The Golden Headphones

The Golden Headphones

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “The Golden Headphones”.
Alright guys new ultimatum Before the video starts Jack has told me …. He has said … … 50,000 thumbs up on this video … … and he will come to your home town, … …, to visit the Mayor, …

… and you … …, and your family … …

The Golden Headphones

NAKED. What’S up guys Lou here back with another video. And today, … … You’re gon na be looking at something that’s completely outlandish.

You’re in the comment section right now saying :”Lou. This makes no sense. I feel uncomfortable …

…. Why are you showing me something so strange? ?” And some of you might even say useless. – These are 24 karat gold headphones. For the true boss, players that are out there.. You know who you are., Okay., Really …, Prou …, I’m gon na be …. I mean …, Who really n …

24 KARAT They’re made by Monster.. These, of course, are the geniuses behind the Beats by Dre. Apple bought Beats.. Where is Monster left Monster is left out in the cold Like an ex-girlfriend.

The Golden Headphones

Wooh. In the absence of Dre …, … you’d do what anyone would do. You cover it in gold.. This is for those DJs. You’re at the club and everybody’s having a good time.

The Golden Headphones

… … and they’re, like :”There, is the god of the music over there.”, Which one Who you pointing at The man in the gold Live life out loud with crystal clear, audio perfection., You’re, not afraid of showing who you are with the brilliant look of 24K.. Are they implying that the gold plating affects the sound? Of course it does.? Look. I mean you got a note. … … from the head monster the head. Monster.”Hi I’ve got a meeting at the office today.””Oh who is it with ?””The Head Monster.”? You got a cleaning cloth., A user manual. Telling you how the ear works. Accessories are. …, Uuuh., That’s actually a kinda nice little case there. Silky. Inside.

I feel an adaptor too. Options for cables. So you have the straight cable with the microphone … ….

You have the”DJ” cable. Here is the gold.. This is what you all came here. For. The build feels pretty sturdy here. Very solid., 24 karat..LEGIT GOLD, 24 KARAT GOLD., Adjustable., 24 karat gold plated headphones.. What a world we live in guys.. Can I be a DJ? Yet Am I DJ ready? No, If you want to catch, some looks …

…. If you wan to get some attention, … …, I can pretty much guarantee. This is the way to do it.”How.

Do they sound”, you say A moment of truth.. What have we here, Like you, would completely expect. The emphasis here is on bass, … …. To be quite honest in this particular case, I can pretty confidently say that what you’re paying for here is an aesthetic. A style.. So I’m not out here to say that like to somebody, this doesn’t sound good., I’m just saying for like the 8 million dollars that they cost …. That’S accurate right, Jack, …, you’re, probably paying for some gold there. The man with the golden headphones, … … could be you. And everybody else would be sitting over here: bitching about sound quality, … …. Meanwhile, …

… you’re doing donuts … a Mclaren F1 … … on your way to a hot tub full of women. When you’re on the couch and you have to input text … Drives you crazy. You’re, like. NIGHTMARE .