The giant cosplays of Allison Chase

The giant cosplays of Allison Chase

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “The giant cosplays of Allison Chase”.
My name is alison chase, and today i brought two and a half of my cosplays [ Applause. ] cat bus is mine. The power loader is my first creation and snowball. Unfortunately, his mech suit exploded. Okay and i just have him stand alone. I have the remains of my snowball cosplay here, but he is still adorable, so i still want him around because i love to be an inconvenience to myself and others.

The giant cosplays of Allison Chase

Actually so i i never planned the power loader was the first big cosplay i did and it ended up so big because i just kind of won it. Originally, i thought about making troy from community. He had that little power, loader costume. That was the inspiration and then it just kind of got out of hand, but then i loved it so much that i decided to continue challenging myself each year, because once you kind of step over the threshold of i don’t know, if i can do it, then All these crazy ideas that you have that seem impossible suddenly become possible. The power loader is made out of insulation foam that you can get at home depot.

The giant cosplays of Allison Chase

It comes in these really big sheets. I used it because it’s very sturdy and stiff and it’s a lot thicker than your regular porous styrofoam, which means that it’s a lot easier to sand down it’s a little bit denser. So it will be slightly heavier than the big poofy styrofoam. But i do find that preferable to work with yeah. The fur for kabus was 22, a yard uh, don’t start a very large project that involves fur unless you are willing to pay a lot of money, because that was [ Applause, ], so much sticker shock. I’Ve.

The giant cosplays of Allison Chase

Never crowd surfed or what do you call crowd source yeah i’ve never crowdsorked a single project yet, but when i saw the price tag on that fur, that was the first time i started being like uh. Does anyone want to help contribute [ Applause ]? But i might my next project is: i might have to start begging for money, because i looked at how much cans, how many cans of expandable foam i’m gon na, maybe need i work 50 hours a week, and so i can’t really take commissions without giving up A full half of a year of my life, the dream would be to be able to quit that job and do props full time, but i’m not there right now. If it’s something really small, maybe ask me logistics, it always comes down to logistics. How am i going to get in and out of it, how am i going to wear it? How am i going to get it to con? How am i going to get it around khan if you’re, making a big cosplay, please think about all the things you can’t just set it up at con.

You’Ve got to find a way to get it there. So when i made the power loader, i specifically made it in pieces so that it could be transported and every time i create a new large cosplay, i got ta think how am i gon na get this out of my house uh, i’m on facebook as alison Chase makeup, but i don’t really use that, i’m mostly on instagram at aachas1401 or tick-tock allisonchase5, and then i also have an instructables. So i have a full how-to guide of the power loader. If you my name on instructables, is alison c74. I have a how-to guide on the frozen t-1000 halloween costume. I did and i’m in the middle of writing a how-to for how i made snowballs. So, if you’re really interested in the full build process, i do try and contribute as much as i can to and and be show a detailed, step-by-step process. Do you like breath of the wild zelda breath of the wild yeah you like the guardians? Okay, yeah? My the pet who runs the cosplay contest, told me: okay, we’re gon na need to start imposing a size limit. I was like no pat, you know what i’m gon na do next year, an even bigger cosplay, that’s even harder to get here. So i’m thinking a decayed guardian, that’s even bigger and more cumbersome. It got stuck in my head and i love the idea and now i just want to make it, even though i know it’s going to be a huge inconvenience to get from one place to another. But it’ll be worth it, i think you .