The One Chip Future

The One Chip Future

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “The One Chip Future”.
Pi dll Apple’s proprietary M chips are very powerful and efficient. Why don’t we see Intel and AMD start having Ram as part of the system on the chip? Ddr5 should run much faster in this case. Oh man, um, with uh hold on eventually hold on. No, no. No, no, no I’m sorry yeah hold on hold on one big board risk future risk is good, yay, Uh crap. I can’t find it right now, but if you actually, if you look at the, if you watch the video we made recently called starting at, is the biggest lie in Tech or something like that, there’s an Asus laptop that I believe is either available now or will Be available very soon that uses a very similar um RAM on package Asus laptop here. I really would like to find it dang it.

The One Chip Future

I do not want this future. I want upgradability and interchangeability. I just mean mental. I can’t find it. The point is: is coming. It’S coming now, uh, it’s I mean it’s and it’s not just laptops. Like you know, we kind of oh, it’s everything. Yeah everything is configurable. It’S it’s not even it’s not yeah! It’S it’s! Even in the data center, where we’re seeing we’re seeing chips that have hbm right on them, well, that’s not upgradable right, whether it’s like nvidia’s um, uh, uh, Grace, Hopper or gray Superchip or whatever it’s called Uh.

The One Chip Future

I think Intel has some stuff coming um, it’s it’s! It’S coming and the reality of it is this is reflective of how the users of these products use them and not just something that’s being pushed on us by the manufacturers, like, I remember my mind, being blown the first time, someone told me that in a data Center, like in a scale data center, like that, someone like a Google might run or an Amazon when a server is bad. If a stick of ram goes bad, it is not uncommon for them to rip that server out put a new one in and basically just send that to the scrap the storage and put it in a heap. For you know, whoever our partner is, who flips these things on eBay, you get rid of it.

The One Chip Future

It’S gone, it’s out. Whole server not not a drive whole server, and I was like what shouldn’t they just have an IT room where they like fix them, and the answer was at that scale: it’s not a good use of time. It’S a better use of time to just throw in a known good brand new working server and not deal with that because they have enough to do, and I the the the the the DIY are in me just just about died. Hearing that. But then, if that’s true, if that’s the case, at least in some at least in some places, uh at real scale, they do this with entire racks of Kit, not just Services yeah. We have this topic later in the dock, which is Intel’s meteor Lake launches in December, but people have linked articles talking about how it has LP ddr5 on chip, lpddr5x Intel demos, meteor Lake CPU, with on package LP ddr5x is a Tom’s Hardware, article yeah! There you go through, but yeah uh there there’s one Asus laptop that we pointed out in that video, though that I believe is already using uh on package memory or, if not on package, it’s very, very close, yeah um and they in by doing that, they were Able to run at much much higher frequencies compared to running in a dim or even being soldered to the main board, but farther away just the signal Integrity is so much better, so so right so back to the service for a second, this coupling of CPU to Memory is reflective, then of the use case I mean most people treat their computer like a microwave, and I know this is.

This is the kind of thing that I think is hard for us to wrap our brains around, but for most people when their computer is dead, the computer is dead, yeah yeah and you can take it to a repair shop. But as we know, if you’ve ever taken something to a repair shop, I mean they want 60 bucks to put in a memory module right. So imagine how much it costs. If you want them to substantially repair the computer. It actually doesn’t necessarily make Financial sense to rep to have that computer repaired by someone else. It makes sense for us because we’re going to fix it ourselves right. Are you trying to get something to Jacob Danes, yeah, the former leader of the pirate party of Canada, [ Applause ], we’re in the presence of royalty um? Let’S see how this goes is this to do with the buzzing? Are we like trying to figure it out right now or something? What’S he even doing here? What time is it? I can’t I actually can’t let you log into my phone. I’M sorry, oh there’s like multiple, not even workers, look how red he is.

His mom watches the show just wait for them with the ones. Look how ready he is that took no time. Did I get a nerve that I was gon na say if you wanted to like text it, you could do that. I just can’t let you on to the actual phone itself. That is something to do something to it. Is there like a? Do? You need Dev mode. Okay sounds good all right, um anywho! You don’t have to do that. What was I talking about right right? So so this is reflective of the way that people are using this Hardware anyway, right right, but consumer technology right.

So people, don’t people don’t upgrade stuff yeah, they don’t repair stuff because it’s not cost effective. If you’re going to spend 300 repairing a computer, you bought for a thousand dollars five years ago, it’s probably not even worth 300 and something else might fail now, yes, but and and whether it would or wouldn’t I could see, that being the mentality. Well, if the, if the transmission’s going, then probably the you know that I’m gon na need to change all the belts soon anyway, and then you know, probably the the power windows are gon na start jamming. Realistically, you know at what point does whether it’s a car, a computer or whatever else at what point? Does it just turn into a money pit and it’s better to start over new, and I think that whether it’s uh um, whether it’s true or not, a lot of people have that perception of computers? So if people are just going to go, hey my computer’s slow, I need a new one. Anyway, then, I think from the manufacturer’s standpoint, they’re sitting there going okay. Well, this is slower, which makes us less competitive. It costs more, which makes us less competitive, and people aren’t even asking for this. Why are we doing this, and so you know in some cases I do think Apple.

Does things that I then get very frustrated by because they weren’t necessary and the rest of the industry just goes there, but in this case they’re, probably just ahead of the Curve we were headed there anyway? I mean we’ve been talking about this ever since what was it like? Fifth gen, I think fifth gen core. It was rumored that Intel would solder desktop CPUs to motherboards, and we were we were mad about it. I mean I think justifiably so, but it was. It’S been clear: the writing’s been on the wall for the better part of a decade.

