The entire Marvel Cinematic Universe explained

The entire Marvel Cinematic Universe explained

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “The entire Marvel Cinematic Universe explained”.
Before we get started, Marvel Studios movies from the start have been about. One famous me doesn’t matter which movie we’re talking about each one in their way examines war real or fantastical the Warriors involved and the power it takes to create them since Tony Stark. First, exited the cave in 2008 as Iron Man, the stakes in this battle between good and evil have only gotten higher and blurrier. Of course, the Marvel mythos began long before Ironman. Here’S a history of Marvel’s Ultra confusing ultra explosive war, beginning at the dawn of the universe, leading all the way up to Avengers age of Ultron. So let’s go way way back all the way to antiquity before the university even began before the universe began.

There were six singularities after the Big Bang. Those singularities were concentrated into six powerful ingots known as the Infinity stones. They’Re extremely important have power over creation itself and influence events throughout history.

For instance, five thousand years ago, the Dark Elves of svartalfheim planned on using the ether of the Infinity stones to destroy the nine realms during an event known as the convergence. Why? Because the nine realms are planets in the universe linked by the cosmic tree, yussle Asgard is the ruling realm, but Earth or Midgard is pretty important to seeing is that’s where most of the action that matters to you and me happens during that conflict. The father of Odin Bor defeats the Dark Elves and nearly wipes them out save for Malekith and his minions. So then, thousands of years later Odin defeats the frost giants of Jotunheim on earth and adopts Loki.

The entire Marvel Cinematic Universe explained

However, the tesseract another of the Infinity stones lands on earth. In Norway, because we need that to link to Norse mythology if the 20th century was the American Century, it was also a period where humanity, at least in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, started to strive toward a higher form of war. The world wars presented the kind of existential threats Midgard had never really seen to fend off those threats. The world saw the birth of the Super Soldier, which meant great and terrible things for everyone. Around 1935 German scientist, dr. Abraham Erskine developed Super Soldier Serum and is forced to use it on Nazi officer Johann Schmidt, and this is how he becomes Agent Smith, no wait hold on the red skull after the war breaks out Red Skull, rediscovers the tesseract in Norway, Using it to power Hydra the Nazis, mystical research wing back in the States, Steve Rogers, enlists in the Army alongside his buddy Bucky, and meets Chester, Phillips, Peggy Carter and later Howard, Stark Tony Stark’s father thanks to arcsin Rogers becomes Captain America he’d go on to lead The Howling Commandos, which you could argue, are the avengers wartime forerunners later behind enemy lines.

Caps friend, Bucky, is captured, freed and falls to as a parent demolished in a climactic battle. Captive eats red skull and crashes into the Arctic. The tesseract is lost in remain so for nearly 70 years, so, while cap sleeps, Chester, Philips Peggy Carter and Howard, Stark eventually co-found shields start up.

However, the remnant of Hydra left behind after red skulls defeat quietly infiltrates shield as shield slowly becomes a global superpower. During this time, Bucky is found and is brainwashed by shield becoming the Winter Soldier, a super soldier who assassinates global leaders over the course of decades. Meanwhile, Howard Stark works on arc reactor technology, the tech that would eventually power in Iron Man suits.

He does this with Anton Vanko, but steals credit from Benko because he’s a bit of a jerk. At this point, the Soviets begin work on their own super soldiers, creating the Red Room and Black Widow program. You guess who’s a product of that program years pass and things start to quiet down.

President Reagan is elected into office, Michael Jackson, releases thriller and a young boy named Peter Quayle is abducted by aliens by the end of the Clinton years. It’S one big party in the Marvel Universe, but things are just on the horizon. At a New Year’s Eve party in 1999, Tony Stark meets Maya Hansen, the inventor of extremists and one ugly aldrich killian he’ll, be important.

Later after 9/11, America found it needed new super soldiers as it faced threats, it could not control, but as the years wore on, it became clear that some threats were out of this world, get it out of this in a bid to recreate arcsine Super Soldier, Serum General fattiest Ross enlists Bruce Banner and his daughter Betty Ross to work on a new version of the serum at Culver University. This time they’re using gamma radiation, which is probably a bad idea lens fly because banner becomes the Hulk and destroys everything in the lab. It escapes meanwhile Tony Stark becomes an arms dealer because we wouldn’t want to cash in on their genius during wartime he’s, aided by Pepper, Potts, his personal assistant and happy hope. His driver stark winds up getting captured by the ten rings.

A terrorist organization in the Middle East, in order to escape he and fellow captive yinsen, create a mini arc reactor. This is similar to the one his father first designed this powers, a suit of armor that helps him escape after unearthing, corruption, in Stark Industries linked to his capture, Stark and his brand-new Iron Man, suit of armor fights and wins his first battle after announcing himself as Iron Man, Tony Stark, is approached by Nick Fury about the Avengers initiative. Elsewhere, Hulk is attacked in Rio by Thunderbolt Ross and super soldier candidate Emil Blonsky banner manages to escape and makes his way back up to the state the big week. So this is where things really heat up and then marvel jumps into a giant pile of money. Three different movies happen in the span of one week: Iron Man, 2, incredible Hall, Church and Thor. Some time passes and Tony Stark upgrades his suit he’s at the top of his game.

He’S looking great but soon discovers the arc reactor in his chest is killing him. Natasha Romanov aka Black Widow, is hired at Stark Industries. So then, Ivan Vanko, Anton Vanko son attacks Tony Stark at the Monaco Grand Prix. After that we get reduced to Colonel James Rhodey Rhodes, an Air Force pilot and good friend of Tony’s.

