The NZXT H1 Mini PC actually impressed me

The NZXT H1 Mini PC actually impressed me

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “The NZXT H1 Mini PC actually impressed me”.
Pre-Built pcs have always been frowned upon in the PC community for the longest time. Pre-Built pcs have always been found upon in the PC community for the longest time. Everyone always recommends to build a PC instead of paying extra to have one made for you. This used to be the case back in the stone Age’s, but times have definitely changed. There are now a handful of companies out there that offer custom, pcs or pre builds with little to no extra charge. Nzxt is one of them.

Something you got ta realize is that not everyone has the interest or time to learn how to build a PC. I mean yeah, it’s super fun to build one. You know you can customize it the way you want and the satisfaction you get by pressing the power button for the first time and watching your PC boot is amazing, but a lot of people out there just want to skip that and start gaming as soon as Possible, while having peace of mind that their PC is covered by warranty and that they are just one phone call away from talking to a tech support. That is why we still have a market for these, but anyways around here to talk about pre build so we’re here to take a look at NZXT, zni, h1 mini PC targeted for gamers and content creators. You know be building pcs for a little over 10 years.

Now so I’m pretty excited to check this out and see if it’s actually worth the money. Let’S go one of the cool things about NZXT build is, if you place your order for a pre, build before 11:00 a.m. Pacific Standard Time, they will ship the PC. The very same day – and this is the type of packaging you can expect when you get your system, alright, ok, we got a nice top layer, foam and then, underneath that we got hey, it’s upside-down vh1.

I can’t get this out of here one hand. Unfortunately, silly put this camera down. I think I’m mastering this one-handed unboxing thing all right package nicely. It’S black sounds getting sent away, one. Let’S do the honors of doing a first peel. Yes, so the system is packing.

The NZXT H1 Mini PC actually impressed me

The 9900 ka with 16 gigs of ram and the nvidia r TX 2070 super founders edition gravis card, which is packed inside this stunning minimalistic Mini ITX tower. This thing is so clean and tiny. Here’S a water bottle for difference. Look at that! Okay! So I looked up the prices for this exact same configuration online to see how competitive their prices really are, and I’m actually impressed that they are able to offer pretty similar prices as if you were to buy the parts yourself and build them, I mean yeah. You can probably save some money on the windows CD key, but the rest of the parts are spot-on.

The NZXT H1 Mini PC actually impressed me

Alright, sorry, I do want to think there’s a part, real, quick and see how they’re able to fit all these large parts inside such a tiny body. I don’t see any screw holes anywhere. Okay should realize that the bottom tab there was for the panel such a stooge, I’m guessing.

The NZXT H1 Mini PC actually impressed me

The same concept applies for the back, okay i’ll, actually a lot easier. Then i thought whoa and then this slides up. So here is our beautiful nvidia, RTX 27 t super founders edition and then on the opposite side looks like we’ve got the power supply up here looks like this is the AIO to cool the cpu 140 ml rad with a 140 millimeter fan and then 16 gigs Of ram, so it’s interesting how they did the cooling on here and, on top of the case, you got the power button, USB 3 USB type-c and a single audio jack. But you guys might be wondering ed what the hell do you plug in your keyboard and mouse? Well, actually, it’s on the bottom of the pc.

There is your i/o actually, while we’re down here, let’s go to plug in the antennas, real, quick, all right. So, let’s hook this up and take you for a test drive aesthetically, I mean it’s a great looking system, very minimalistic. So, let’s see how the h1 mini PC handles everything on the pressure, so I put together a quick setup just so I can see what the h1 PC would look like. Next, to like a monitor and keyboard and CAD a it looks pretty damn clean, I’m not gon na lie, you know more of an RGB type of person, but for some reason that looks so damn clean in an actual setup.

There’S also a lot of people out there who don’t like the whole flashy RGB lighting stuff. So if you’re trying to build a minimalistic setup, kinda like what I did here with no ygb lighting, then the h1 mini PC. I think, will look amazing in your setup. Just look at it: it’s it’s filthy, it’s tiny and it’s so damn quiet, there’s no game, obviously learning now, but it is an awesome addition to any minimalistic setup for content creation gaming whatever so I’m gon na load up some games actually to take a look at The performance and take a look at temps and see how loud this system actually gets on full load. So, ladies gentlemen, here we are with over watch in 1080p ultra settings, so this is maxed out and I’ve been playing a game for a little over an hour and we’re getting in the mid hundreds for FPS, which isn’t bad look at the temps 78 degrees Celsius. For the GPU and then when a CPU is hovering around 41 degrees, 40 41 degrees, which is not bad.

But the most impressive thing is: I’m not even hearing anything like I’m, maybe two feet away from the PC and I’m actually hearing the audio from the headset. More than I’m hearing any fan noise from the PC, that is pretty damn impressive. Oh my god, you see that! Oh, my god, I don’t even play over lunch. I need this. Configuration would be perfect for anyone with 144 Hertz or maybe even 165 Hertz monitor I’m using a 240 Earth’s right now and I’m not taking advantage of the refresh rate because we’re not getting anywhere close to 200 FPS. So here we are with modern warfare.

