The New YouTube Share Button!

The New YouTube Share Button!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “The New YouTube Share Button!”.
What’S up guys Lew here back with another video and today it’s a little bit different., I am unboxing something in the digital virtual realm.. I’M going to show you a new feature on YouTube that you didn’t know existed unless you’re, one of the super cool kids. That did know that it existed. There is a new feature, a new function in YouTube.

That’S been hiding right under your nose and I am here to bring it to light.. It is the new share button in the YouTube app.. Maybe you don’t see it yet.? Maybe you haven’t been invited, but that’s the cool part of this video., I’m going to be inviting you all to share more often using this button and normally along the top “ pre-share” button..

The New YouTube Share Button!

What you had was “ Home”, “, Trending”, “ Subscriptions” and then your own channel page.. Now one of the things YouTube’s trying to do is get you to share and talk and converse within the app itself and that’s what the share button is all about. So here is a way to privately have your own thread regarding a video that you can share with your friends, have your own conversations and so on so.. Under the share button, you can see a few things have been shared with me already, a few videos, and so on.

The New YouTube Share Button!

Now have this view contacts button. Now right now, I’m not sure how this list of people showed up, who I might know whether it’s from the Old Youtube contact section or whatnot, but you can go ahead and add anybody to this list, even people who don’t have YouTube accounts.. So when I click add more contacts, it will bring this up and there is the special link by which you can invite people to your private share, feed of all the videos that you’re sharing and talking about. That link I’m going to drop it. Where am I going to put it I’ll put it on my Twitter? Go check me out.

The New YouTube Share Button!

Follow me on Twitter, “ @ unboxtherapy”. That link will be there., So you’re now invited you can use this feature as soon as you click this link. As far as I understand, it.

So go there for the exclusive invite, and why not share this video as your first YouTube share Talk about sharing after you share. It’s meta-share. “ Sharing is caring. ,” you’ve heard that before., Let’s see, for example, here Mark, has shared something with me..

Ok, If I click on that you’ll see, I end up in a- in a different kind of zone, here. Different kind of space.. I can watch the video here, but at the same time I can heart this In the pen-. I can send a heart as Unbox Therapy..

Ok, You get a heart Marcus. There you go. Let’S just you know what, for the sake of it, let’s invite some random person., I’m going to add a Detroit Board here. We go.

I’ve just invited him and just like that. He now should have the share button.. Now, as far as sharing to this area, it’s actually really easy to do. So if you are OK, let’s say you’re on Red Hot Chili Peppers over here right The share button here, what you’ve always seen before, but normally you would have only been able to share it to other social media, Twitter, Facebook and so on.. In this particular case. Here you can see now I can share as Unbox Therapy and say something, and I can send it directly to this list of contacts who, as I said, will become your- your tight knit social group that you share with specifically.

“ Privatization”. I guess of your YouTube experience, making it a little bit more exclusive and allowing you once you click that link ( the invite link. That’S on my Twitter ), to share with me to share your favorite videos with me and vice versa.. I might be sharing with you very soon.

“. This is what Apple’s charge case should have been .”. .