The Real Reasons Why You Can’t Buy A Video Card Now

The Real Reasons Why You Can't Buy A Video Card Now

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “The Real Reasons Why You Can’t Buy A Video Card Now”.
What’S up tech fans, we all know that getting a video card right now is probably the absolute hardest. It’S ever been in the entire time that i’ve seen in the pc industry getting a new video card right now is just so expensive. Most of the time i mean you’re really lucky if you ever even see one at the regular pricing. There are a lot of reasons behind this now. A few of these reasons are very obvious, and people know them, but there are also a few more things going on in the background that are keeping you from getting your hands on a brand new video card. So let’s talk tech. Are you building a new computer or just upgrading an old one? If so, then chances are you need a new windows, 10 key and cd key sales. They’Ve got you covered. Buying has never been easier and prices for windows keys are under 20 dollars and there’s even additional discounts.

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The Real Reasons Why You Can't Buy A Video Card Now

Other companies have been caught with their pants down. Doing these type of things where they’re selling their cards and trying to get more money from them, it’s really shameful. I mean, i don’t think it’s really quite illegal, but it’s really a shameful thing that that is happening, but other problems that are, in the background are really a lot more issue than people realize.

The Real Reasons Why You Can't Buy A Video Card Now

For one thing, we all know we’re right. In still in the middle of a pandemic, some countries might be doing a little better, but there are second third waves of the virus, and this has kept manufacturers from being able to create the amount of parts that are needed to fill the market. Not just the way that it is, i want to tell you guys this right now at christmas time and around that area.

The Real Reasons Why You Can't Buy A Video Card Now

We all know that all the cards that came in stock from nvidia from amd they all just, went completely out the window and i kind of thought well. Okay, these companies are probably happy because they sold all their stock, but i come to find out that these companies weren’t happy at all, because basically they couldn’t even get enough parts out so that they could make a better profit. So they basically had you know an opportunity to make a lot of money, because we all know it.

It’S like a sponge with no water and it’s been sitting in the sun soon as soon as something comes, it’s going to just suck that stuff up really fast. Well, that’s how the video card market has been and trust me all these companies nvidia everybody else. They really do wish.

They had a lot more cards. You know i thought they probably would have been satisfied. You know because they made such huge sales, but no, i was actually wrong.

They really wish that they would have had more stock to get to the public, because not only did it turn out to be embarrassing for a lot of companies, we’ve seen all the videos. You know these are the most failed launches in history and in a lot of ways. They were because all these new cards that people wanted nobody could get their hands on them. Really i mean sure there are the select few that sat there and refreshed their computer screen and sat there online and just barely just banged at it until they were actually able to get a card.

You know at that price, but beyond that it’s been just a nightmare for anybody to get their hands on a card unless you want to be paying like crazy money, um the brand new amd card card, you know, there’s a retail card. It’S like hundred dollars card selling for like fifteen to sixteen hundred dollars on ebay and places like that, and that’s just completely completely wrong now another thing that people really don’t realize – and this is something that i think is probably one of the biggest things that’s actually Causing you to not be able to get your hands on new video cards is this right now? Any type of thing that has a printed circuit board coming into the united states suffers a 25 tariff 25 percent tariff. So that means that you know if nvidia’s bringing a card in here and that card is supposed to be, you know, said value. Well, guess what you’re paying another 25 on top of that just to bring this into the united states.

Now these are all the actions of the the former president donald trump. Now a lot of people are hoping that joe biden will release these tariffs so that people can bring the cards in. But this is a really really big issue, because, let’s just face it, you’re nvidia and you’re wanting to bring in let’s just i’m just going to randomly throw a number out there, we’ll just say 10 million dollars in cards – well now you’re paying 25. On top of that, 10 million, so just imagine how staggering a hit that is, and really how is amd or nvidia, going to bring you a card to market at msrp when they can’t even now get restock on their items for anywhere near the same price. So even the prices that you’re seeing that have been put out by these companies – and i mean they’re being hopeful that yeah they can get these carts at these lower prices. They’Re not going to be able to. How are they going to be able to pay this 25 tariff on top of everything they’re doing and get you your video card at the same price that it was advertised at it’s just typically and really numbers-wise impossible unless they really just want to lose that much Money and i’m sure these companies, you know, like i said before – they’re corporations. They report to a board of directors who are like, where is our damn profit? Well, if they bring all these cards in the market and have to pay a 25 tariff on everything, they’re? Bringing in that’s a complete loss for any company whatsoever – and me personally, i think, beyond all of the other things that are going on the market, whether you’ve got scalpers, you’ve got miners. You’Ve got all these other bs things going on in the market. If there’s a complete shortage of parts, which means you can’t really get the parts all of the fabrication places right now are just kind of like going uh because they can’t get that there and then you’ve got a 25 tariff. On top of that, for any printed circuit board thing coming to the usa kind of makes it very difficult for everybody. Not only are me, i guess me and you i’ve got that bag, that’s like me and you, but no yo me and you you guys out there we’re the ones who, at the end, though, are actually paying the price as well, because none of us can get Our hands on a new video card now the corporations – i’m sure they’re – very angry about this.

I don’t even mention intel, but i’m sure, intel’s being hit by this as well. All of these companies right now are in a really wacky position, because in the old days they released their video cards, you went out. You bought your video card, there was no scalping, there was no mining, there was no tariffs. There was none of these things going on that are happening right now, so beyond just the obvious face value stuff of like oh, my god that damn scalper or oh, my god, this guy’s doing this for mining those things, yeah they’re right in your face – and everybody Knows those things, but the tariffs and the really really bad part sword. That’S going on right now is something that not everybody is really keenly aware of. There are articles now coming out a lot more about this, but those particular things i feel are real achilles heel to anybody out there who’s trying to bring video cards in or buy them, because, let’s just face it, if they’re gon na have to pay more money For their video cards to get them here, they’re going to have to charge you more money and that just rolls the thing rolls downhill.

So you know even the miners, the scalpers, even those guys they’re, going to be raising the prices and doing stuff right along with all the other price hikes. So right now, really it’s probably one of the worst times ever to buy a video card in history. I can honestly never think of any time in the past where it was so hard to get any card. We had the time it was hard to get amd cards because the miners, but hey you, get nvidia cards well now, nvidia and amd are being hit by those people and probably when intel releases their video cards, they will suffer the same exact consequences because that’s just What’S going on um, what do you guys think? Do you guys think that a company should just like eat all that money and try to get the video cards to you at the same price um? Do you think there should be higher lockdowns on scalpers and on miners, or do you think that well they’re, just people buying video cards and just because they’ve got the cash to buy more? You know we just have to take the slap in the face and deal with it.

What are your guys’s thoughts and opinions? I always want to hear them you’re my audience and honestly, your participation is just as much as important as me, showing you my head here on youtube, so i’m eric you guys been watching tech tomorrow. Those are the reasons right now that you really can’t get your hands on a video card and in the foreseeable future, i’m not really. You know seeing much change on the horizon unless the tariff is dropped and less people are getting back to work and getting the parts made to get to these companies. I don’t really see any light at the end of the tunnel unless it’s a freight train coming to run us over.

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