Now so maybe writing is on the wall in regards to who’s going to purchase the thing which is going to drive engineering decisions at companies like this, but I would say I still don’t think it’s necessarily a good thing um, because someone could repair it eventually, even If the initial consumer isn’t going to repair it, no you’re right, it doesn’t mean that someone couldn’t repair. It eventually tell me this. Okay, I’m totally pivoting a little bit here in the world. We live in today with security vulnerabilities being as impactful as they are and as widespread as they are, should we be running 10 year old processors, or should they just go to the Scrapper and retrieve the goal um, I think for individual consumers. I think a lot of the CPU level vulnerabilities that we’ve had are not really that big of a deal yeah be completely honest, yet sure fair enough, I just uh, but a lot of them have required targeted attacks, if I’m remembering correctly sure, okay um. So speaking of targeted attacks, uh did you know that we would need someone’s permission to drive by their house with a password cracking server and break into their Wi-Fi, because it’s illegal, not surprised why’d. I bring that up. I would have just done it.

Anyways no reason. I was, I didn’t care anywho if it was a really powerful, password cracking server. Oh you’re gon na try to hit me. I don’t know I just the people and good luck.

People exist and uh really powerful. Password cracking servers exist, yeah from kamino, hypothetically yeah uh. If a company called Camino existed, then maybe they would have a really powerful server that could be used for cracking passwords, and I thought this was. I thought you were referencing something I had said no a bit ago, but okay sounds like no.

Oh, we’ve got some good videos coming out in the next little bit here, like seriously, we’ve got uh, I reviewed one just before the land show um checking out LaserDisc. I had only had one experience with LaserDisc and it was extremely brief. Not even I didn’t even get to watch a whole movie uh, so we got ta. Have you ever tried LaserDisc? No, you know how big they are right.

Uh. Are they like records? Yeah they’re records, yes, yeah yeah, but they look like giant CDs like novelty sized CDs, um. I’Ve never actually seen one in person and they have movies I’ll know about them. Yeah. You can store like an hour of footage per side. So if you watch a two-hour movie, you actually have to get up in the middle and flip it. Lord of the Rings is like four discs: yeah yeah and they’re they’re double-sided. So it’s uh! So it’s yeah it’s two hours per disk, but it’s one hour per side, so you’re gon na be you’re gon na be getting you’re gon na be getting up to flip your precious over.

Pretty often, I think yeah. So Lord of the Rings uh wait. Lord of the Rings is the two towers run. Time is two hours and 59 minutes with that said, um Lord of the Rings was never released on LaserDisc.

So it’s not an issue, but no, I know I just think it would be fun Gone With the Wind sure was, and that’s like a three and a half hour movie or something like that. So you’d be getting up like four times to or five times to flip the disc or whatever the math Works no four times, I think um anyway, uh there were just before anyone jumps in with the you know, correction uh. There were more advanced players that had read heads on both sides, but you still had to get up and change the disc if the movie’s longer than two hours, which a lot of movies are. That’S not the extended I’m trying to find the actual extended edition times. But either way regardless it’s long yeah, so that video is coming out. I think this weekend, uh, we have another one coming this weekend on RF blocking paint.

So we found this site that kind of pedals in um digital smog like conspiracy, uh, uh cures and and remedies, and they have RF blocking paint that you can use to paint your room to keep the to keep the 5G out brilliant um. It’S I don’t want to spoil too much, but it works shockingly well, really, yeah, it’s actually kind of cool yeah. So it’s the first. Would you say this is the first legit use of the RF uh, the EMC chamber like in video? No, no oh he’s eating. Is there yeah he’s having some dinner? Doesn’T the wall block the 5G, though no no, the 5G millimeter wave yeah? It could be blocked by a piece by this, this garment um, but a non-millimeter wave? No, no! It can like pass through stuff. Is there yeah a bunch of people in chat? Are asking this too um? It’S not lead paint.

Is it oh yeah? Oh, oh, well, yeah, that’s good! Yeah yeah like I took it, and I brought it with me like this wow. No, it’s not lead paint you, I believed it. Oh man come on. The extended times are three hours and 48 minutes for Fellowship 3 hours and 55 minutes for two hours and four hours and 23 minutes for Return of the cake. Okay, so, okay, so for Return of the King hold on one side, two sides, two hours three days, three side, four side, so you have to get up so you have to put it in. You have to get up to change it. That’S one getting up! You have to get up to put in the second disc. You have to get up to flip the second disc, and you have to get up to put in the third disc. If it existed, you would have to get up four times during the movie, including how long was it four hours and uh four hours and 23 minutes, including one time 23 minutes before the end of the movie, to basically just watch the epilogue, essentially yikes, it’s pretty Epic, oh we’re supposed to do some more topics.

Hey wolfic says: here’s the question: how many movies are even less than an hour? Oh no, so you’re gon na be flipping, no matter what you’re watching, unless you have one of the fancy dual headphones, yeah whoa. So it doesn’t even flip it itself. It just starts playing so there’s like maybe a blip and they’re like for commercial.

There were commercial Solutions like really advanced stuff where you had like changes. Remember: CD Changers! Well, there were laser disk Changers, but it was not for movies. It was for like karaoke yeah, one of the big benefits of LaserDisc was. It was, to my knowledge, the earliest home format, to support multiple audio tracks.

My dad used to run it uh, like one of its major adoptions, was karaoke, because you can have all of these tracks on one big disk, and then you want to go to the next one. Well, it’s right here on the disk done instant every single time. You know it’s awesome, plus video, I’m pretty sure that came through the mic yeah for karaoke.

They would have entire libraries and it was so cool because you could have the vocal track and the music track separated, which for karaoke, I think, has pretty obvious benefits. .