He then becomes war machine get out after beating down a drunken volatile Stark. Meanwhile, back on Asgard Thor is about to be crowned king. However, his coronation comes to an abrupt end when the frost giants invade after some soul-searching and reviewing his father’s old notes. Tony creates a new type of ray of light. Just kidding it’s a new element. That’S cool still, though, right that element powers, his new arc reactor saving his life in the process Thor and his friends, namely adoptive brother, Loki SIF in the Warriors 3 voltage, Fandral and Hogan invade Jotunheim to take down the frost giants.

They fail. Odin eventually saves Thor, but banishes him to earth stripping him of his powers. Sorry man, meanwhile, on the run Bruce Banner secretly returns to Culver City to reunite with Betty. Meanwhile, again an upgraded Iron Man and war machine defeat Ivan Vanko Nick Fury offers Tony Stark a role as shields consultant, showing him footage of the rampaging Hulk later Phil Coulson discovers me linear, so Jane Foster an astrophysicist doing research on wormholes, just like the one that Brought Thor to earth meets Thor after he lands in New Mexico.

The entire Marvel Cinematic Universe explained

Coulson takes Jane’s research, Loki, discovers he’s a frost giant and sets out to rule Asgard in Thor’s place. Meanwhile, Emil Blonsky becomes a super soldier using a modified banner serum Thor raids. The shield camp to retrieve melee, unfortunately he fails in that attempt, he’s still unworthy banner, just completely Hulk’s out at cold Universal, adding student loans by now Thoris started. A relationship with Jane, however, Loki sends the destroyer, an Asgardian metal warrior to earth to take Thor out. After sacrificing himself for Jane’s sake, Thor’s powers return. He then returns to Asgard and defeats look elsewhere, grape juice Bruce Banner heads to New York and tries to cure himself coveting.

The entire Marvel Cinematic Universe explained

The Hulk’s power Blonsky injects himself with banners blood becoming the abomination in order to defeat abomination. Banner decides to Hulk out in Harlem and nowadays more in control of his power. He wins now we’re. At the end of the week banner escapes to Calcutta James Cameron discovers the tesseract and Captain America, dr. Selvig works with the tesseract under shield. Finally, The Avengers Loki returns with a staff that contains the Infinity stones given to him by Thanos. Fanus is known as the mad Titan and is bent on the destruction of all life he’s a big deal, but his importance to the movies is still developing. Tony Stark finishes: construction of the stark tower in New York Loki declares war on humanity with the intent to rule it.

Thanks to his new powers in an army of super-powered aliens, known as the Chitauri, it is revealed that shield wanted to make weapons with the tesseract. Remember Hydra secrets: the Avengers Assemble for the first time to confront Loki’s Chitauri army in the ensuing chaos, much of New York City and the stark tower is completely destroyed. Thankfully, it was all CGI Thor returns to Asgard, with Loki as prisoner Tony Stark starts, rebuilding stark tower as Avengers tower Bruce Banner hangs out Tony because they’re BFFs and cap joined shield, Avengers Finn. So now we’re living in a post, Chitauri world airport security is tightened from here on out.

The world is only going to get more complicated. Everyone has battle scars from the attack on New York, but it’s clear that more threats are around the corner. Thor returns to as guarded works, to bring peace to the nine realms Loki is imprisoned. Tony Stark struggles to cope with the events in New York as a way of calming himself.

He builds tons of cool suits cap works with shield on peacekeeping missions, but is troubled by modern-day morality. The terrorists calling himself Mandarin commits atrocities around the world after happy Hogan is injured in an attack. Tony makes a public threat against Mandarin. Here’S my home address in 880 Malibu point 902 65.

The Mandarin responds by blowing up Tony’s, California and that ain’t san andreas fault, the terrorist, is revealed to be a puppet of aldrich. Killian who’s become super powerful because of the extremists. Project tony prevails with the help of his suits war. Machine and pepper tony destroys most of his suits such a waste, but continues designing tech for shield and the Avengers together.

Jane Foster, discovers a new convergence in her research and is inadvertently affected by ether. Thor returns to Earth and the ether is released. Malekith awakens after making an assault on Asgard, Thor and Loki team up to defeat the dark elf in a battle on svartalfheim Loki, seemingly dies Thor fights Malekith in London and defeats him just as the convergence ends. Thor turns down the throne, but Loki in the guise of Odin takes the throne in Asgard back on earth. After a classified mission, Nick Fury consults with senior leader Alexander Pierce, shortly afterward he’s attacked and sent underground, and then during a battle in Washington, cap confronts the Winter Soldier and he is revealed to be his friend. Bucky kappa ven discovers that shield was infiltrated by hydra decades, prior with the help from fury a new ally and Falcon, and Black Widow. Cap takes down. Shield Bucky, however, goes into hiding soon discovering his past old Hydra member Baron von Strucker experiments on the twins, Wanda and Pietro Maximoff using Loki’s scepter. That’S an infinity stone way out in space galactic outlaw ever quit.

Star-Lord steals one of the Infinity stones, Ronan, the accuser under new orders from Thanos chases quill and the newly formed guardians of the galaxy down to nowhere Ronan attacks, the Kree homeworld, but is defeated by the Guardians who wield the stone together to destroy him. And now it’s been years of fighting and tedious wire removal and the war is only getting worse. Shield has effectively been dismantled.

Earth is now an open target in the galaxy Tony Stark and Bruce Banner work together to design a suit of armor for the planet and that armor is Ultron. Unfortunately, we know that their plans go south. We just don’t know how bad things will get from here. Probably free .