, that while the p20 pros, fingerprint scanner is fast, it’s not the most pleasant to use, because the sensor is flush is basically completely flat with the rest of the front of the phone.

The ULTIMATE Fingerprint Scanner SPEED Test.

You can’t feel for it with your hands alone. You have to actually look at the home button to check you’ve pressed it not the case with a lot of the other devices here now skipping the one plus six for a second, you might notice. The iPhone has nearly finished.

The one hundred unlocks your hand is naturally guided into place, and the touch ID is very, very fast and in the end, this is the first phone to finish. Okay, one plus six, which feels very similar to unlock to the s9 plus, in that the fingerprint scanner is in not only almost exactly the same position, but is also the exact same shape, but the oneplus is just faster. You can see now that four of the five devices here have very nearly finished: the iPhone 10, the oneplus six, the huawei p20 Pro and the s9 plus, and really it is just the vivo NEX s with this in display fingerprint scanner that is lagging behind and The reason I’ve done 100 tests here is to remove anomalies to make sure that the result you get is indicative of real-world performance so yeah. To give you an idea. The next s to unlock is about 70 to 75 %. The speed of the s9 plus and even slower, compared to the others, and to many people, surprised it’s not actually, because the scanning time itself is longer.

It’S the other things. It’S the other aspects of having an in display fingerprint scanner that caused the inconvenience all right. You probably know the order that the phones came in, but the actual finishing times were as follows: the iPhone 8 plus one the test with 2 minutes and 17 seconds. This was really impressive, quite a bit better than I thought it was going to do. This was followed not too closely, though by the oneplus 6 with 2 minutes and 38. The interesting thing here was that the processing time between these two phones seemed almost identical the time taken for the phone to understand and verify the finger was pretty similar.

The only difference was that the oneplus seems to have this delay between scanning the finger and turning on the display, the iPhones was more instantaneous. Huawei’S p20 pro followed very closely afterwards just 5 seconds later at two minutes and 43. So this was pretty middle of the line. Fingerprint scanner performance, nothing exceptional, nothing! That’S going to blow you away but easily fast enough to remain relevant. The Samsung Galaxy S 9 plus, was then in fourth place, which on one hand, isn’t the best, but on the other hand, these four phones so far are pretty closely bunched together and it’s really the vivo necks s in fifth place. That raises some calls for concern.

The in display fingerprint scanner is a very cool feature, is the kind of thing that gets great reactions when you show people, but this test is very indicative of the fact that it’s not quite there, yet it absolutely works, but I think given an option on a Practical level, I’d probably pick having the fingerprint scanner on the rear of the phone. Alright guys! Thank you so much for watching. I really hope you found the video useful and if you did be sure, to smash that subscribe button down below.

It would really help me out. My name is Aaron. This is mr.

he’s the boss and I’m signing out .