The Dream Camera? Ask MKBHD V28 with Peter McKinnon!

The Dream Camera? Ask MKBHD V28 with Peter McKinnon!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “The Dream Camera? Ask MKBHD V28 with Peter McKinnon!”.
Sousa dalla itani says: do a collab. Okay, all right five synced up audio is synced. You can do your intro yeah! I get to see you live now. There’S a net fresh, shake so pumped what is up guys, I’m Kim PhD here and welcome to ask mkbhd or in this case a bit of a dual asking me episode. It is, may I ask you guys what you wanted to know on Twitter and there are plenty of questions for both mr.

Peter McKinnon and I we’re just gon na go through them and ask them and hopefully they’re good question. My phone is melting right all right. That’S a good start, yeah plenty to pick from okay, we got who is taller okay, so uh probably tell by this frame right here. I’M clearly go not quite as tall you’re about an inch taller than me and yeah in standing height, I’m like six four, I’m like six three but like my torso, must be that small.

So we so we should have like a frisbee showdown for sure just like who could even can jump higher. I give myself a slight edge there. Yes, because I got to my game yeah, I don’t. I don’t do sports at all.

The Dream Camera? Ask MKBHD V28 with Peter McKinnon!

That’S probably you, let’s go with. Okay, this one – I really love this one. What’S the first app that you open in the morning, first app I open every day on, my phone is flamingo for Twitter, what I’ve never even heard of that, so our IP.

The Dream Camera? Ask MKBHD V28 with Peter McKinnon!

This is an Android app that reached its token limit. This is something I could go on a whole rant about this yeah. This, I don’t know what’s happening so I did it.

I did a tear, a deer, Twitter video. I didn’t include this in that video because it wasn’t as big of a deal, but Twitter really restricts how third-party apps can operate, and one of those things is there’s a limit to how many users that they can fill in before. No one can sign up and use the app anymore it reached that token limit, and now anyone who tries to newly download it from the Google Play Store can’t sign into Twitter on that ass. So it’s one of my favorite apps. I use it every day when I open my phone first thing in the morning. It’S probably from me was actually do it’s. Just a third party Twitter app, it’s purely chronological, no ads! No like extra features. It’S just straight Twitter because of their appearance, form yeah, because Twitter always is always showing me, like. You know like stuff. You may have missed and like this is another questions. Chronological is just yeah, so, like my first app like Instagram for sure I open up Instagram. All the time that’s applied the photographer the visual side of what I do and then I just mad scroll.

The Dream Camera? Ask MKBHD V28 with Peter McKinnon!

But I just can’t stand that. It’S not chronological anymore, because I’ll over the first thing in the morning and the first post is from like 13 hours ago and then the next one’s from 13 minutes ago, and I think then it’s dinnertime and I’m seeing what I should have seen in the morning. Right I’ll, never understand alright, so this guy’s asking do you. Are you expecting the knotch to die by 2020 and your your the your kind of like the the smartphone guru or so to you uh? I am hoping yes, there’s emerging technologies that will, let us put a fingerprint sensor that will, let us put maybe a front-facing camera all these different things behind the display glass, hopefully by 2020. That will be the case and we can eliminate the knotch. Yes, it’s a polarizing thing cuz, you would think like everyone must hate it, but then at the same time, everyone’s copying it.

So it’s just weird yeah I don’t like, and a lot of people are like you get used to it. It disappears, but it’s it has not disappeared, so it disappeared form I like using the phone everyday type use but uh. I don’t want it to be there. Yeah and like I don’t like when I’m like, watching like even YouTube videos or any my own work or anything like that, I got ta like Max it out to get rid of or like shrink it down, and I lose left and right yeah I mean either So yeah i’m anti notch for sure. Here’S an interesting one, cuz you’re you’re in this you’re on the camera world, but we got smartphones everywhere. Yep.

Do you like the direction? Phones are headed with more and more cameras, so a single camera, dual camera p20 pro just came out with three cameras. Yeah, I think that’s incredible. Okay, I mean like yes, I use a DSLR every day of my life, but still being able to have that power.

In your back pocket and a moment’s notice without having to set anything up incredible, so I love cameras and smartphones getting better, but I’m not an highly convinced that adding more cameras is always the best thing. I’M actually a fan of what Google is trying to do of doing better with less not that you shouldn’t add a second camera, but I can get behind doing great portrait mode and great stuff with one camera like I never actually use the telephoto. I, like I’m very rarely like going to take a photo and punch in like I.

Never. I would just physically move in closer yeah, so how many people really like need that second yeah, like I would say like if it was just gone to more like if I woke up and the second camera, had just been removed from the hardware. I probably wouldn’t even notice for like a few months. I think oh where’d, my cameras go here’s a fun one though LG came out with the g7 and they’ve done this in the history of their phones with a super wide angle, camera I’m a fan of that.