Definitely a more demanding title frame wise, Oh promisor, getting a little over 100 FPS, but temps are looking and pretty similar compared to overwatch. I think one of the reasons why the CPU isn’t getting any hotter is because the frequency is locked at 3.6 gigahertz to avoid thermal throttling. Obviously you know what, though, after this game, I’m gon na try and overclock the CPU. I want to see how much more I can push it, given the thermal limitations.

You’Ll be pretty impressive if we can push this over 4 gigahertz. To be honest, but I honestly can you guys hear that, of course you can’t this thing is so silent. I’M still honestly, not over it. How quiet this thing is alright guys, so I went ahead and skipped over the boring, overclocking stuff.

I also to save time in the video you can clearly see we have the CPU at 5 gigahertz. I don’t believe it, but we’re gon na try and actually run Cinebench or 20 and see if it’s even stable, because I’m actually surprised the fact that we haven’t, even here in the desktop to be honest, that is insane so I’m gon na be using NZXT cam To monitor the temps of the CPU all right here, it goes nothing it just crashes: okay, yeah! The fans are finally wrapping up. You guys can probably hear it. That’S the trade-off! That’S the trader! I forget if you want to overclock your cpu, unfortunately, so right now, we’re we’re at 79.

80 degrees, 81 degrees. Okay, that’s still pretty good for a ninety nine hundred K being liquid cooled by 140 million good. Oh my god, it’s 5064! I honestly you guys! I did not expect this from the h1. I was expecting a crash.

Let’S do it again. What I really want to do is stress test the system. This program is only like a minute max once it stops. The temps are obviously gon na dip down.

So I’m gon na run like a maybe export, a video for, like 30 minutes to 40 minutes and see if it’s gon na crash or not, let’s see how long it can keep the 5 gigahertz without thermal throttling or crashing. But honestly, I’m freaking impressed so far. I am impressed alright, so here we have my editing program of Vegas Pro 17. This is what I use to edit on videos.

We’Re gon na be rendering out this video. It’S about! Oh, it’s actually, 12 minutes long! Okay! Does the video I did on the channel a couple weeks back where I went through sweets and help the people out that were impacted by Coe bid? One thing I’ve also noticed is how smooth the playback is on my editing program. This is 4k video of you guys and I’m not getting any lag or stutter the PC, I’m using at home, actually lags or stutters quite often, so I’m impressed that the h1 PC can handle this very well.

Look at that as soon as I hit play smooth, not a single second of stutter. That is huge thanks by the way in videos optimization on editing programs. So if you’re a content, creator and you’re editing videos, you can definitely benefit from GPU acceleration that the NVIDIA GPUs offer.

This is actually I’m taking this home honestly. I know I’m supposed to send this PC back, but I’m gon na try and convince NZXT to keep this PC. This is insane alright, so we’re gon na run through this out and 4k. Here we go bring the temps up over here, current frequency.

We can see it’s still at five gigahertz temperatures around 70 degrees and it’s starting to climb. Here we go, let’s see how high this gets and if the system actually crashes or not, we can also see down here that the fan speed is maxed out 1862 rpm, so I’m gon na let this run for 10 15 minutes and we’ll be back to check The final temps on this about five minutes later the system did in fact crash, as you guys can see here alright. So I learned that I can’t use any CPU focused programs, while overclocked at 5 gigahertz there’s just too much strain on the CPU and with the limited cooling it ends up crashing. However, in any other program, that’s not CPU intensive, especially games.

It is stable, as you can see, I’m able to keep a constant 5.0 gigahertz on all eight cores. The CPU is gon na, be a little warmer, obviously compared to stock, but it is possible. Now this doesn’t mean you can’t overclock the CPU at all. I was able to hit 4.0 bigger Hertz stable, while editing and exporting using Vegas Pro, but I didn’t try pushing it for more because one I ran out of time and two.

It would have made this video much longer and I know a lot of you guys out there don’t really care for overclocking anyways. I really love what NZXT did with their h1 mini PC. They made something so powerful, yet quiet and it’s even portable. So I can toss this in my backpack whenever I need an editing machine on the go, it’s actually gon na be perfect for CES moving forward. If they, let me keep it they’re, not even charging that $ 99 service charge for their pre build. So, on top of that, you get two year warranty on their parts and labor and because of all that they get a two thumbs up for me. Now, if you think these specs are too peasant for you and you need more horsepower in your PC, then you should check out the NZXT creator PC. Instead, it’s got more RAM storage and a beefier graphics card. The best part about NZXT build is that they offer different price brackets depending on your budget.

They have a starter PC for on tree-level gaming and a screamin PC as well, but you do have the option of completely customizing your own. It’S so easy that even my grandmother can do it just visit their website and click on the build. Your own button up top select the games you want to play in the resolution. You want to play them, and finally, you decided how much you want to spend. It will not only tell you how much FPS you can expect to get in the games, but you’ll also have the option of changing any of the parts inside. So with that said, if you guys are interested in buying a prebuilt or having someone custom make one for you, then you should definitely check out NZXT i’ll drop, a link to the h1 mini PC down below. If you guys want to check it out, consider dropping like if you enjoy the video and as always, I will see you guys in the next one. .