The Huawei P30 Pro camera can see in the Dark.

The Huawei P30 Pro camera can see in the Dark.

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “The Huawei P30 Pro camera can see in the Dark.”.
Welcome to Birmingham one of the larger cities in the United Kingdom and it’s got some of the crazy starka texture of the whole country. So I thought there is no better place to test the brand new while we’re p30 pro’s camera at night. We started at 7:00 p.m. when that final bit of light in the sky was just starting to fade, and the first building we captured was the council house, where a lot of important decisions are made.

You can see that, even though this was well past sunset, the light in the image almost makes it seem like it was taken halfway through the day. The mailbox that sort of red building is seeing on the right hand, side is a super upmarket shopping centre. In the heart of Birmingham and this picture was taken using night mode and you can see just how far away we are so this was a pretty good chance to try the phones five times optical zoom at night.

So we did the same thing standing from the exact same spot, and this is the photo that came out. The image is softer than when you’re not zooming in, but at the same time this is five times zoom combined with basically no light. There is not another phone on the market that can do this. We found this narrow, little side, road called Cannon Street and it was a pretty good opportunity to test a time-lapse.

So I stopped the phone on a little tripod and left of the recording 4k video for run about 2 minutes. This is the result as far as video in low light goes the bane of every smartphone camera. This is a good result, pretty much. The only illumination here is a little bit from the sky and a little bit from the lights inside the shops. That’S it and considering that a 4k resolution is a fairly noise-free result.

There are two primary reasons why the camera can do this over, say past iterations. It has a wider F, 1.6 aperture, which lets more light into the sensor and then a sensor that is more capable of processing that light. They call it.

The Huawei P30 Pro camera can see in the Dark.

The super spectrum sensor Victoria Square, considered by many to be the true heart of the city, and you can probably tell at this point my main camera was struggling with the little amount of light here, but we took a night mode shot and I was surprised normally. I’M kind of fairly impressed, but this one blew me away. We then headed over to Grand Central, this giant metallic structure. That’S basically one of the biggest shopping malls in Birmingham on top of the main train station. The problem I was having here was that the building is too big to capture with just the normal sensor, so I had to use the ultra wide lens and it’s not ideal, especially at night, because the quality of that is just not as good as the main Super spectrum camera, but I was still impressed by how sharp the image turned out. Okay, we had no intention of turning up to this location, but we kind of saw it on the way and we’re like there’s no light at all here.

This is the perfect test and seriously they were like a few lamps, but this place was basically pitch-black, but yet this thing managed to create light where I couldn’t even see it. That sky looked completely black to me, but there is somehow elements of blue in there. I was quite excited about this one.

This is the bullring, they call it the commercial centre of Birmingham, and I was surprised by how little light there was here. The place has this iconic bull statue, so it’s a pretty good chance to try standing next to it and to see if the camera would blur me, because this is night mode and you have to hold the camera steady for a few seconds. I was a little worried there.

Even a slight disturbance would cause a problem, but they actually turned out okay on our way to the next location, we found this pretty much MT square and is a pretty cool chance to try something called light painting. This allows you to grab a torch or a phone’s flashlight and draw in the air and the phone actually records just the movement of that light. All right. This is by far the most polarizing building in the entire city. This is Selfridges.

This is a high-end designer fashion store, and this whole building from every angle just seems like a collection of strange choices. You’Ve got lime, green combined with dark blue. The building is covered with what looks almost like circular scales and the whole shape is just unlike anything, you’ve ever seen before. So we took two shots here, one a little bit further back, which just captures the essence of the building and then a little bit more of an abstract shot.

I stood below the building, pointed the camera up and took a six second long night mode shot. This is one of my favorites. I really like how the black sky has been kept black, but at the same time, is plenty of light in the building.

The Huawei P30 Pro camera can see in the Dark.

Speaking of controversially designed buildings, there’s also Birmingham library, some love, it some hate it, but you can’t argue that it’s not iconic. It’S also massive, and I was struggling to find an angle from which I could try and capture the whole thing, whilst not having to use the ultralight. I wanted to use the main sensor for the best quality image anyway. In the end, I got this which looks great, but what really surprised me was that when I took a look at the image afterwards, I zoomed all the way in and could still see the stars in the sky. I don’t remember the last time. That’S happened on a phone camera, so as a final piece, I just wanted to try a mode called traffic trails, so you put the phone down on some sort of stabilized surface and it’ll just monitor the lights of the things that pass by it. So it’s not capturing the cars and the traffic itself, but it’s actually just capturing their headlights and their taillights. It’S an interesting result. It’S not the neatest image, because the shutter has to be open for so long, but it is unique and I personally really like having modes to play around with it’s just fun.

If you enjoy this video it’ll be massively appreciated. If you could smash that subscribe button, the p30 pro is going on sale in the UK on the 6th of April 20 19 and then drop a link in the description below for you to check it out. As always, my name is Erin.

This is misty who’s. The boss and I’ll catch you in the next one you .