The Sad State of PC Gaming IS Just Getting Worse

The Sad State of PC Gaming IS Just Getting Worse

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “The Sad State of PC Gaming IS Just Getting Worse”.
If you guys have been following me, you guys know that I’ve been in the PC industry literally since the date of its inception.. I’Ve been here since the very beginning. And truthfully through all the years of changes and things that have happened. I feel that, right now the PC industry is in it’s saddest shape that it’s ever been in.. You want to know why I feel this way. Let’S talk tech and find out.

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The Sad State of PC Gaming IS Just Getting Worse

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The Sad State of PC Gaming IS Just Getting Worse

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The Sad State of PC Gaming IS Just Getting Worse

And you’ll. Have a valid Windows: 10 key to get your unit up and running.. So, first up everybody knows that it’s impossible to get your hands on a video card right now, unless you either want to go pay extraordinary prices on E-bay or pretty much anywhere., And the only way you’ve been able to get a video card is by buying a Pre-Built system., But with buying a pre-built system most of the time you end up, buying a system where you don’t need any of those other parts., And so you go through this trial thing where you go. Buy this PC to get a hold of the video card. And then you’ve got all these other parts that are in the system. Now. These are only really what I feel the tip of the iceberg, because I’ve been in this since day 1 and I’ve never ever seen the industry in such a state that it’s in now. – And I know that probably the Corona virus. The pandemic has a huge impact on what’s going on in the industry., But as we start turning the corner on this pandemic, we would have thought that there would be some changes. That would make things better, but it’s really not happening.. So we know that probably you’re not going to see any new video cards from anybody, probably until next year., Even though we have seen rumors about Nvidia releasing a 3080 TI and a 3070 TI.

We all know exactly how that’s going to go.. The cards are going to come onto the market and within 5 to 10 minutes, every card will be sold and you’ll be back doing the lottery things at Newegg or other places trying to get a hold of a video card.. But honestly, these are just some of the things that I think has caused the PC industry to go into a rut. For one thing: games and game releases and what I feel is just really the originality of games has been flushed down the toilet..

When I first started buying PC games and playing PC games, you never went out and bought a game. And then, when you got the game had to go out and download all these updates patches and all these things just to get your game to work.. So basically, let’s just start with gaming.. I feel that in the gaming industry us PC guys have become Guinea pigs for the industry..

They want you to pay all this money up front for these games, and then they release the games without the game even being completely finished.. Cyberpunk 2077 is a prime example of this BS.. The game just kept getting delayed delayed delayed until finally, public sentiment was just like pretty much like “ Yeah right.. This game is just a bunch of BS.” And then, when the game finally did come out, guess what It wasn’t. Complete.

( indistinct ) get up. You had to install patches do all these updates just to get to go. And honestly, you guys know what I’m talking about.. This game is not really all that original. They’ve taken basically parts of other genres of games, thrown them all in and made this game.

That’S kind of like a salad of different other games., But there’s really nothing too original about it.. Think about it.. What are we on Final fantasy? What 57? No I’m just joking., But you guys know what I mean.. They basically just keep rehashing the same titles over and over and over. Far Cry 1 to Far Cry 5 Crisis, 1 to Crisis 3 or 4.. Everything nowadays seems to just to be a rehash., So they get a game.. They think it’s a formula of success., So “ Hey, let’s just keep throwing these same things out there.”, But let’s face it. Whether you’ve played Far Cry 1 or Far Cry 5.

The gameplays are very similar. Yeah. The circumstances of what’s going on have changed, but the gameplay itself, the graphics, it’s pretty much the same thing.. So as far as even gaming goes. I feel that the way the industry is that even games aren’t really as good as they used to be. Games used to have a lot of original thought inside of them.. When they came out, you were glad to get the titles.. The titles always worked., So that was one aspect.

And now we’ve got an industry where to even like really jump in and get a PC gaming machine. It’S getting impossible because not only are video cards in shortage now we’re seeing shortages across the board through all kinds of different parts., And it seems kind of weird. And I’ve seen other people make posts like saying “. Well, do you guys even really want to see hardware, tech reviews, anymore, ?” And I think, for the most part, a lot of people right now are just like “ Eh.

What’S the point ?” In a lot of ways, I agree with you guys.. What is the point in bringing out reviews about products that you absolutely can’t buy? It just doesn’t make sense because if you’re like me, you go out and you watch videos, so you can get educated on the products that you’re looking for, so that you can buy them., There’s a reason why there’s multiple tech, sides. Different people have different perspectives. And You want to check out those different perspectives, all the way from the guy who’s, like basically saying “. This is the worst thing on the planet ,” to the guys saying: “, Hey! This is the next best thing to sliced, bread.” And you’re, trying to find that sweet spot in between to satisfy your brain of what you want to buy, but going out and doing all this research and stuff when you can’t even buy the PC parts you want To get is kind of lame., It’s really kind of lame., And what really sucks is like. I talked in another video.

