The Google Leak Looks Pretty Bad

The Google Leak Looks Pretty Bad

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “The Google Leak Looks Pretty Bad”.
Tech link is not legally liable for any feelings of breathless, exhilaration or dystopian horror experienced while viewing our show by watching this part of the video you agree to that and everything else I say gotcha around 2500 pages of technical documents, purportedly detailing the inner workings of Google search has leaked online. The documents directly contradict years worth of public statements from Google about how their algorithm Works, including that rankings aren’t determined by click Centric user signals. They are, they don’t consider subdomain separately from domains, they do and they don’t consider the age of a domain or penalize new sites. They do again.

Google itself has not confirmed or denied whether the documents are authentic, possibly because the leak’s Trove was allegedly acquired when Google itself accidentally publish them to GitHub, that’s a Microsoft site and they were saved by an external, automated documentation service. If true, the charitable read here is that Google was trying to off youate the way its algorithm works from spammers and potential competitors, the uncharitable read is that Google is a lying liar Who Lies Beyond these kinds of direct? Let’S say fibs marketing, expert Rand fishkin says the documents reveal that Google search prioritizes big, powerful Brands over pretty much everyone else, even when small independent sites are more authoritative, trustworthy and relevant, which is a bit like getting all your health advice from Mr Beast, because he Has way more Twitter followers than your doctor, he does that’s Dr Beast to you. Paypal has announced that it is launching an ad Network that will Target its 400 million users with personalized promotions based on the data the companies’s collected on their past purchases and spending habits and honestly PayPal. I don’t need ads for more body pillows. You should already know that PayPal says that users will be able to opt out of their data being included in the ad targeting which isn’t quite the same as opting out of their data being collected.

The Google Leak Looks Pretty Bad

The only option PayPal appears to offer for controlling what information they collect about. You is deleting your account. This would also presumably affect users of venmo and browser extension honey, which PayPal controls. The announcement follows a rough patch for PayPal, including significant layoffs, tepid growth projections and an underwhelming stock performance.

That being said, this could also be an opportunistic bid to take advantage of the doj’s ongoing antitrust lawsuit against Google’s own ad business, who knows, maybe, in 20 years 30 Years it’ll be PayPal. Writing absurd checks to Regulators in a desperate attempt to make their legal problems go away. Open aai says that it has formed a new Safety Committee less than a month after it dissolved the old AI Safety Committee.

This new, even safer committee, will apparently be led by CEO, Sam Alman, who obviously just has a ton of time on his hands and loves meetings as well as board, chair Brett Taylor and fellow board member Nicole Seligman Seligman. You decide according to open ai’s blog post. The first task of the Safety and Security committee will be to evaluate open, ai’s current processes and safeguards for 90 days, after which they will report to the full board and presumably recommend the creation of a third final, safest Committee. In a fantastic case of awkward timing. Former open AI board member Helen toner has spoken publicly on Sal maltman’s firing and rehiring late last year, according to toner a major factor leading up to the surprise dismissal was a series of serious Lies by Omission on the part of Altman, including failing to disclose ownership. Stake in the open, AI startup fund and failing to notify the board that chat, GPT would be launching in November 2022, meaning that they found out about it at the same time as the rest of us on Twitter.

The Google Leak Looks Pretty Bad

They probably wish they found out sooner about our sponsor secret lab. Is your gaming chair, uncomfortable and causing you pain, get rid of that derrier Destroyer, secret, lab, Sleek, ergonomic high quality chairs are built to withstand the rigers of gaming or office work for long hours. The Titan Evo 2022 is their most technologically advanced chair with four-way lumbar support, cold cure, foam and swappable armrest.

The Google Leak Looks Pretty Bad

Your butt deserves the best check out secret lab, using the link below much like hot dogs. Quick bits are made of all the less appetizing off cuts of regular Tech news, which would grind up into a delicious paste and extruded redit to your waiting mouths, sometimes they’re, wrapped in stomach skin Colorado is the latest state to pass right to repair legislation for Consumer Electronics with a bill that goes beyond requiring that companies provide documentation, software, Ware data and repair tools to Consumers and independent repair shops at a fair price. The new law also limits Parts pairing which other states have shied away from due to Industry. Push back.

This will likely put even more pressure on Apple who have softened their position on used parts in recent months, like an uptight, mom folding to the social pressure to order pizza by pretending it was her idea, but only plain cheese. Microsoft has announced a new partnership with Chinese Tech Giant 10cent that will let window 11 users install Android apps through the 10cent app store, which will be integrated with the Microsoft store Al, be it only in China. It’S unclear whether this new Arrangement involves the Windows subsystem for Android used by Microsoft’s Amazon, app store partnership, which the company suddenly killed a couple months ago. What is clear is that Microsoft is either scared of making a deal with Google, or they just don’t know about the Google Play Store.

New rumors have surfaced regarding nvidia’s purportedly upcoming arm based processor. Not only is Team Green, allegedly partnering, with mediatech to take on qualcomm’s Windows on arm offerings next year, but Nvidia may be turning to Intel’s foundaries. For the Silicon. It may sound a bit weird for Intel to help usher in the end of the x86 architecture that they developed in the first place, but hey if someone’s going to put an end to your life’s work.

It’D, be nice to at least make a buck off its demise turnning into hot dogs. The Japanese space agency jaxa has lost communication with its Akatsuki spacecraft in orbit around Venus, not Uranus, losing contact with Akatsuki is significant, since it’s currently the only active Mission at Venus, probably because the planet is a hell Escape. In addition to newly discovered volcanic activity, Venus supports a surface temperature of 464 de c, a surface pressure 92 times higher than Earth’s, and it’s covered in clouds of sulfuric acid, the worst kind of acid.

Yet we sent a probe there anyway, proving that even the greatest sign ific minds of our time. Somehow can’t tell when a woman wants to be left alone. Men gigabyte has built a motherboard with a PCI slot that can support graphics cards weighing up to a whopping 128 lbs, which would sound completely unnecessary even 5 years ago, but it seems like recently the GPU industry has heavily selected for trunk bench. Life previewed the board named the b650 aorus Pro X, uh USB 4, and while it has some other cool features, I just couldn’t concentrate on them. After imagining plugging in a graphics card the size of a dog, maybe even three or four dogs, depending on how small your dog is, it wouldn’t even have to work.

I’D, be happy and just looking at the proportions of the slot, it would be a wiener dog. You know what else would make me happy if you came back on Friday for more Tech news, please I need this .