The Mac Mini Killer just got BETTER! – Minisforum @ Computex 2023

The Mac Mini Killer just got BETTER! - Minisforum @ Computex 2023

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “The Mac Mini Killer just got BETTER! – Minisforum @ Computex 2023”.
We’Re at the Minnie’s Forum, booth at computex 2023, and I don’t know how they keep doing it, but I saw the last one I was like this is a Mac Mini killer, it’s cheaper than the Mac Mini it’s faster than the Mac Mini, and you know what They have another one that is basically the same price as a Mac Mini with no storage and whatnot, but it is even more faster. It’S got rdna3, graphics and Zen 4 cores that turbo to over five gigahertz in a box. It’S an eighth of a shoe box. That’S how small this thing is and we’re gon na tear it apart. We’Re gon na see how fast it goes. Assuming we can get a monitor from Asus shout out Asus. The last one we checked out was called the um 773. Well, this is the um 790 Pro on the front. We’Ve got a power button.

The Mac Mini Killer just got BETTER! - Minisforum @ Computex 2023

Two USB 440 gigabit ports is that microphone, microphone, headphone, combo Jack, there’s a little reset button and then I assume that’s a power indicator on the side mesh, because this is a 54 watt Max TDP CPU, which is actually the same amount of power as the littler. One that we looked at, but it’s Zen, four, it’s already in A3, it’s going to be quite a bit faster on the back, the thing that I love about these mini forums, things there’s just so much. I o i it’s kind of ridiculous. I talked about in the AVerMedia thing that you could use this as a streaming PC.

You seriously seriously. Could 2.5 gigabit Lan always nice to see this time we have two USB HDMI 2.1 ports, which was a bit of a gripe on the last one. Hopefully, we can actually do high refresh rate output, but the monitor that Asus has found now is pro art, so I don’t know if it’s high refresh rate, it’s probably not a high refresh rate right, probably 60 hertz, okay! Well, that’s fine. Having any monitor is better than nothing for power, it’s a 19 volt power, brick.

The Mac Mini Killer just got BETTER! - Minisforum @ Computex 2023

We had a bit of a last minute tragedy. They don’t have the power break for this thing, so I sent Sasha on a wild goose chase to find a 19 volt power, brick, which conveniently is a kind of a standard for monitors and laptops, and they did find one, but it’s only 90 watts and they Were saying that the usual power brick for this is 120., I’m hoping because it’s 55-ish Watts that will be okay, but we’re just gon na have to wait and see, because there is still storage and stuff to consider on the side over here we’ve got a bunch Of 10 gig type, A ports which is again awesome. Lots of i o that’s pretty much it on the outside Sleek packaging. The outside of this one is a nice kind of it looks like a sandblasted kind of aluminum finish.

The Mac Mini Killer just got BETTER! - Minisforum @ Computex 2023

It feels a lot more premium than the other one and to be fair, there is a bit of a price premium, but you’re getting a lot more performance and there is a lot more interesting stuff going on inside. So why don’t we crack it open? It comes off, it’s sticky, oh my God. I said this in the last video. I really think that these shouldn’t be sticky. They should have some other way to mount because then you can’t reuse it it’s fine! You can buy this thing as a Bare Bones kit, with no RAM and no CPU. This one has 32 gigs of RAM and 512 gigs of storage, but on their website you can configure it as high as one terabyte with 64 gigs of RAM or as low as 16 gigs of RAM with 512 gigs of storage. Oh look at that uh.

Okay! There’S a little cable. Oh there’s, two cables. Oh there’s many cables. I guess this thing has two fans. Actually this is the fan on the back and there’s a completely different fan for the cooler. This uh fan and heatsink is to cool the m.2 ssds. There’S a fan in here and a heat sink and then um thermal pads. Okay, I got the fan cable, but there is also Wi-Fi antennas but they’re, underneath the ssds 512 gig Gen, 4 Kingston Drive and what you might notice there’s two gen 4 slots. Instead of just one that means in theory, you could run Raid 0, which would be kind of insane on a device like this.

I probably wouldn’t recommend that or Raid one, so you could have a little bit of. I guess. Sort of redundancy um in your boot Drive, which is always nice. Although raid one is usually not too heavy because there’s not really any parity data to calculate so it’s probably okay over here we’ve got a slot for the Wi-Fi card. Oh my God. This does support. Usbc power does this support USB power? No, we spend so much time trying to find a power brick. Oh my God.

Okay, I don’t even have time to be like distraught. That’S great though I mean you can run it on type c, I have 140 watt power. Brick in my bag, we should use that then we can use the high refresh rate, monitor 140 watt, we’re good thanks to Sweetwater for sponsoring this video. When we need to upgrade our audio gear at lmg, we can count on the fine folks at Sweetwater to carry the latest and greatest whether it’s mics headphones, sound mixers, preamps or cowbells. They got everything you need more of not sure what products you need use. The comprehensive resources on their site to help guide you or speak to a Sweetwater sales engineer for personalized gear advice, sound, clearer, crisper and cleaner with Sweet Water check them out of the link below alright for Ram. We have our two 16 gig sticks, because this is N4. This is, should be ddr5. Let’S put it back in there’s two sticks they’re both removable, so you totally can service this thing. You totally can upgrade this thing.