Some of these companies that are buying video cards trying to get to you can’t even buy just a video card., So they go to Gigabyte to buy a video card and Gigabyte’s like “. No, you have to buy a video card.. You have to buy a motherboard.. You have to buy a sound card.” Buying all these extra parts. Well, when these parts shortages start getting shorter and shorter and shorter.

How are you even gon na buy what I call this like crazy multipack of products, if they’re not even available And having to go out and buy a prebuilt PC just to get a video card? I don’t know, I think, that’s kind of shoddy.. Some of the prebuilt systems have come a long ways.. There are some companies out there that make good prebuilts, but still a lot of the prebuilt systems are not the exact parts that you want them to be. And since right now, if you’re, probably buying a prebuilt and trying to get a video card with it, you’re Probably going to try to buy the cheapest pre-built that you can buy to get the video card you want, which means you’re going to get a bunch of parts that you really don’t need, don’t want just to get that video, card. And then you’re.

Turning around trying to sell those parts. Come on it’s kind of a vicious vicious circle.. All kinds of people are talking about. Conspiracy, theories.. I don’t know.

Jay made some video where he’s wearing a silver cap saying all the conspiracy theories are wrong., But the bottom line is there’s too many people right now that are stuck at home, who all want to play PC games who all want to own a Pc. And because there’s really nothing else to do anything that comes to market is just sucked up so fast that people really are having a hard time getting pads. And it really sucks, because the way things are looking, I’m not really seeing any like change in this.

Until next year. And I’m making another video., There’s a lot of cool things coming out. Intel’s finally confirmed that their video cards are coming to the market. Right now.

They’Re, just in the notebook division. Intel has confirmed. New CPUs. AMD has confirmed RDNA 2 for sure coming.. They have brand new …. Well, I call the all in one CPUs.. These are going to be coming out., So you’re going to be able to get these brand new APUs that are going to have the absolute best onboard graphics, you’ve ever seen.. So there are a lot of things happening in the industry to breathe some new life into the industry to make it happen., But the whole thing is is if none of these parts, when they come to market, are going to be really available for anybody.

It’S just going to be a really sad state., I’m sick of it.. Like I get people calling me every day, saying: “, Hey man. Can you sell me one of your video cards man? I can’t get a video card.”. Unfortunately, I have to keep my cards for me to do testing.

I saw that Linus made some video at one point where he said he’s selling video cards for lower than MSRP.. Honestly, when a tech reviewer has more cards to be able to offer a sale directly to the public than even the store, there’s something wrong with that. And just all kinds of colors and flavors.. I might be going to touch that with a 10 foot pole. But that’s a lot of just all the way around.. Why would Linus have so many cars that he can sell them out to the public lower than MSRP and be like he’s the store.

Somebody is getting too many. Damn video cards.! That’S what I got to say, but oh well., But let me know what you guys think.. Do you guys see like any changes coming on, Because I really don’t., I don’t see like anything happening in the near future. That’S going to change this dilemma.

Right now. The market is just in my book in the worst date: it’s ever been. Games are stagnant., You can’t get pads, video cards cost an arm and a leg., And it doesn’t really seem like anything’s coming to market to change that.. So what do you do? Also? I want to mention this if you’re a person and you’re not really totally worried about having 200 frames per second, and you just want to have some fun playing games.

Some of these things like G-Force now and Stadia. Some of these things are actually okay.. I’Ve gone on and I’ve played some games on these. And even though they’re not the absolute best solution, you can still go on there without a great video card and play all kinds of games and have fun. Yeah sure.. Are you going to get the absolute best best graphics in the world? Will you get the highest frame rates in the world? No, you probably won’t., But if you want to be up and playing games and don’t have to deal with any of this other BS, that’s going on in the industry hey this cloud.

Gaming is kind of looking better and better by the day.. It has its drawbacks, but also you can get on there and play games and not have to worry about going and spending money on a new PC or on a new video card.. So I’m Al., You guys, have been watching Tech for Tomorrow, PC industry, very sad state.. I want to hear your guys’ comments.. What do you guys think of all this? Do you guys even really want to see hardware videos anymore by any of us Unless it’s like something grand with new news? I really don’t see the point in my book of doing a lot of hardware reviews on products that you really can’t get your hands on, but, like usual, I want to know what you guys have to think because we’re an interactive channel – and you guys are the Audience and you’re just as important as I am here., If you like my style, hey, please sub to the channel but make sure you hit that notification bell. Otherwise you’ll never know that I’m making videos.. Also I have a Patrion site.. You can support me for a $ 1.

And if you don’t have any money and want to support the site, I have a link down below for Amazon. Prime. Just use my link..

They give me some money.. You can try out their stuff for free for 30 days., Don’t like it just ditch it.. So let me hear your comments down. Below., We’ll see you guys back in the channel.. I do have a couple of more interesting things to talk about and we’ll get to those the next day or two..

So peace out See you later., ( upbeat music, ), .