The Nintendo Switch is just the PS Vita done properly.

The Nintendo Switch is just the PS Vita done properly.

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “The Nintendo Switch is just the PS Vita done properly.”.
So don’t get me wrong. I really really like the PlayStation Vita, especially when it came out. I have to say I soak more hours than anyone should on the device. I love the fact that it was possible and could play great games, but ever since I saw that first Nintendo’s switched commercial, all I could think of was this is on one hand to the perfect console to me, but on the other hand, it’s exactly what the Places in Vita was trying to do, but done correctly and in this article I just want to kind of tell you why that is and also feel free to disagree with me. I know this is kind of one of those topics where everyone has their own opinions and you’re entitled to your own.

The Nintendo Switch is just the PS Vita done properly.

So I’m going to consider what you think of it, but with that being said, let’s get started so think back to when the PlayStation Vita was being originally marketed. The way it was sold to consumers was, you cannot play your games on the go and at home be sort of big triple-a. Titles I thought was advertised at least I’m anything to the switch. It’S exactly the same, except Nintendo has implemented your idea better. So you have to give the Vita credit of being more portable, its slimmer less chunky, but the problem is is just that it’s still not portable enough for it to make a difference. The fact of the matter is, a teacher is still too big to fit in your pocket, and so, if you’re gon na carry it in a bag anyway, there’s no difference between that and the switch on top of that.

The Nintendo Switch is just the PS Vita done properly.

One of the main reasons for the death of the Vita was those expensive memory cards, certainly bundled next to no storage in with the beach itself, and you could end up spending up to $ 100 just to get enough storage. The switch, on the other hand, has 32 gigs, which is not fantastic, but at least you can use standard SD cards so it’ll be pretty cheap to upgrade to storage. So Nintendo has also nailed the hardware with the PS Vita. I think it is released a few years prematurely. I mean the screen, for example, people already using 720p smartphones, 1080p phones were just around the corner.

The Nintendo Switch is just the PS Vita done properly.

I’Ma PS need to have a sub HD display, which ok, it was just about acceptable whenever released. But now it’s horrible to look at in composing and especially with the new PSP to 2000. They replaced it with an LCD panel which is just not as bright, not as colorful.

It’S not that great. So yes, the switch also has a pretty stretched screen, but it’s just enough of a resolute having a PhD standard, but it doesn’t feel that you’re compromising and that’s the big deal when it comes to the PlayStation beatdown. The reasons I think it failed until that the joy cons are amazing. I mean they’re, not quite spaced out as a Playstation 4 or an Xbox one controller, not quite as comfortable, but they’re really really clever.

The things you can do just by having the control of its listened to is crazy. The idea that, just by having the console with you you’ve automatically got two player games wherever you go, you know the kicks and the ability to sort of set the switch up in a park and play console quality games. Multiplayer is revolutionary. That’S something that I’ve always wanted to do that never been able to, and in fact the matter is, is I just go with something pretty cool about joy Khan, so I was playing Legend of Zelda. I invited my cousin over to play with me and basically I held the right controller. He held the left one and you both playing the game.

At the same time, I was controlling some parts of the movement and action and him controlling the others, and it might sound ridiculous, but this is honestly most fun. I’Ve had playing the game ever I mean you’ve got to coordinate between your partner. I mean you shout at them when they get it wrong, vice versa, and I think you need to try it to realize actually the possibilities it opens up. Just that was just one example of something you can do with it, which you just never been able to do before, and it was quite weird and in terms of replicating me sort of functionality, the switch PlayStation.

You know they implemented remote play which ended up just kind of half-heartedly doing what the switch can do properly. It works, but I mean if you sort of head out more than 10 metres from your room connection, breaks up and ends up being a bit of an annoying experience on top of that, the buttons don’t map properly between the places, Vita and DPS forth. You end up using the bat touch screen to try and control things which really confusing, really slow, and if you try and play monitor online, the latency just kills you, whereas with a Nintendo switch you’re physically taking the identical controls, the identical console anywhere, you go so That wouldn’t actually be a problem, so don’t get me wrong.

