The Setup Room Tour (2016)!

The Setup Room Tour (2016)!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “The Setup Room Tour (2016)!”.
Alright guys, I know you’ve been waiting for this video for quite a while now, so I won’t waste too much time, but this is my full office desk setup. So my full gaming setup, which is kind of I’d, see a next level of ultimate will be coming. Hopefully, in the next month or so, but for now feast your eyes on this, so let’s start with the rug. Now it’s nothing too fancy I just kind of bought it off eBay. It was pretty cheap, but I just had to have a rug that I just I can’t deal with stone floors now, whilst they’re really going to be the centerpiece of a setup.

The Setup Room Tour (2016)!

It’S probably worth mentioning the bin. I’Ve got it’s by one home and you never really need to touch it, except when you’re emptying it just swiping your hand over it, it’ll automatically open and five seconds later, it’ll shut. So, on this side of the room, I’ve got a 3/4 size bed which I’ve kind of tied together with a clean-looking bed sheet. I’Ve kind of got of blue and white theme going on you’ll notice, pretty similar to the mr. who’s, the boss, design, there’s also a sink in the corner which, to be honest, is there by no choice of my own, but it’s more useful than I ever expected. It to be, and then something which is only recently becoming a trend, is Himalayan salt lamps.

The Setup Room Tour (2016)!

So when they’re actually lit the negative ions, they emit they fight against the positively charged particles that kind of causes to feel stuffy and sluggish. So it clears the air and it removes odors and then I’ve also got a lava lamp by mufe Moss, which are kind of the original creators and yeah. They can be a little bit of a faff, sometimes and they’re really expensive. But honestly, when you see this thing in motion, there’s no cooler lump to have also worth mentioning, I suppose, is my phone, which is the galaxy s7, soon to be replaced by the new pixel XL right. Next, to that, we’ve got the top-tier 2015 colour where custom MacBook Pro. That was ridiculously hard to say now.

The Setup Room Tour (2016)!

Yes, it’s a very good laptop, it’s pretty powerful, but it still can’t really cut 4k video editing. So this one is also on the way out and I’m going to be getting the new MacBook Pro. So as we look just behind that, there’s a pretty cool display – and this is LG’s 34 inch ultra wide monitor. Now, to be honest, when I first got it, I was a little bit confused by the resolution.

The aspect ratio is a bit funny, but watching movies and playing games on this is amazing and you kind of add to that experience with the Tobi IX, which is an eye tracker. It kind of increases the immersion in game. So, for example, if you look to the left of the screen, your character will look left. It’S really pretty cool one of my absolute favorite items in the entire setup.

Is this set of speakers? These are the BT 3s and already is a sound, ludicrously detailed, but they also pack a huge punch. They’Ve got kind of wide separation, so putting one on each side. The Montu gives you a really nice stereo effect. They’Ve got rich bass. I can connect your phone. Your tablet, your PC or any other device. Now you could say I’ve gone a little bit OTT when it comes to lighting on this setup, but honestly guys, I can’t stress how important it is not only to have big sources of light, but also lots of smaller ones. The dispersion creates a really nice ambient effect and the alt light lamp over here is putting multifunctional. It’S got the color and it’s also quite bright towards the right-hand side of the desk. We’Ve got two quotes which, to be honest, have kind of been my guiding messages throughout my entire journey on YouTube. They’Ve really helped me out, and probably the last piece of lighting apart from the LED strips behind, is the Xiaomi Yi Lite, which is not only bright but can display 16 million different shades of colour, which is pretty handy for creating some mood lighting.

So a pretty recent addition to the set up and something which are absolutely fallen in love with is my fridge. So this is a Russell Hobbs black 65 litre, no noise fridge and yeah. I mean you store some drinks and store some snacks in, and you just never have to leave the man cave, there’s also a pretty funky lampshade, which took a friend and I about four hours to put together. It makes the room a bit darker, but it fits perfectly with the theme and is awesome for ambiance there’s, also just a couple of bits and bobs kind of what I’d call finishing touches to the setup. On top of the right speaker, I’ve actually got a wireless charging pad, which is got eight thousand million powers of capacity I’m right.

On the other end, we’ve got a painting made by my best friend at uni for me for my 21st birthday. So that’s pretty much. You’Re replaceable and the chair I use is the RS Signum Pro expensive. Yes, but it’s really good for posture and literally you can fall asleep in this any day of the week.

Now, I’m not too sure if it counts as part of a setup but the mug. I use is the mighty mug mini it insulates your drink. It’S got really good capacity, but, more importantly, it just can’t be knocked over, which is one giant pain that you just don’t have to go through so guys. There we go, that is the ultimate desk office setup tour, thingamabob II.

I really hope you enjoy the video if you did be sure to whack that subscribe button stay tuned for my ultimate home tour and with that being said, I’m is, do is the boss and I’m signing out. Oh gee, .