Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “The Mind Bending 77-inch Wallpaper TV”.
Oh often say: there’s your where very nice, oh my goodness! Oh my god! Well, it’s been a while, since we’ve been down here, you may have even forgot that this studio is a huge place with a lot happening, some of which you don’t know about yet. But this video right here is focused on that guy is that the coolest best TV on planet earth right now, it’s quite possible. It’S the W 877 inch, LG signature, OLED TV W. The W of course indicates the fact that this is the wallpaper TV.
Now, if you watched my video from last year, I mounted up the 65 inch version of this. This is the bigger brother. This is the holy grail of OLED TVs as it stands right now now I have a very particular implementation idea for this.
It’S going to mount right up there on this really cool wall. As part of this LED array, it’s it’s all kinds of plans going on, but you already knew that if the image quality is like the 65 inch, then this is the thing to beat right now. As far as pictures are concerned, in general moving pictures, the movies oled contrast, deep blacks, rich tones, colors saturation now look.
This is not cheap. This tvs, gon na run you a few bucks, but if you want the best of the best, if you want to be a champion, you got to pay like a champion. Well come now, since this is a wallpaper TV, it does mount up.
In fact, it uses some kind of magnet system and then a bunch of the electronics for the TV they live in the speaker unit, which sits underneath it very nice suite. Maybe now is time to get Willie do Henley, who into the mix? Who knows what he’s up to I? Don’T I’ve been curious about what will dudes been doing now for many years? You can never tell with Willie dude the man’s a wild card. Did you have a good sleep? Last night? Oh, my god, that’s so easy Wow.
The two pieces they just flap down no funny business, no acrobatics. The TV is so thick. There’S the TV in the back well right here.
Remember when you were a kid, what is your TV look like dude giant, CRT, yeah yeah, the tube yeah had a tube in it. What were you watching on that TV? Okay? So maybe just Oh Mike! Oh I don’t know if that was good or not Haley. Just getting after it all of a sudden, what do you think this is? Will your show that new show another day at the office there? Well, what there it is straight voice. Oh, oh, oh, hey boys, geez! Louise use your rotator cuffs holy moly boys. Oh boy, just tell me what could be today: Jay, oh my god, Wow. What we’re angry LED angry like this you’re right door, so check the fabric on the Left, moving its the textures.
It’S the textures is what’s happening, the detail, the textures so your hand. You want to go toe to toe to man like that. You were floating.
I saw you levitate, there’s a your feet, we’re not touching the ground. I was worried about like what are we doing right now? Oh look at that guy see. Will you should’ve got this guy? Not this guy over here and life is pretty wild, though, if we turned off some of these lights hit those that’s a solar panel on one of those huts, oh wow, they just living over here, it’s gone yeah that dude is way happier than you’ll ever be Guaranteed they’re, just in the hot springs right now I don’t know the last time the group of us would fly along. It’S a whole. I mean you’re, not gon na, be able to tell on the camera lens. I said this in the last video we can’t truly represent through this video.
What that looks like in real life. The best I can do to represent it through words is to say that it’s, the next best experience to being physically standing there now we’re watching some wonderful nature stuff, but of course this would apply to whatever type of content. You want to look, and it’s actually kind of amazing the choices that are out there now for high-res stuff, high frame rate and even in this case, HDR content, which the TV can take advantage of as it is in this case right here I mean this: is It it’s the best on the market, it’s the best out there.
If that’s what you’re looking for this is the biggest version. If you want to spend the cash, I promise you, you will not be upset, I mean that’s, that’s the bottom line. It’S incredible! It’S like real life from your living room speechless. You saw it, you saw it in the expression. The wallpaper TV 77 inch holy smokes .