Yes, that’s, I think, way more useful because you’re in a small space, you want to capture something really really cool. That’S happening in front of you, but you can’t, because you open up your camera and you’re like looking at someone’s eyeball yeah. I think the wide-angle LG does is fundamentally more useful than the telephoto that may sometimes not even get used. Yeah yeah totally agree with that.

Do you ever feel like technology is advancing so fast that one day you won’t be able to actually keep up with it? I got scared of that yeah. I get scared of that, like I guess, go to two things when I get old, which is I love driving well I’d become that old guy in the middle lane that everyone goes. What are you doing yeah? Well, I do you have a life, I’m so scared of that. Take my license away, but I’ve become that guy.

The other thing is like yeah, I’m we’re always at the bleeding edge of like you know, new devices, new camera gear and new tech, something’s gon na come out some day. Where I just go, I don’t get it yeah like. Is that useful? Is that better? Maybe I feel that in life music right now but like yeah, I think about like how old am I gon na be when I don’t understand. I think about that with with editing actually like there’s some times where I want to achieve something in my post-production workflow and I’m like.

How would I do that and they’re, like? Oh just motion track this. To that I’m like I don’t I don’t even know what that means, and should I know what that means, and is it weird that all these younger kids are doing that like effortlessly, and I can’t even pronounce the word the resort to a lot of YouTube tutorials In that case, yeah, that’s how I learned to edit in the first place. Yeah yeah premiere didn’t know how to use it got. It watch a lot of videos on what and it’s I’ll, never learn everything you can do in Premiere and after-effects.

Yeah! That’S right! That’S where I learn a lot you edit on Final Cut, though I’m a Final Cut editor, I’m a premier, editor yeah, I feel like so I was a premier editor yeah. I know this is a common thing. Okay, so why premiere you get choice, so I used to use Final Cut 7. I used it for the longest time Final Cut X had just come out so like the day it launched downloaded it hated.

It got a refund in like three days. Never looked back. So I just always assumed it sucked just as bad yep like today, as a did when it first came out.

That was a launching point for a lot of people with Cut Pro 10. It was like the the iMovie Pro like everyone hated it, the magnetic timeline. I was just like what I can’t no iris.

I never. I was on premiere at that point, okay and it had it’s bad rap for a while, I kind of pointed and laughed off so, but I never used it and then a couple updates later. That was actually I’ve told the story. Before the Kobe interview, I was editing in premiere on a MacBook Pro, my buddy John, who was editing. The behind the scenes, was editing on Final Cut Pro or the row faster, ran it out way faster. I decided to give it a shot and the rest is history, so I gotten used to Final Cut Pro in that time, all right all right, so this is a fun one. I’Ve got I’ve got it. I’Ve got some thoughts about this.

Do you think that touch ID will make a comeback comeback? Okay, so on one hand, yes, on the other hand, no it’s a two-sided answer again. When Apple does something like this, where they just ditch, that’s a technology, they ditched the fingerprint reader. Usually they never go back, I miss it. Usually they never go back and a lot of people do miss it, but also a lot of technologies have been developing with, like we talked about that ability to put a fingerprint sensor under the glass yeah.

So, if Apple’s so set on a bezel this phone – maybe they adopt this, they pick it up and they do it again for touch ID the return or whatever. I would love to see that yeah because face ID like I like it in theory, just look at your phone and you don’t have to push anything but more times than not. It’S like. They almost put me in more like dangerous situations like walking into the street and like I’m driving, and I try to just like look at it. Can I’ve always got to put my code in at the times and then it’s just super frustrating. That was one of those things I didn’t.

You know the first impressions I was just kind of getting used to holding and just unlocking it or whatever. As you use the phone you, you find more and more situations where it’s weirdly uncomfortable, like driving your eyes, have to look at the phone to unlock it. So holding it up like this in front of the road, is the most dangerous that you can do. Don’T do that there’s all kinds of little things really here it’s on your desk and your editing writers having a great day, yeah lights, up, yup, my litter li did that my video, I feel like it’s not as fast did you pick up my phone thumb? Was there boom press swipe like it sits? I didn’t even think about it cuz.

It is just the button already sites. Already there unlocked it. Maybe Apple will bring that back. Let’S hope they do right. I got one my most underrated bit of tech in your tech bag. I’M guessing your tech bag.

Is your camera bag yeah, my camera bag, yeah yeah I’ll serve this one. So it’s funny! I always I always put this little die use this all the time, and I put it in a lot of videos and every time it’s in a video people are always like. What is that, and where can I get it, which is just kind of like proof of concept that either just like flies over everyone’s head or it goes under the radar yeah? But it’s this tiny little LED light charges by USB. It’S super bright. I gaff tape. This to the roof, I tape it to like under the underside of cars. That’S it. It comes with gels, so I can like actually change the color cast, and this thing just comes off. Magnets back on you’ve changed the light charges by USB.

