The most EXPENSIVE thing I own.

The most EXPENSIVE thing I own.

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “The most EXPENSIVE thing I own.”.
This is my car. This is my wife’s car, and this right here is the power supply tester. I just bought from chroma system solutions that cost more than both of them combined. Why am i smiling, because, with this i’m going to be able to separate the wheat from the chaff, the good from the bad we’re gon na be able to take power supplies like this and blow them the freak up? But, of course, in order to do that, we’re gon na need to open it up. Aren’T we, which is gon na, involve some heavy tools. Oh i’m not supposed to do that.

You can see he’s genuinely upset six months researching this. What are you doing? Man, we’re gon na have some fun today and it’s to be sponsored by future linus. Here didn’t get the memo till we were done filming, but apparently this video is sponsored by sea sonic.

The most EXPENSIVE thing I own.

Imagine having the stones, the swagger to sponsor content about a piece of testing equipment that has the potential to make your products look bad compared to the competition. Clearly, they’ve got a lot of confidence in their products and you can check out seasonic power supplies at the link down below. You swear on your mother’s life that this is the good shiz right. That’S what sea sonic said they helped me expect this, and then i basically just got their spec just the newer stuff, the newer stuff.

The most EXPENSIVE thing I own.

So we have better power supply testing equipment than a tier one power supply manufacturer and i’m assuming they’ve upgraded since we talked so maybe how strong are your wrists pretty good? I didn’t bring an impact driver and there’s a lot of screws up there. Oh wait! Well. Ttstore.Com, you don’t even have like a power.

Anything no just use your guns. Oh my god. I love our screwdriver, but these are a little long to do by hand there’s like 25 of them. It’S all about right tool for the job right, how’s, your arm man. I almost beat you: i got eight of them out already dude.

The most EXPENSIVE thing I own.

We couldn’t find impact drivers, there’s a drill, let me load up an impact driver and then start working on these side ones. Oh, that didn’t work whoa. This is looking real scientific, holy okay come here. This is really cool. Now, it’s all fine and good to put stickers on your package fragile this side up.

We all know what couriers do they see that they go. Let’S play point the arrow down right. Well, this guarantees. They never did it if this indicator is red, make a notation of delivery receipt, blah blah blah, see, watch boom, perma red. That means it stayed right side up the whole time. It was in transit, super cool right now that he’s crumpled up the serial number. In theory, these have serial numbers on them so that you know they weren’t switched and transit. Is this open now hold on hold on wait? Okay, no, it’s! Okay! It’S fine! We got it.

No! We got to get the momentum. I know. I know one two, three.

Let’S go come on well fudge here we go well that was a little anticlimactic check it out. There’S another one inside come on david check, so this indicates. Not only did it stay right side up, but it didn’t tip because you can see the sand will like go to one side or whatever test instrumentation and automated test systems, power, conversion, wow, free, usb key uh. No, no! What that’s? What? No! I think! That’S the software software yeah.

I don’t know if it’s true in the new software we’re getting, but the old software. That’S the license key. If you lose that it’s 70 grand replacing 70 grand i’m pulling the number up my butt, but it’s it’s expensive, don’t lose that! No, no! No! No! No! How much power can this whole thing draw or does it the whole thing so 208 three-phase at 50. Amps is what it’s rated for, what the that’s, what i think watts that’s what the cable’s rated! This is rated for. 10 000 watts.

Uh, maybe um – i haven’t done the conversion in my head, but we can only draw the maximum that the source will allow and that’s 3500 watts, 3500 watts. That means that we’ll be able to test basically any power supply on the market, because anything over about 2000 watts is going to trip a north american breaker and anything over about what is it like? 2500 3000 watts. That’S going to trip a european breaker anyway, we’re on the limit of what europe can do.

Oh, this is really cool. You can see from the plug. We’Ve got a ground connection to this gigantic bare metal strip here and then, unlike a normal server shelf. These are bare metal as well and they’re screwed.

