The Red Hydrogen One Holographic Smartphone

The Red Hydrogen One Holographic Smartphone

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “The Red Hydrogen One Holographic Smartphone”.
Are you prepared to make a deal didn’t think so now this is going to be different, its smartphone season, you know, there’s a lot of people in the comments. What is this smartphone therapy well kind of, because this time of year is smartphone time of year? There are so many new smartphones that really deserve to have some coverage they deserve to be inspected. This is one of those smartphones. This is the hydrogen phone, no red media machine, a smartphone from a company. That’S never made a smartphone a smartphone from a camera company.

The Red Hydrogen One Holographic Smartphone

This dilute immersion, I ordered the titanium version that was not ready yet so they sent this one in its absence and they’re still gon na send the titanium version. Anyhow, who’s complaining, you get an extra phone, but this is so different. This is so weird this phone. This thing is like a weapon. This is insane, I mean it feels like one of their cameras. I guess I should have suspected that it is metal.

The Red Hydrogen One Holographic Smartphone

It feels like a weapon. It probably could be a weapon. In fact, it’s got this crazy grip. You are not dropping this thing accidentally, it looks like one of those power switch fingerprint scanner combos over there. Of course, this is their camera unit on the rear of the device.

The Red Hydrogen One Holographic Smartphone

You see these pins down here. This device is eventually gon na be modular kind of like red cameras. I guess our camera company’s gon na have to become phone companies. I don’t know obviously red things, so this thing has carbon-fiber metal its aggressive. This thing feels even less like a phone and even more like a camera, just the materials in use alone. There is a headphone jack microSD, as I suggested before, red branded USB type-c cable. They put some technology in here some kind of a holographic display from what I’ve heard it doesn’t quite show up on camera.

Wow hydrogen, oh, oh, the display is already the display is already doing it. It’S very bizarre Jack probably won’t be able to see it. It just looks like a regular image to you. Yeah Jack can’t see it kind of 3d, but not very far.

It’S not like out here it’s just like a little bit away from the display. It’S super hard to what do I even I mean I can’t imagine carrying this thing. Imagine pulling that out you’re on a date you’re like yeah. Consider it done I’m on my way.

What did he say to you? I’M on my way. This device is definitely not concerned with screen to body ratio. It’S super boxy, large bezels.

It works pretty. Well, the fingerprint scanner works. It’S not the latest Android, but it’s Android.

You know where everything is they didn’t mess with it too much, which is a good thing. I’M assuming this is gon na be 3d when I click this right now, which it is, Oh God they just see an image right now, but I’m seeing this I’m having like a roller coaster in VR moments. Right now, that’s just flat to you, but you can see how there’s like a grid going on. Okay, I fed my eyes are tuning into it.

Now, a bit more, you might have to be right in front of it. [ Applause ] well cut. Getting your will. He’S always begging me, he says I got Lou, you got ta. Let me in the video he’s always screaming enough. Is enough already it’s my turn.

It’S my turn. Now, not at all enough sit up already it’s my turn. Now. Look it’s 3d so hit play.

I don’t know I can definitely see the 3d effect. I don’t know if it’s really useful on the phone mmm kind of novelty, but it’s it’s kind of cool technology. I kind of dig it. I think it’s kind of like the 3ds yeah, that’s what I do.

Not like the 3d effect yeah, that’s that’s the kind of vibe I was getting is 3d. The thing that people what happened on TVs as well, the one place where people remain into it is in the movie theater. It’S because it’s so immersive Fred. You got the big screen, you have the big sound.

Are you doing that? No, I don’t like that at all, because I have to wear another pair of glasses. Double glasses is the worst double glass yeah, I’m not really down with that. Are you doing that Jack? You go into the movie, theater you’ll put the glasses on. You, have a seat, you’re immersed. That’S you! That’S you, the TVs! No one’s buying 3d TVs. Obviously it just never really took off yeah.

It’S definitely not a myself. The one reason I could see red possibly being interested in it because they got that cinema background yeah, so maybe somehow we make those cameras. So therefore this becomes the future camera. Then this is gon na have to be capable or encourage 3d as well.

Maybe that’s the angle yeah red cinema yeah, just because we could Haley do Haley who, ladies and gentlemen, it’s who time this product is really a whole conversation about what’s happening to cameras. This is a camera company recognizing what’s happening and envisioning a future for themselves. Within that environment, I know they know that this device is not gon na replace their production stuff on a set anytime soon, but somebody over there is envisioning a future in which something far more portable may be capable of some of the production stuff. They are doing right now.

I mean it’s nice for them to Behrman. It’S really bold ambition is good. Ambition is good.

You would expect that the camera would be a huge. Did. You hear that sound of that not good. Everything is very blurry. I mean, if you’re carrying a beast like this, though, what does it need to be doing for you? There’S no count you’re, not counting individual hairs. There’S it’s blur. The hardware feels finished I’ll, give them that it’s solid. I feel like this is a thing. That’S gon na have to grow over time the modularity the software sort of buying into a bit of a beta.

That’S fine, [ Applause, ] like it, doesn’t seem clear my thoughts exactly I mean if you’re gon na put out a phone like this. That’S an absolute tank with giant bezels. It has that, like the speaker’s half can’t be like that, are we talking about 3d and 2018? If I’m red, I’m like, let’s chill on a 4d thing, let’s make a smartphone, that’s durable rugged.

Maybe you can add extra lenses to it, get the best sensor you possibly can and then just have great speakers and multimedia functionality. I don’t think the idea of red having a smartphone is so outlandish, I’m just saying if you’re gon na do it like. Let’S do it mm- like let’s do it? How much is this 1,300? It’S about the future you’re kind of investing in the future, you’re banking.

A lot on this modular type of setup! That’S happy to invest in a company like red for the eventual product that will improve upon this one here take our money. We like the idea, we’ll put up with some shortcomings in order to invest in the eventualities in order to invest in the future. Is software gon na win the smartphone camera wars or is Hardware of course, you’re always gon na need the hardware? Are we gon na really be clicking lenses on two phones in the future, or is software gon na make those choices for us? I don’t know. That’S a good question: what do you guys think you tell us there? It is red hydrogen one. I love seeing players in the smartphone game and I love seeing different things and I appreciate ambition. Always so, let’s see what happens with red, hopefully there’s space for a whacky product like this one yeah keep trying today’s episode of unbox. The pea has been brought to you by singlet light bulbs, smart light bulbs for less money, a great value and they work with Alexa watch this Alexa change the lamp to blue boom. Yes, they’re also RGB can do all kinds of colors and there’s some great kits right now on sale check the link in the description thanks again to sangla .