The Setup Tour Project 2012!

The Setup Tour Project 2012!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “The Setup Tour Project 2012!”.
Hey, what’s up guys mkbhd here and welcome to the setup tour project, so this is a project to create the largest ever collaborative setup. Tour video on youtube setup tours are a little bit more than just. What’S on your desk, it kind of surrounds the whole workspace and how you use that workspace for your workflow and getting things done, it’s what you sit down at every day and do things that a lot of you might already know. I moved recently and one of the types of videos that i watched a lot and i moved in – was set up tour videos and uh part of the reason why i realized i love watching setup tour videos so much.

I didn’t give a thumbs up on this. Video, if you agree, is that you actually learn things from other people’s setups to bring back to your own setup. My setup back here actually changes all the time.

It almost never stays the same for more than about a week or two, and that’s because i’m constantly getting ideas from outside sources from other articles from other youtube videos and from other people’s setups. I’M sure there are other people out there. Just like me, who are constantly changing and tweaking their setup just to fit them exactly perfectly, even though it never stays the same for very long.

The Setup Tour Project 2012!

So here’s how to become part of this awesome project. You make a little mini setup tour about a 10 to 20. Second, video showcasing what is interesting or unique about your setup, something that someone can learn from your setup. Bring your camera way back so give a wide angle view of everything and just talk about what that unique thing is, so it might be your laptop or your monitor, setup or your desktop or your desk or your draws or your speakers or your cable management tricks. Whatever it is, be sure to get that on video and show it in that 10 to 20. Second, video upload your noteworthy setup to youtube and post it as a video response to this video.

The Setup Tour Project 2012!

If you don’t have a youtube account, you can send it to that email address in the description below the like button on this video and there are some large file sending sites so there’s a site called that’ll allow you send up to 50 megabytes of a Video for free, if you do submit via email, though, be sure to include some link like a youtube or something you want me to shout out, because everyone who submits via youtube will be getting a shout out. So for the rest of the week i will be collecting and watching and compiling all of these into one massive setup tour video that will hopefully be able to help the most amount of people possible. So if you want to see these sorts of videos make sure you share this video share this on twitter share this on facebook on google plus and get the word out to anyone who likes watching setup tour videos so go ahead and submit your video and brace Yourself for a setup tour of epic proportions, including my own, which will be in that video and that should come out at the end of this weekend.

The Setup Tour Project 2012!

Either way. Looking forward to making that looking forward to seeing you guys, setups and looking forward to showing you guys. The half of the desk that you guys haven’t seen here yet either way, thanks for watching and i’ll talk to you guys in the next article peace you .