In like this. What that means is that every single shelf, every piece of metal in this entire enclosure is grounded so in a production environment. That’S important because well, if a if a live lead would have short to the chassis yeah and an operator was touching it, you want to make sure the operator isn’t the lowest path to ground right. So we’ll have all of these green wires everywhere, right and even on the powder coated stuff it’ll go straight through they’ll powder coat afterwards and make sure the stud touches the actual metal. That’S also why the whole thing is enclosed, locked safety labels, the whole shebang. Okay, there’s shall we take off there’s a monitor, yeah, there’s a computer there’s a computer on here. It comes with a little shelf and everything yeah look at that. I also the shelf.

Oh okay. How much did i pay for this shelf? 130. 000. No, no. I mean just i have no idea, you didn’t even ask what the different options are worth or anything like to decide if we could have provided our own shelf, maybe like how much do i pay for this logitech mouse? Oh, not even a rechargeable battery. In there brother is there a computer.

Did i pay for a computer? Yes, industrial grade dell computer? Oh my god! Oh look! It comes with a key. What is with all of these discs? Why do we have discs? You even included a usb key? Are they just all the same thing or what? Oh, my god, kyle? Yes, they don’t expect us to build our own bloody cable harnesses here. Do they those are like 24-pin, atx, pins, okay and here’s a 24-pin atx connector? Do i have to like build my own diy power supply here? Why are you telling me this like you’re, the one who’s actually going to be building the stuff? Do you understand how configurable this machine is? I trust me.

You want to build your own cables. You see all of these ones, yeah, you see how it says, load, two, three, four, five, six, seven yeah! Those are these guys? Okay, so if these like over current or something, then would they blow their load? No! No! Oh! You know what we’ll go through it once we actually do a rundown of each of the modules and i’ll explain why those are important, yeah check it out. I made a whole thing: oh, they actually connect together.

That’S pretty cool yeah, that’s not in but yeah. That’S what she said yeah. I think we should go bottom to top, okay reason being because that’s where power comes in so this is a 3 000 volt amp ac, so we’ll be able to test any pc power supply on the market and realistically just about any other power supply as well. So this is also a three-phase power supply.

It can do both single and three-phase, but we only have it hooked up for single-phase right now, because we’re only targeting adx power supplies. Eventually we might do server stuff, but that’s in the future. What’S cool about this? Is it can do anything with the power, so it can do 240, volts 50 hertz for the european brothers. It can do one 1060 or 126.

for north america. It can also start injecting like yeah. Can we simulate dirty power, dirty power, bad power, bad power? So we can, we can brown out the power we can over volt the power we can inject harmonics into the actual ac sine wave like if you had a blender or some crap running elsewhere on the circuit, like a very noisy like motor somewhere. That, like is feeding very like dirty hummus like a black yeah, yeah or microwaves.

I mean, or something there’s no motor in a microwave except to spin the turntable. That’S probably not the one yeah, probably the worst thing to compare, but it can do that and it can do that all automatically. What does this do all right? So that’s an on off controller.

It turns stuff on and off. Oh my god really! That’S all. It does uh yeah short circuit protection, ovp tester, so basically that will short out the power supply the most fun test ever as well as it will over vault the power supply.

So this is one of our likely fire starters then right here, maybe so what it does is it’ll, take voltage from the dc source and add it to the output from the power supply. So if you’re getting 12 volts out, it will just like add a couple of voltage to that and see if the power supply holy crap. This is not supposed to be happening and cuts and cuts it yeah right.

You claim this is where things get interesting, as we were talking about before this is the anderson connection panel yeah these all hook into these loads, which we’ll get to in a minute, okay and that’s basically, the output of the ac source. So that’s where we plug power supplies into got it okay, after after adapting it from that to normal plug right, so our ac source is as clean or dirty as we expect it to be, and this is effectively your wall outlet at home. But you know yeah within a day, so the idea with this is to actually have a test enclosure that we put down here, yeah and plug into this, or we even make a back plane that just slots in right, because these are all very precisely put in Place right, so we could easily have like a pcb with anderson connectors, the pcb mount ones, not regular ones, sure that we could just slide in and there’s power.