Speaking of the CPU, it’s a ryzen 97940 HS, which is kind of like a mobile laptop SKU. 8. Core 16 thread base clock of 4 gigahertz and turbos to a Max of 5.2, which is kind of ridiculous. It is configurable TDP, so 35 watts to 54 Watts.

They put this little plastic piece on there to protect the antenna connectors, so stupid people don’t rip them off when they’re taking it apart. This is very smart. Let’S start going further they’re all looking nervous now still seems very in there. Oh yeah. There we go. It’S just the ports kind of hold it fitted in there.

Oh, my God, it’s so close yeah. I give up. I chipped the edge of the PCB there’s nothing there, but I give up. We have nine minutes to put it back together, boot it into Windows. Try to uh, I don’t know, probably not play a game – the internet’s too slow to play a game here, but we can at least run cinebench or something, let’s see if it still turns on on the website. It says PDN, let’s try it it’s lit up.

Hopefully, this cable doesn’t light on fire. It’S 140 watt brick, so it should be okay for some perspective, of the performance of this processor and everything compared to the um 773 that we looked at before it’s 15, faster single threaded and around 20 faster overall look. It’S booted into Windows, look just like that. The USB power works and if you want to compare it to like a desktop CPU, it’s about a couple percent slower than a 13 600k single threaded, which is kind of mind-blowing.

I mean look at this. 13600K is 125 watt, TDP CPU. That really runs it more like 200 Watts, so this is kind of nuts okay. Can we get high refresh rate? If we can’t it’s definitely not the monitor’s fault. I assure you unless Sasha brought me a bunk monitor, oh my God, 1080p 240. No way! Look at that! This thing is Tiny.

Oh my God, why’d you bring me a 1080p monitor what the hell I’m just kidding. It’S actually good, because this system is, you would want a game at 1080p, if you’re in a game at all. Okay, let’s get uh cinebench. These downloads are not stressing the Wi-Fi 60 killer chip in here at all, we’re probably getting like one megabyte down for sure.

Oh no 2.5. That’S not bad and we’re downloading steam at like one megabyte a second, oh God. Oh God, that’s not a good sound that says we’re closing the convention Halls type of sound, we’re downloading stuff right now too. This is not a perfect science.

By any stretch of the imagination, five gigabytes, a second sick – so it looks like read – speeds uh, sequentially, about five gigabytes. A second read: 3.5 gigabytes, a second right uh. You could probably go faster if you put a faster SSD. This is just like a Kingston uh, OEM kind of SSD.

Let’S see how fast our memory is running at 5600. Look at that and there’s our CPU look at all those cores. You can see, base speed, four gigahertz and we’re running at 4.25 right now, which is pretty cool all right.

Cinebench, let’s go multi-core, let’s watch the Power 55. Look at that 54 Watts, it’s the full TDP. It doesn’t even care we’re barely cracking like 70, something degrees. Yeah, full power, CPU 54 Watts.

That’S a lot, a lot of power in a little package like this. This is a really hard area to evaluate noise, because this they’re playing music like get the hell out of the convention center. But I’m trying to hear it.

You can hear it, you can definitely hear it. It’S kicking off a lot of heat, it’s definitely ripping. If you look at the core temperatures, the hottest core got up to 76 degrees Celsius, and it still really wasn’t that loud. Look at that score. It is as fast as a first generation threadripper 16 core faster than a 7700k by almost three times that literally these cores, there’s half of them remember as this red Ripper. They are twice as fast, given that there’s half of them. This is ridiculous. Yeah! Look at that: okay, it’s 4 000 single threaded, which is about the same as a 13600.

It’S also about the same as a 13700 uh, the CPU score, almost 31 000 multi-threaded is very very fast. I think that’s a pretty close to a 12 700k. It’S mind-boggling because this is so small we can run 3D Mark. I guess it’s.

A GTX 780 scores about an 8 000 in this test. This scores about a 7700, so it’s kind of in the the range of a GTX 780, which is an old cart, but this is also basically integrated Graphics in a tiny PC, so if your 780 could run it, this probably can I like the last one, because It was so cheap. This is still pretty inexpensive when you consider the performance and it’s got a nice aluminum chassis, it’s sick, I love mini PCS.

I seriously think that, with a USB capture card, this could be a sick streaming PC, I’m sure you could game on it too. Rdna3 Graphics. I really did want to try that, but regardless check them out in the link in the description uh, you can buy it Bare Bones, you can buy it with ram, you can buy it with ssds.

Whatever you want, you can get two ssds. If you want, if you like this video, like it, get subscribed check out the Corsair or the AVerMedia short circuit, I just did a computex and um yeah subscribe, because we will have more computex videos. .