The Pixel Buds Pro are BETTER than EVER

The Pixel Buds Pro are BETTER than EVER

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “The Pixel Buds Pro are BETTER than EVER”.
The Google pixel buds Pro were really good when they launched over a year ago, but no one is talking about how awesome they’ve become since then see. When Google launched the pixelbuds pro in July of 2022. I thought they were a really good, true wireless earbuds. They had good sound quality, good noise cancellation and a good transparency mode. The only thing really extraordinary about them, in my opinion, is that they were so comfortable for me and I could wear them and listen to music for several hours. I’Ve tried many many other wireless earbuds dozens and dozens of them, and a lot of them cause some mounting pressure and pain in my ears, and I had to take them out after about 15 to 20 minutes of listening. That was not the case with the pixelbuds pro and that’s why I’ve stuck with them over time, though the pixel BS Pro have gotten better and better, and it’s all due to the updates that Google has rolled out and all the new feature drops. The first big Improvement, I’ve noticed is with the implementation of fast bear and O switch, which let me seamlessly transition between all of my devices, so say: I’m listening to uh music on my pixel tablet or watching a video on my pixel tablet and I get an Whatsapp audio message on my phone: I can pause whatever is playing on the tablet press play on the phone, listen to the audio message and when it’s done, I can press play again on the tablet and resume playback all without tapping anything on the earbuds or manually. Connecting or disconnecting anything, this was already available at launch with a pixelbuds pro, but what Google has done is expand this to Chromebooks and to were watches so for me now I can seamlessly transition between my pixel book my phone, my tablet, my pixel Watch 2.

The Pixel Buds Pro are BETTER than EVER

All without connecting disconnecting pairing tapping manually doing anything, the only device still missing from this entire ecosystem is my chomecast fast bear is supposed to come to it uh soon, as Google has said, but it isn’t available yet, and that means that whenever I need to watch Some TV, without disturbing my husband, I have to manually, connect my pixel butd Pro to the chomecast in order to watch some TV now, you’re, probably thinking there, isn’t anything special about this, because the airpods and the Galaxy buds already do this and you’re right they, but They only do it within Apple’s ecosystem or Samsung’s ecosystem respectively. Google’S solution Works across all Android devices and all Chrome OS Chromebooks. It doesn’t really care about the brand. Personally, as I’ve said, I use it a lot with my pixel devices, but I’ve also o tried it with the nothing phone 2 with The Fair phone 5 with uh the Samsung Galaxy S21, plus that I have and it works seamlessly across all of them.

The Pixel Buds Pro are BETTER than EVER

The pixel buds Pro with fast pair and audio switch switch seamlessly between all of these devices. I don’t have to have pixel devices to enjoy the seamless, switch and transition. Another feature I’ve grown to love on the pixelbuds pro is the new conversation mode which rolled out this past October, this mode, it automatically detects when I start talking, while wearing the buds. So if I’m listening to some music or a podcast – and I start talking it pauses – the music turns on transparency mode.

So I can actually have a normal conversation and when I’m done talking, it detects that Waits a few seconds and then plays my music and switches back to noise cancellation. I find this extremely convenient when I’m working from home. I only have to open my mouth say. One word two words Max and conversation mode snaps into action immediately.

Once again, this feature isn’t exclusive to the pixelbuds pro it’s already available on Apple Samsung, Sony devices, but it wasn’t there when the pixelbuds pro launched. These have also received other updates, like a custom equalizer and a spal audio with head tracking. Personally, I have no use for a custom equalizer because I’m not an audio file, but I appreciate that the feature is there for anyone who wants to specifically tailor the sound profile to their liking on these earbuds. Facial audio, on the other hand, is extremely fun and cool and interesting, even even without head tracking.

When I find a compatible video – and I play it on the pixelbuds pro – the sound becomes much more immersive and it feels like it’s coming from every single Direction around me. Not just the left and right earbuds, the illusion is perfect, and it’s almost like I’m sitting in the middle of a huge surround. Sound system problem, though, is in actually finding compatible content to play. There have been many other small additions to the pixelbuds pro over the past 18 months, but to me, it comes down to these four and specifically to the conversation mode and the seamless audio switch improvements. These two they’ve completely changed and improved the way I use these earbuds every single day and I think they’re big enhancements for my own use cases. Google deserves a bit of credit for actually rolling out updates and new and unexpected features to a device that, let’s face it, has been available on the market for 18 months.

So Kudos, Google and I hope that the pixelbuds Pro 2, whenever they launch uh, actually continue on this positive trajectory. .