The Dream Smartphone! (2014)

The Dream Smartphone! (2014)

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “The Dream Smartphone! (2014)”.
Hey what is up guys, I’m Kim PhD here and welcome to the dream? Smartphone 2014 video. So obviously the perfect smartphone doesn’t really exist. There’S always little flaws to what would otherwise be a perfect buy. So if you could piece together different parts from other smartphones into a Frankenstein beast of a phone, that’s the concept. What would you pick? I would start off with the body of the HTC One m8 I’ll. Take those front-facing speakers too, while we’re at it.

Obviously, nothing beats boom sound right now. Unfortunately, the ma still is a little bit slippery, so I would score off the edges a bit kind of like the Galaxy Note 4, and I take the finish from the Nokia Lumia series. So that’s soft touch instead of a raw metal.

Soft touch is obviously easier to hold and it’s still built like an absolute tank. So for the screen. That was pretty easy for me, I’m going to go with the LG g3 5.5 inch. Quad HD display thin out those side bezels a bit tighten up the top bezels newest speakers and we’re golden 5.5 inch display might seem a little big for some people, but screen size is not phone size and, with these tighter bezels.

Next to the speakers and a soft touch finish, I think this is a phone that would feel pretty awesome in the hand so inside we got to have top-notch specs so here in late 2014, that means the quad-core Snapdragon 805 3 gigs of ram the audrina 420 Gpu, basically, the whole deal so for the battery motor roll has been killing it lately – and I talked about this in the last dream phone video about how they do battery really well. Phones have been getting so much thinner lately at the expense of a battery size and I’m not a big fan of that trend, and you see the Droid turbo is come out recently. It’S not a very big phone, but it has a 3900 milliamp hour battery, which is awesome so in a dream phone I’d be ok with anything 3,500 milliamp hours or better, which would hopefully translate to 6 hours of screen on time. So for the camera. I would pick the iPhone six-plus camera because it’s awesome and basically every way it takes awesome photos and it has optical image stabilization, but it’s only 8 megapixels, which means it’s not capable of shooting 4k video, and I got ta – have my 4k video so I’ll go With the Samsung Galaxy Note, 4 is camera. The best they’ve ever used it’s a 16 megapixel sensor.

The Dream Smartphone! (2014)

It has optical image stabilization and it does take 4k video. It’S the same sensor, they’ve used in the galaxy s5 and honestly. I would really take any of a number of Sony sensors they’re, all great, where I will still take the image processing from the iPhone 6 just to take the edge off the super. Sharpen super saturated look from the Samsung cameras.

Listen, I did continue for the operating system. I will still take pure stock Android 5.0, this time lollipop and I would take it basically stock they’ve adopted a bunch of other features, we’ve seen on other earlier skin version of Android, but they kept that pure smooth performance and feel so other than that. If you couldn’t really tell I am NOT a huge bells and whistles type of person, I don’t need any sort of crazy swiveling, camera or heartrate, monitor or ring flash or anything like that. But if it’s in the phone it better work. Otherwise, it’s just taking up space and with 128 gigs of flash storage I think I’d be set.

I wouldn’t need any expansion outside of that, and that’s it that’s a phone that I would be comfortable using daily for the next two years: hey. What is up guys again and slate? I usually don’t do these, but this is a bit of a special video which was produced in collaboration with the awesome video team over at the verge. You have an awesome, video production team and they also made all the badass animations that you saw in this article.

The Dream Smartphone! (2014)

If you want to see more awesome stuff like that, then you can check out the Virg channel, which, if you haven’t already seen it I’ll link it right there. They do all sorts of other animation stuff, but also tech, videos of their own. If you’re down we’ll work together on other stuff like this, so if you have any ideas so for you to, let us know in the comment section below what we should tackle next either way. That’S been it! Thank you for watching and I’ll talk to you guys in the next one peace. .