The M4 iPad Pro ONLY Challenge!

The M4 iPad Pro ONLY Challenge!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “The M4 iPad Pro ONLY Challenge!”.
So we got the new M4 iPad Pro over here and I figured M4 new fancy. Magic keyboard might be time for another iPad. Pro only challenge and I like to go all in when I say only so. That means giving up my iPhone. Of course, my Apple watch and any other computer that I’d use today everything’s going to be done on this.

You sure about that, so you so you have one of those sell. Oh yeah, my dat, my data plan’s all hooked up in here. So if I get calls I’ll be good, even if I’m outside it’s not the best way to take a phone call on an iPad but we’ll survive. Does that mean also no airpod, no airpods, nothing? I can’t even take my phone calls privately. I love you too. Okay, I guess I’ll uh take goodbye to my babies for now see how I survive.

What’S up Jean, what’s up I’m with the fellas today now trust me, I know nobody uses their iPad as their only device for everything, but I figured it’d be fun to give it a shot and doing something like this also puts all of its features and capabilities Under a microscope, while I test it – and I tried to take this challenge pretty seriously – I didn’t even want to be in my office, so I didn’t get tempted to use things that I’m used to. So I figured I’d hang out with the guys in the editing room, all right guys, so it is early. So I have to do the typical things I got to go: go through a bunch of emails and whatnot, you know respond k get up to date. With my inbox. I OGE some stuff voice. Yeah I got some scripting to do.

I got to do some voiceovers. Oh, what am I going to use as a mic, all right, I’m going to try, I’m I’m! I’M I’m going to do my voice over on this. If it doesn’t sound, good, we’ll just have to we’ll just have to shoot, we’ll just have to shoot it on another day. Could you record using another mic into that? It’S it’s. Not it’s iPad! Only like nothing! No, I’m going all in guys, not even the mic. Anyway, we’re about to get real familiar with this magic keyboard, because I do a lot of typing in the morning.

I’M doing an iPad only challenge, so I can’t have my phone say hi to the guys Arie, oh okay, hi guys, whatever so, whatever a few minutes later, why could you use because then I’m not testing the speaker quality or the microphone quality of the? Oh. I see it, it sounds like the the same as as being on the phone yeah. I would have known see there we go, I mean that’s a positive with airpod, with airpods there’s no way a little longer than a few minutes later. That would be good for like school friends, 15 minutes later, because Austin sweets having a party and I know har – said the mics were good, but they must have been really good since she didn’t mind, keeping me on the phone for a while, but being able to Answer her calls, even though I didn’t have my phone or watch on on me, was pretty dope, and it really highlights how well the whole ecosystem works together.

Now, after I finally get off the phone with her, I did have to get some actual work done and knock out the script and voice over, and let me tell you this new magic keyboard feels like a serious upgrade compared to the previous one cuz. It really feels like you’re, using a laptop with its improved, build quality. I will say, though it might take some getting used to for some longtime magic keyboard users, since the screen sits further back than it used to when you’re using it on a surface. It’S not a big deal at all, but I tend to have some issues with the balance whenever I try to use it on my lap, I’m all for the new additions, though, with the new function keys, the build quality and the overall typing experience getting the things That I needed to get done in the morning definitely wasn’t a problem for this challenge, all right y’all, so I had to switch it up.

I just finished my script for some short form content and since I’m going to be shooting my voice over with the iPad Pro, I figured I’d have to go with the the room with the best Acoustics, which is our entertainment room. If you haven’t seen the video of this place, it’s pretty dope I’ll, have it linked down below I’m just going to go, give it a shot, we’re going to just see if the studio microphones on the iPad Pro are legit with the new magic keyboard right. You can just hit the spotlight button and I can search for an app like voice. I can do record and boom we’re recording, so I actually did the voice over work twice here. The first time didn’t really feel like a fair test, since we didn’t use the sound isolating boards, we normally use whenever we’re recording audio and you guys can hear a clear difference between the two takes. We’Ve all seen airpods before, but never like this.

The M4 iPad Pro ONLY Challenge!