The placing v2 had a lot of great games. Killzone, mercenary, Assassin’s Creed liberation, Borderlands, really really good title. That is nice to see them running on a portable, and I mean, if you do compare it to other portables in the market. Fine, it’s great! It was much better than PSP graphically speaking. It was way better than 3d s, but the point is that Nintendo switch has managed to pitch itself against both markets and still hold its own.

So when you’re playing on the PlayStation Vita idea, I couldn’t help but notice that every game did feel in some way. Limited to whether it was just a small cartridge capacity for the games, which meant that you just get less of a game in each game you buy or the fact that levels had to be smaller. Just because, obviously, you can have the power to render entire open-world environment in every single game you play. It could have been the the control, the thumbsticks, not real, quite as good as a traditional consoles.

It felt like there was some sort of thing holding you back and it never quite felt like the full console experience so over to the Nintendo switch, I mean I played on to switch I’ve played Zelda. I even gave that weird game called snake past ago, which I mean ok as a game itself. It’S a little bit dull, but it’s quite a good demonstration of what switch is capable of these games. Don’T feel limited, these game feel every bit as good.

As you know, somewhere between the Xbox 360 and the Xbox one games in terms of graphical fidelity and sort of open-world mess, but that’s enough. That’S enough to not feel limited by the hardware that you’re playing it on. That’S enough to feel amazed when you’re playing am holding it in the palm of your hand, and it’s also enough to hold its own when you whack it onto a big screen.

I mean playing Legend of Zelda behind me on a 4k monitor. I tried comparing it to horizon on the PlayStation 4 and clearly there is a huge difference, but both can still impress in their own ways. I mean don’t get me wrong, not every game.

You plan with switch is going to be beautiful. Seamless, you know, gorgeous immersive like Zelda is want ice, which is a perfect example of a terrible terrible game. I mean it’s so bad that you can honestly enjoy playing it just to laugh at the game, but the fact of the matter is is that it only really takes one game like Legend of Zelda, to show you what the console is capable of. So yes, when in Venice, which is great, I think it’s in a good market position, it’s great hardware, great potential. There are definitely some things intended needs to do to kick-start the engine. So in terms of the software front, they really need to get the ball rolling.

You know even compared to the PS Vita aids practically dead, a portable console, it’s social functionality is lacking. You know the fact that there’s barely any online infrastructure. It almost feels like the console, is a beta release. Right now, we need to get some apps going to at least look comparable to the PlayStation 4 and Xbox one to be able to at least look like they can start to offer. Some of the same functionality of those consoles do to be seen as an alternative to them, and I mean they also need the games. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a console launch with so few titles only one of which, to be honest, is really worth buying. That’S poor I mean in tender, needs Pokemon, they need to mario’s. They need to get these titles out fast, and I mean I think, crunch time is Christmas. If, after that, intent doesn’t rescue this sort of die again library, then, even though the switch has got great potential, just like the PlayStation Vita, it could just die, and the last thing which is always confuse me about Nintendo, is why don’t they have trophies or some Sort of equivalent, I mean it would probably take a coder ten minutes to implement into their system and automatically. Every player who sort of wants to have extra incentive to play game will do that.

You could probably notice a 10 to 15 percent increase in people’s playtime on their consoles just by that 10 minutes of code. It makes no sense to me and to be honest me personally, pro feed on the PlayStation Vita. Well part of the reason I enjoyed replaying. Those games, so I have no idea why they don’t have that so guys. I’Ve probably missed some things, but those are kind of my overall overarching opinions of the two consoles and where I stand with a switch, which is very, very good right now. So let me know down the comments below what you guys think to this I’d like to start a bit of a discussion and hear your guys, opinions I’ll, be down the conflation to look for a while after this video releases see ya. Without being said, I’m still the boss, I’m signing out you .