Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “THE GREATEST CABLE EVER”.
What’S up guys Lew here back with another video. And today, I’m gon na show you something that relates to the past video. So recently I unboxed what I think might be the ultimate backup battery., The ultimate portable battery brick.. Now, in that video, I had cables flying everywhere. Now, thank goodness they’ve included the cables that you need., But the cables they were-.


So I went on a search for what might be the ultimate cable to go with the ultimate battery backup or anything else for that matter., And I found This guy right here. Look at this thing. ChaFon. “ Greeting you warmly with a wish. That’S sincere for a healthy, happy and wonderful day.”. Well, I appreciate that.. Now I ran into this thing on Amazon call me weird, but I’m a little bit of a cable junky, and this thing is, unlike anything, I’ve ever seen. Before., You see all these nice little flat cables coming out and you know what this means.

For me, This means No tangle., I’m a tangle-free, kinda guy., Regular USB. This will go into your power source for charging or syncing. If you wan na go into a laptop., Then check this out Micro-USB.

Second Micro-USB Mini-USB, Lightning, USB-C, What You have- this is normally in your bag. I mean – and this is only 3 of the cables – Never mind if I added a- a Mini-USB, there’s, no Lightning cable. Even there.

Gim me a sec.. These aren’t even the right cables, but you get the idea. Like. Who am I right now? What am I doing? What am I trying to prove The ladies they-? This is not what they’re looking for.


A’ight. If, given the choice, you tell me. Huh What’re you gon na go for Not this., I get excited about strange things.


This is one of them., Let’s say you’re using one of these badboys.. If you saw the last video the you know what this is. This is a backup battery, it’s kind of a giant one might be my favorite one right. Now.. Look at that pretty little package right, there.

You might-! You know you might be on a road trip and you brought your Nexus with you.. So, oh guess what Charging. Different phone same? Cable, here’s an iPhone.

Lightning.! You heard the noise. A Galaxy S7 Micro-USB. Got that lightning bolt! That’S a good sign.’Course! This guy! Also supports-! I mean if you got some really old-school equipment-.

I was looking around for Mini-USB equipment. Couldn’T find a single thing.? Now, let’s say I wan na bring everything with me.. I wan na bring all my gadgets because my gadgets are my friends. They’ve replaced the real life version. Humans.. These are your new humans..

You happen to have a big power, brick lying around like this guy, and this one is from a UE BOOM Bluetooth speaker, I believe Now. Let’S say we go into this guy. Can we supply juice to all of them at once? ?’Think Shakespeare said something similar.. Gim me some micro love gim me some more micro love. I know it’s not a race, I’m turning it into one gim me some lightning love gim me some USB-C love. Oh-oh did we just do the impossible Charging charging charging charging? Can you see all that? No matter which gadget you choose to bring with you as long as it’s relatively modern, This cable is gon na.

Do what you wan na do.. I think I have found the holy grail. CC by Alex Leonce .