These are all your signal, stuff that goes up to um this guy and this guy yeah, and these are all these and um. These channels, i believe, are temperature sensing channels. That is a byproduct of this guy, okay cool.

So this is basically the business end where we plug the victims in and the idea is that by having an enclosure, here we can control the environment that the power supply is operating in, so that we could run any number of different permutations, clean power, dirty power, Cold hot there’s a more practical thing for an enclosure, so when power supplies blow up, we don’t yeah that too this yeah. So it’s a timing. Noise, analyzer, the module, has a whole bunch of slots that you can stick into it. What these do is monitor all the signals right, so if you have 12 volts, 5, volts and 3.3, this is monitoring it from a pass fail event. So we don’t actually get data out of this, so you set limits and this will see if it breaks those limits, got it well.

Where do we get data from then uh, this guy? Okay, oh and that’s missing, that’s the oscilloscope! They allow a variety of third-party oscilloscopes. We haven’t decided on one yet, but that’s going to go there a four-channel oscilloscope and that will give you pretty graphs and, like actual things, that people can understand right where this will give you the past failed data. Now, here’s something i need to understand a little bit better. If i were lo, oh wait.

No, i get it! Oh, my god, why do we need so many okay cool? I spent the majority of time like gaming, the system to get us this. The idea of these is, we have 400 watts, 400, what’s 400 watts, 400 corners, four four 400: these are eight 400 watt loads and one dual 100 watt load. So these can it can do 200 watts total but 100 on each channel. The idea is, this is for your 5 volts and your 3.3. Most power supplies are under 100 watts on those rails yeah. There are a few that are above i’m only older stuff, the newer stuff, the 1600 watts can sometimes do 125.. These loads can be connected in parallel right, so you can set all of these guys to 12 volts.

The reason why i went with so many is something called slew rate, so that’s the rate at which these loads can change their demand right. Okay, so each one of these loads can change the demand at six amps per microsecond, so you take six amps. You multiply by 12, you get 60 72., so 72 watts each one of these can change their load at 72 watts per microsecond. With all eight of these loads yeah, we can change the the the rate of power draw at 760 watts per microsecond. Okay.

The idea was to electronically simulate the 30 90 kicking on, but then nvidia released 4090 and i was like i don’t have enough space. So the future goal is just to have a test bench right next to it, where you can just literally hook the power supply instead of looking into this hook it into an actual computer and simulate a real world example well think about it, won’t be as repeatable, Though, no, but think about it, this way, if someone’s complaining about a certain power supply blowing up under certain architecture, you can build that architecture, get the power supply, put the power supply down and monitor the voltages as attack, and then we could create a simulated load Based on what we monitored and find out, if anything will blow up, you hired a guy to automate gpu testing just get him to get a script that cranks it to like 150 and just sends it as we get more experience using this, i’m assuming we’re going To come up with our own stuff cool and then what do these do so? Uh, single phase power, meter, yeah, so basically efficiency. So if we want okay, if you want to test uh 80 80 plus yeah, whatever maybe something more meaningful like like 90 plus yeah, sure okay, so that that just monitors your power through and then this just looks like a basic ass, multimeter yeah, digital multimeter. So it’s got, it’s got a um.

If we have an oscilloscope do we need this, there’s a reason why we need it. I’Ve forgotten it um! I’M going to blame i’m going to blame food again. You know what i’ve forgotten our sponsor see: sonic dan, those guys. Never cease to amaze me great people, great power supplies i mean clearly, because if they didn’t have the confidence to know this thing is going to make them look good rather than bad. Why would they have gotten involved in helping us spec it? This is, like, i said, very similar to the unit they have, although ours is a little bit newer unless they upgrade, which means that, if they’re doing a great job of designing their power supplies, there shouldn’t be any surprises, so go check them out at the link Down in the video description, they’ve got long, warranties, great efficiency, just they’re quiet. What? What else can you ask for if you guys, think kyle and i are brutal with each other? You wouldn’t believe what doesn’t make it into the videos we just uploaded an exclusive on of me and jake, and it gets pretty spicy bmws are bad cars jake come at me.