These are the new granite airpods from the guys over at colorware we’ve all seen airpods before, but never like this. These are the new granite airpods from the guys over at colorware. The quality of the mics are absolutely there and that’s dope.

For the average person, quality sounds great, but from the professional side of things it might not be the best like Run and Gun microphone uh, but in a professional setting, definitely does the job all right. So I do still have some work to do. I’M probably going to stay up here.

It’S really quiet in the editing room. I love you guys, but I want to play some music, I’m not going to lie and I don’t have headphones that I can use. So I’m going to stay up here and jam out while I work you didn’t take your phone with you right, it’s still in the dra.

No man, I’m I’m good. Oh, you know no! No! No! No! No! No! No! I didn’t! Even I didn’t even know. That was there.

I did like. I didn’t use it, you you, you were watching me. I was in the room with you get out of here. Jay, you think, with the pro the speakers couldn’t possibly be that good, since it’s so thin, but I have no issues with the sound output at all, there’s even more base than I’d expect from it.

The M4 iPad Pro ONLY Challenge!

So, even with this challenge, where I couldn’t use headphones or anything, I wasn’t mad with how I had to listen to content. The speakers are legit, I just realized, I don’t have a watch or my phone. I can’t tell what time it is in here. I tried to ask Siri, but she didn’t respond: hey Siri! What time is it hey? Siri? Can you hear me? I just want to know the time. It’S 12:29.

The M4 iPad Pro ONLY Challenge!

Okay, something I noticed a little bit earlier in the day. Is I found myself missing the ultrawide camera? More than I expected to, I tried grabbing some footage of a TV delivery that came in earlier in the day and my shots with the camera just felt tighter than I would have liked, and that TV delivery was the only natural thing that happened during the challenge. That required me to take out the camera, but from my time with this iPad Pro, the camera was fine but weirdly enough.

I kind of felt like I like the photos I saw through the viewfinder more than the end result and I think that’s because of all of the postprocessing I throw some screenshots and some actual photos side by side. Let me know what you guys think, but if I’m being honest, taking photos and videos feels like a bonus to me on tablets out side of using them for like document scanning. So, on a normal day, I probably wouldn’t have any crazy expectations, but when it’s the only device you have access to and not a phone, it kind of starts to notice things not a deal breaker for me, because this is a tablet, but just understand this.

Camera is not replacing your iPhone after wrapping up everything I needed to do. I wanted to see how I’d Fair outside with this thing, so I was on my way out to go grab some lunch, but I got a surprise call from My Little Man Austin. What’S up Austin, are you at home, I’m not at home, I’m at the studio. What are you going to do? Getting I’m getting lunch, it’s 2:45 J just come home. What I can’t just come home! I I got in the middle of a video.

We miss you. The guilt trip you see that I’ll I’ll come home as soon as as soon as Austin. Are you sad daddy’s, not home? Oh, did you hear that come on? Well, there goes your answer all right. Imagine using this for GPS, not happening.

I was on my way to go, get some lunch, but I just realized that I need to have my iPhone on me, because you can’t make phone calls right from the iPad in order to make a call. You have to be on the same Wi-Fi network as an iPhone, so I can’t make phone calls. I got kids, so that’s not a good thing.

I got to go back and get my phone, but let me see if I can FaceTime okay, you know I’m going to call you Jay yeah, oh yeah, you’re! Getting it. Can you pick it up real, quick, yo, okay, so yeah you’re there yo my family really. Doesn’T love me, I called like two people nobody picked up.

Maybe I don’t need my phone. Maybe no one’s going to even call me all right got my lunch. Didn’T get to try these out yet we’ll go out to the back and do some brightness tests all right. So I was hoping to show you guys how bright the iPad’s new OLED display is, while getting some lunch things don’t work out. Sometimes, okay uh, but I want to show it to you guys compared to the last model, which I thought had a really really nice screen, but just check this out. There’S such a difference in terms of like overall color, the brightness here side by side.

There’S no comparison like at all all right, we’ll leave it there, but you guys can see it’s crazy because that screen to me I loved watching content on it. It looks great you take this away from this guy and you’re still going to look at this. Like wo, that’s a really nice screen, but once you’re side by side you see just how much better that OLED display is B and I like it a lot. I feel like it’s, not just the bright side of the screen.