It’S incredible. So I would say this is probably the most underrated bit of tech in my bag, because it’s one of those things that when you realize that you need it you’re like oh, I have that little. It’S like it’s perfect, yes yeah! So for me I this backpack back here.

The only the only stuff I have in my backpack are my macbook pro the charger, the case it’s in and my water bottle. I have an addition to that. Okay, do you this look at this? I have that this is a must: have an adapter dongle for yeah, so SD card reader cuz, the MacBook Pro, doesn’t have yeah yeah okay. So we got what’s your worst camera just decisions, you a lot of cameras, yeah worst worst camera purchase decision yeah. Most of my purchases are pretty well researched and well thought out. So I’ve seen the reviews, I kind of know what I’m getting into so I do have been some like impulse like lapse of judgment sale.

There’S plenty of there’s plenty of like impulse buys that, but I usually end up loving this cuz. That’S why I got into them, but I’m gon na point back. Oh it’s way up in the corner the nest cam! Oh, it’s not even a camera purchase it’s that counts, but I feel I feel need to bring it up. I tweeted about this little while ago, people will get on my case for it cuz.

I should know this already, but Ness doesn’t record any of the history of the camera until you buy an S subscription for every single camera I have in that subscription on a different camera. It does not apply to this. One yeah TV over here fell off the wall. I said I need to see this, how that happened and I went and I got a scroll back and I have all kinds of complaints about the app and how it makes it look like you might as its lagging and I’m like one’s it gon na load. I clearly have the hist by the time it loads, the dudes already in your house exactly your thing, so it looks like we bought the subscription when we realized we had to for this camera again and it erased the entire history of what the camera had ever Recorded that I regret not buying earlier nest, does not record any and they don’t have to it’s their business model 50 bucks for every single subscription, but yeah. I regret not not buying the nest subscription to see how exactly the wallpaper TV fell off the wall. I don’t like that. Those don’t come with a wall mount. That’S my beef yeah there there’s little little stands. No wall mount is little magnets, okay, so Trent Damon.

This could be about anything, but he says who do you got in the NBA playoffs I’ll just saw that I’ll translate that to oh yeah. What sports are you into? I know you from Toronto, but like yeah, I got the Raptors in the playoffs. That’S fair and full disclosure. Like two weeks ago, I was texting marques and I was headed to DC for a Raptors game yeah against the Wizards, the Wizards right. Yes, there’s my first I’ve never seen a basket. I’Ve never seen a basketball game was my first time ever good first game to watch.

It was so great yeah thoroughly enjoyed it, so they still in it they’re still in it. Oh wicket Raptors for now they’re down zero they’re down two out to Cleveland. So that’s gon na be a fun. Oh, it’s down to now, I’m out of yeah. They just lost last night like worse than before, but I got Houston still. I’Ve said this in like two different q and A’s, but yeah it’s a it’s a pretty pretty exciting time in the season I like hockey, not just because I’m Canadian I just like how fast-paced it is: okay, yeah being at the games, it’s just like it happen. Expecially, if you’re right on the glass they’re just I like sports, that transition quickly between offense and defense, I play Ultimate Frisbee. It’S like that.

All the time yeah soccer is like that. Hockey’S like that basketballs. Like that fast-paced, I can’t like I can’t watch golf. I can’t watch football.

I can’t watch football. I can’t watch baseball no well. Football takes like you know another whole Netflix series to finish like it’s just it just forever. So that’s where I’m at with sport yeah all right.

Here’S a good question! Maybe the last one is there any tech you wish you could build. I’M gon na I’m gon na twist this one, as he said, like a rocket or something, but I’m gon na say. Like people ask me all the time if you could build your own smartphone. Would you do it and it’s tough because I don’t know if I could control all the pieces and there’s a lot of trade-offs, but if you could build your own like dream camera for your style yeah, would it be something that already exists, or would you like Frankenstein together, some sort of I feel like I go to a place that would never be pop like possible, like what yeah like I would love to have some kind of like Bluetooth connectivity to my eyes. No, like I don’t think I I don’t.

I don’t think that much about the gear like it’s kind of just a tool for me and I just like I use it. There are little things I don’t probably. I can’t recall them right now, but like there’s always a little thing, that’s like oh but that’d, be better.

If it was, I would love to shoot with a red camera and everything it does well and then just grab c200 dual pixel autofocus and put it in there like that’s the type of like I would love I’d love it. This is just the size of a DSLR yeah that type of thing yeah. I think about that. A lot really more than I should yeah so taking like the production quality of a camera like and crunching it into like a rebel sized camera ya know there’s a lot interesting stuff going on, but I think well we’ll end it on that. Thank you. For being a part of this Q, .