The Frozen (Coffee) Future?

The Frozen (Coffee) Future?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “The Frozen (Coffee) Future?”.
This video is sponsored by cometier we’re gon na start this video with a story. I’Ve been pretty vocal about having insomnia i’ve had it for a better part of 10 years and having a job that is in front of the camera, isn’t the easiest? Usually there are bags under my eyes. I mean just look at his face in general. Does this face? Look well rested um.

So that’s translated to i live and breathe by my morning, coffee um, so my wife and i have had the same coffee machine as a breville machine for about five years since, before we moved into our house uh three weeks ago, the grinder broke. So i’m gon na finish the story. This is there’s a point to this whole long, narrative, um, but i’ve been doing this for a while in videos i just wan na. Thank you guys for for watching for the support. Thanks comment here for working with me: uh we’re gon na give away a 500 american express gift card.

All you got to do is just leave a comment down below. Let me know what your favorite type of coffee is: give the video a thumbs up be sure to leave your social handle in the comments, so i can contact you. If you win, all the information will be in the description open to anybody in the world. We’Ll run it for two weeks, so i’d already been talking to cometier about maybe working together, but i hadn’t agreed yet and they sent me a few boxes to try early and they were just literally chilling in my freezer.

The Frozen (Coffee) Future?

So talk a little bit about what cometier is in a little bit, but it’s it’s coffee. That’S been flash frozen at its peak freshness. You boil some water drop in one of the frozen capsules and with seconds it melts and you got a cup of joe.

That’S the basis of what it does so back to my story. Without a working coffee machine, my wife and i just decided to try commentary. It was literally 6 30 in the morning.

Our coffee machine didn’t go off as scheduled. How to get the kids to school. In 30 minutes, i didn’t have time to go to starbucks get a cup of coffee. I had no other way to brew coffee and making coffee from flash frozen capsules, and all fairness sounded weird. My expectations were not that high um, but again i needed caffeine, and that was all i had and these boxes were taking up very precious freezer space back to the story, all right so after the coffee dropped in and mixed it for a few seconds. What i had was not what i was expecting.

The Frozen (Coffee) Future?

This was legit, really really good coffee. I know how it’s described, i’m not a coffee connoisseur. I just know it tastes good.

The Frozen (Coffee) Future?

To me. My wife, however, is a coffee snot. I think she would admit it herself.

She described it as tasting like the most delicious coffee at a restaurant, and i think that sums it up best uh. It is really good, like surprisingly good like if you buy it and you don’t like it. You come back to this video and you tell me – and i will probably call you a liar – this coffee was that delicious and what’s kind of crazy about the whole thing, it’s incredible coffee made the fastest way possible.

I mean boiling water dropping the capsule and within, like 20 seconds, you’ve got an amazing cup, put it side by side versus the best coffee you had, and i guarantee you you will like this better um, but that’s my opinion. That’S my wife’s opinion. I decided to bring in courtney, uh who’s editing. This video, who was legit, never tried this before and let him give it a shot and share his opinions, and i was not in the room when he filmed this, so we didn’t feel like he had to say anything. You know staring at him. The smell is divine, i think it’s the word i want to use it.

I think it’s probably too hot. I don’t know it’s pretty good. I’Ve had black coffee before and it typically tastes like cigarette water. This actually gives me like the flavor of coffee without the bitterness you know: um yeah, typically, black coffee, just tastes like straight up cigarette ashes, but this tastes just tastes way better. It tastes good, it tastes good.

I like it. So, what’s the deal with flash frozen, coffee and like, why is it better than it has any business being um? And i guess it’s all about how they make it, so they start with a full proprietary extraction system. This sounds very fancy like you need a chemistry set in your house to do it. Essentially it’s going to optimize all the variables that lead to a great coffee so that all that, like we have to do, is just melt it and enjoy it.

So next they allegedly partnered with some of the best roasters in the world. I never really put much thought into the beans that went into the coffee, but evidently it makes a giant difference. I don’t know about the best in the world, but out of the six different boxes that i’ve tried, five of them were absolutely bonkers. Amazing and one just wasn’t my taste: they have a pretty cool extraction process which i don’t get after all.

I just want a good cup of coffee, but it did sound crazy, scientific. This is what they say. Our proprietary technology allows flavor and aroma and compounds to be extracted with unprecedented precision. Commentary coffee consequently achieves optimal and total dissolved, solid count, aka amazing, flavor and extraction levels uh.

But basically it’s a level of brewing perfection that great baristas like are aspiring too uh and that’s awesome and quite frankly, i can’t really argue with the results all right. So that’s the technical side of it uh the tech part that was kind of cool immediately after extraction. They give this thing a liquid nitrogen bath. It’S going to lock in pretty awesome like freshness and flavor, and i know this process sounds super bizarre, but it’s really good and also americans tend to love pod based coffees.

There are no grounds left in the capsule they’re, completely aluminum and totally recyclable, which, as far as i know, is unique in the space. So after i agreed to do this video, they sent me a full kit with a kettle and one of the most fancy pants mugs i have ever seen. None of that is necessary, but it did make me feel very fancy and probably made me even enjoy the whole process even more. So if you decide you want to try this and there’s literally no reason for people who, like coffee, not to try this, they make the process really simple. Answer a few questions about what kind of coffee you like and you’re, pretty much all set for me. It was medium and i was done if you have coffee in the morning, if you like to have coffee in the afternoon, if you like, to have a latte like to have iced coffee, this tastes delicious, no matter what you do to it, and it’s consistent and Good every time – and i know it sounds nuts – and i know it’s the sponsor video you guys aren’t gon na.

Believe me, this coffee tastes, incredible and amazing, and i wouldn’t sit here and tell you that if i didn’t believe it and i didn’t actually enjoy it, so not only has courtney not tried it, not only does my wife enjoy it, i gave it to my parents. I gave it to my mother-long people come over and ask for coffee. This is my default thing that i give to them now. It is legitimately that good, so the prices vary.

They start around 48, which boils down to like a dollar fifty, a cup which is less than you would pay if you’re going out to get it, and i guarantee you it will taste better if you want to give it a shot. They’Re going to give you 20 bucks off your first order, which is awesome, put the link down below, but it’s john rettinger .