It’S also the dark side. Blacks are so much deeper and that’s the benefit of having an OLED display, deep blacks, with the addition of this being a tandem OLED display where you’ve got two OLED displays in one increased brightness just makes for a really good viewing experience, but I’m going to play Some games and eat my last slice of pizza. So that’s that’s the only challenge I have in front of me right now now. The easiest part of this challenge, as you’d expect, was content consumption. I think I talked to Arie more this day than I have any day in a long time, but whether it’s a FaceTime call or playing some mobile games, it’s overall a really solid experience.

It’S a nice, beautiful, OLED screen and normally i’ test the performance of any new chip with some of the games that I like to play, especially the ones that have so much going on on the screen like you see here, but this definitely wasn’t going to do Anything to the M4, so we had to put it to some real work, all right, so fun time’s over. We got to see what that M4 is all about. Uh. You know this is the iPad Pro, so I’m pretty sure whoever’s buying this kind of cares about that part. So, of course, it’s only right that I do some editing. I do have some footage that I got from Gan over there and this isn’t a thunderbolt 4 SSD or anything, but this is a thunderbolt 4 port and we do have pretty decent data transfer speed. I’M going to try the voice over that we shot on the iPad.

If that doesn’t work out, I’m just going to take what I got here backup. Is it Final Cut Pro yeah? It’S final cut. It looks different yeah! No! Well I mean it’s. The iPad version of Final Cut, oh, so it’s going to look a little bit different. Now, the only thing here with this being an iPad Pro only challenge is, I don’t have like a mouse, but we got the trackpad. We have the full-blown trackpad, It’s a larger trackpad than the previous magic keyboard. It should be okay H, so my struggle with the magic keyboard, though, is not all apps take advantage of the Escape key like if you’re in a small window, I feel like you should just be able to escape out of it instead of having to like tap Out of it, I don’t want to have to go from here to up here. So hopefully you know more iPad developers.

Consider that, like even if we’re on YouTube, you can’t just hit the Escape key to get out of a full screen video. So I want that kind of functionality with this. This is the button I wanted the most out of this whole thing. I want it to work more how’s it going um it’s going. This will definitely this short video. This uh 50-second video probably get done by like next week, I’m uh, but for for real this is uh.

I mean it’s, it’s been pretty smooth. I don’t have a lot of experience with Final Cut on iPad. There’S a lot of settings that I’m used to that. I have to like dig around for since I’m not familiar with it, but in terms of the actual performance it’s been, it’s been more than smooth all right, y’all check it out Pro what’, you think smooth. Thank you. Thank you.

I mean the playback was smooth. So what je come on now? This is this. Is this? What do you mean? Listen I made I made this place, Brick by Brick, Brick by Brick. I built it me Brick by Brick anyway.

I like this because it’s a really nice screen the the screen quality is amazing. I feel like for professional work if anyone’s trying to use the iPad uh if they’re familiar with whatever software they’re going to use performance is not going to be an issue. I mean it’s an M4. What? What is that? I I added that today, actually so right here, it’s just like a grip.

I just added it today so because it has that new four squeeze feature you can feel it as you’re holding the pencil, and it just makes it really easy to do whatever you need to do. I can you know just pull up whatever I need to bring that down and then just keep going whatever. Anyway, it’s nice, it’s a nice addition, I’m going to have an accessory video for the iPad and all that so definitely stay tuned. For that now the M4 has more than enough power to get some serious editing done as well as anything else.

The iPad can currently do now. I know the new display on the iPad Pro needs a sophisticated chip like the M4 to make it work. But I feel like there’s got to be more to the M4 being here and I think we’re going to find out in June at WWDC just what kind of software Apple has cooking up to really take advantage of all this power.

Now, as for the challenge, the iPad Pro handled – everything I threw at it very well, except for taking pictures and video and the phone calls were kind of awkward, but that is because I was taking them on a 13in tablet. But at least the call Quality was great. This is definitely an easy win for the iPad Pro overall, but now I’ve got my eyes set on WWDC to see what else this thing is going to be able to handle soon.
