The only one you need! ECOVACS DEEBOT T30S Combo

The only one you need! ECOVACS DEEBOT T30S Combo

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “The only one you need! ECOVACS DEEBOT T30S Combo”.
Thank you ovax for sponsoring this video everything’s smart nowadays, cars, smart phones, smart watches, smart pet feeders, smart toasters and even smart cookware locks are even smart. Welcome John smart thermostats and everything else around the studio is smart, even connect to the internet in a smart way. Whether you’re in a house or a studio, things that make your life easier need to be smart, meet the eax T3 s, smart vacuum and mop. I nicknamed this guy VX. Let me tell you about him so before I get into absolutely everything the t30s combo can do I’d like to thank you, you, and even you for being good kind.

Human beings supporting the channel. Now for many many years before there was a lot of gray. In my beard and give you a chance to win 500 bucks who doesn’t need free money and I made it super easy leave me a comment down below. Tell me the first thing you would clean with your t30s. Tell me a dad joke. Tell me a fact about yourself.

Tell me anything: you want just make sure, there’s a way to contact you either in your bio, on YouTube or leave your social handle. Let it run for 10 days open to any single human being on this beautiful planet. All information you need that will be in the description down below so like we’ve seen robot vacuums before, if they’re supposed to do anything, it’s supposed to clean whatever you need in your house easily, but there’s always been areas in your home that a robot just just Can’T get to I’m not talking about going upstairs like a Terminator with the t30s combo from eax. This thing can really clean any surface and when I say any surface I not only mean any type of material, but I also mean anywhere. The surface is located because there is a trick up. The t30s is sleeve, you call it a sleeve, but like there’s a trick up its ports uh.

Not only do you get an excellent vacuum in mop, you also get a handheld vacuum. You can use anywhere in your home, takes all the vacuum features to the next level. You can see it see. It looks like you’re like.

Oh, I got something on my stairs or somehow my kid got something on my wall, which happens rten. You think you can’t just like hold up your robot vacuum on the wall and let it do its thing. Uh take out your stick back clean it up and you’re done and you’re, probably laughing thinking. That would never happen uh.

I have had two vacuum walls. Three times in my life as a parent – and I will not tell you what was on the walls that I had to vacuum, but it was brown all right. So I’ll talk more about that handheld vacuum in a second uh, but the robot vacuum should not be forgotten here uh. This is the most powerful vacuum I’ve ever seen in a robot before and I’m somebody who’s checked out a lot of vacuums over the years.

The only one you need! ECOVACS DEEBOT T30S Combo

So I’m used to seeing maybe 8,000 Pascal units of suction from a topend robot vacuum. That amount usually works. Great t30s is offering 11,000 Pascale units of suction, so think of it like uh battery in a phone right. Usually you get a 5,000 or 5500 mlion battery and you’re.

The only one you need! ECOVACS DEEBOT T30S Combo

Like that’s a lot. This is the equivalent of like your phone, having like an 8,000 mlia hour battery. The difference is that drastic? What eax has done here? It is a ton of suction go ahead and make your jokes in the comments, but that means that You’ be able to clean absolutely anything that your gross gross self pills on your floor with ease all right.

The only one you need! ECOVACS DEEBOT T30S Combo

So zero tangle is really at the heart of what makes a t30s special. So the Achilles heel of almost any Robot vacuum is the hair getting tangled in the roller brush. It gets really gross with the eax t30s uh. That’S not an issue. So underneath we have a v-shaped brush with dual Combs, prevents Tangles efficiently, removing hair, most importantly, like saving your time, so that accompanied by true Edge.

Every inch of your floor will be taken care of you’re not going to have to worry about anything sort of getting stuck or Tangled in there, and, if you ever doing to clean that brush it a super simple easy to remove. So you can get it to like new, so from suction efficiency. This is the most powerful Robot vacuum that I have tested and with that being true, there are places where a robot vacuum can’t clean and that’s where obviously a handheld vacuum comes into play. So we both probably have seen or use a handheld vacuum like this. So I’m not going to like belabor the point, but this you can clean anywhere the robot can’t so on countertops between couch cushions on stairs brown stuff on your wall anywhere.

You need and when you’re done just push it back into the dock, it’ll empty alongside the robot vacuum, creating kind of a true clean Hub. Almost aside from actually moving your arm like this there’s, almost nothing else, you have to do. Uh vacuuming isn’t the only type of cleaning that’s important.

Uh mopping has become sort of equal important to these types of products. Luckily, the t30s is great. Did that too? So when I was in college, I lived in a fraternity house and those floors, no matter how much we clean them were always sticky. I feel, like my shoe, would stick on it when I walked.

I’Ve got three kids and the floors in my kitchen feel like that again now, I’m assuming it’s not from an absurd amount of beer, that’s built on my kitchen floor, but I don’t know what’s on their feet, I don’t know what they’re spilling on the floor. Not cleaning up, but it’s gross, so you find ourselves mopping all the time. Something like the t30s comes in and makes that life so so much easier cuz it does it for us. We don’t have to think about it.

So it’s got two mop heads that are on the bottom, able to clean 99 % an area on your floor. It’S able to do this with what it’s calling true Edge adaptive Edge mopping. So this is able to get within 1 mm of the edge of the floor to get the best clean possible and make sure no spot is missed and, more importantly, make sure. No spot is sticky uh, whether you’re, vacuuming or mopping, once cleaning is finished.

The robot’s going to return to its all-in-one station – and this is probably the best thing about it. So here the vacuum can be emptied into the dust bin. It can empty the dirty water and clean the mop.

It can clean the mop head of any dirt. And’Ll use hot air to dry the mop head. It’S not going to grow any mold or mildew.

You literally have to do nothing. The t30s also fits seamlessly into your Tech lifestyle uh with smart integration. There are ton of key features like Dynamic, Island support and Apple watch compatibility and also, if your hands are full, you can use a built-in foot control, start the auto cleaning and, of course, in order to be efficient with cleaning uh. There are a ton of smart features built in as well. This can map really quickly and accurately. Mapping 100 square m in 6 minutes also detect obstacles and create smart paths and have get around your home efficiently.

So in the T30 family you’ve got the debot t30s and the debot t30s Omni combo, so both robot vacuums are identical and the same capabilities, the difference being the handheld vacuum that I’ve got here, but obviously which one’s right for you so t30s Omni is perfect. If you only need floor cleaning for an affordable price and want a really thorough, clean t30s Omni combo is great if you have a more complicated interior with different levels and surfaces, and you want the flexibility of having integrated handheld vacuum, those really hard to reach areas. This thing has all the features you can look for to smart robot vacuum, plus a lot more and the best part it is extremely affordable. Eax has been around for a while they’ve been around for a while for a reason they make quality products that are Tech, focused and do what they are supposed to.

I know robot vacuums might not be the most sexiest purchase that you make in the year, but it will be the purchase that makes your life the easiest. So if you’re just looking around at your floor right now and it look dirty Dusty or sticky, you owe yourself to check out the eax t30s combo or any other ecova products that you want to check out. I’Ll link to them will be down below .