The DEA Wants Your Texts

The DEA Wants Your Texts

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “The DEA Wants Your Texts”.
Okay, do you want to talk about your proposed legislation that requires platforms to snitch on their users? This one is really rough. Once you start trying to break down like how it would work at all, uh. The Senate Judiciary Committee has forwarded a piece of legislation. The Cooper Davis act that would obligate online community communication services and social platforms to report users to the DEA that the drug enforcement agency, if the platforms suspect them of being involved in criminal drug activity.

Okay, the problem with this is that, like the definition of criminal drug activity, I think we could say outdated at best. Oh yeah yep, the bill does not explicitly require balanced imbalanced. Maybe it’s just it’s also, especially in the states.

Well, yeah! That’S what we’re talking about, though, and stuff. Oh, that’s all over the place. It’S so weird and like in some places, it’ll be better and I don’t understand how this works. So I’m not a uh.

I don’t I’m not in that area. I don’t do those things. Um, but in some places it’ll be federally illegal yeah, but I or I don’t know. I think it’s usually the other way around, where it’s legal federally but illegal Stateside. I think it might be able to be the reverse as well, but I don’t know how that works.

The DEA Wants Your Texts

I I don’t know um. The bill does not require this is in quotes. The bill does not require providers to seek out illegal activity by users.

The DEA Wants Your Texts

End quote, but if, but it creates, incentives for companies to incentives, is, is for companies to surveil their users and does require that once providers are aware of this activity, they must report it or else face steep fines, legal liability and potential criminal prosecution again in quotes. Proponents of the bill say that it would help crack down on illicit drug markets that have been proliferating on social media platforms. End quote, but privacy Advocates have criticized the bill, as potentially furthering weakening and in quotes already inadequate privacy laws.

The DEA Wants Your Texts

I strongly agree with that and undermining encryption yeah. This is kind of brutal, like I’m, I’m looking at it going. You know if someone um, okay, I I look.

I I don’t personally partake so my ignorance may be pretty ignorant, but you know I could see someone using the Facebook Marketplace, for example hypothetically to uh to do some kind of transaction. Let’S say uh, you know, you know how. Okay, for example, you can’t buy lawn darts on eBay, okay, so everyone who wants to sell lawn darts on eBay uh sells the box for lawn darts and oh by the way, if lawn darts happen to be inside it well whoops. I had no idea so like I, I could see people you know, selling pictures of a marijuana leaf on Facebook Marketplace and like that’s code for yeah, I don’t know. Maybe this is a thing. Maybe it’s not a thing I legitimately actually don’t know. But then you know where’s the line for this. If meta, I am selling an unknown brick yeah, I’ve meta. If meta knows that people are doing this all of a sudden or if they suspect it, even all of a sudden are they are they required to, and especially a platform like meta, where they’re trying to gather any possible information about their users, they they might have To like change, what they’re doing in order to not expect these types of things, the harshness of the penalty for failing to report is likely to encourage companies to over report users for protected Free Speech, which may result in a chilling effect that prevents users from discussing Past addiction, joking or reaching out for help the Senate has yet to put the ACT to a full floor. Vote again, it’s not like it’s. This is not it’s not through.

Some people are super mad that I’m not a pothead and then others are like yeah. I knew it mad that you’re, not a pothead yeah, I don’t know well, I’m mad people, people just like you know having things in common. My Creator must do what I do, or else I’m angry on internet I’m high on life.

Okay, got these ketchup chips. Dare that’s great uh, but yeah? I don’t know. I hate this thoroughly as as someone who runs platforms, this sounds like the worst yeah. It sounds. Basically, I mean, even if we ignore the overreach, even if we ignore the complete lack of sensibility in Narcotics laws in I mean really the world uh the inconsistency as well. Even if we ignore all those issues how on Earth could they possibly hope to enforce this? How can you prove that they they knew that this user was uh? How can they prove that the platform suspected a user of being involved in criminal drug activity? I wouldn’t be surprised looking at the like the wording, at least for the penalties involved.

I wouldn’t be surprised if there was some amount of like uh bounties for reporting your company for not reporting things, so you could like make a bunch of money for throwing the company that employs you under the bus just go somewhere else um, because I I I Feel like they’ve, the the only the only sites and services that would really be doing any amount of uh assessment of users at this level would be really big sites and services that have lots of money and have lots of employees and are probably at a point Where they’re like the people coming to work here, they don’t necessarily care too much about the company at that scale. So maybe they’ll take the payday. I don’t know it just it just seems kind of whack to me personally. Yeah Bixby and flipplane chat says uh suspicious activity reports are a thing for banking institutions, for example, to report suspected money laundering.

I feel like that’s different, well well, no like in terms of how they could how they could um incentivize the employees like what you’re talking about okay, yeah yeah. I could see that, and I mean drugs are one of those things where you will definitely get people with very polarized opinions about it. You know you’ll have people with the giant marijuana leaf on their t-shirt, literally walking down the street, holding a bong and then on the other side of it. You’Ve got the you know, think of the children prudes who are like I.

There should be no drugs in the world, they should take all the naturally occurring plants that have you know, um Tylenol bad is not the one it’s bark or something I don’t remember, but, like you know, anything with a psychoactive effect should basically be put in a Big fire – oh, but not close to people in Australia, and we should get rid of all of it right like so you’ve got you’ve, got both sides of this, so I think you’re going to have people that are just essentially ready to go to war over this Immediately after something like this sort of pass, I mean I man I was about to say I really don’t see how this could possibly pass. But, like I don’t know, Wilder things have happened. You look at look at the look at the gong show.

That was like natural gas stoves or, like ranges a little while ago, like just how just how quickly people can form ranks and just go after each other. Also, you know, given the number of recreational drugs these days, that are pharmaceutical products, how how on Earth do you prove that I didn’t need that Adderall I mean I didn’t get it from a pharmacy in this case. So that’s that’s one thing. Well, that’s I mean. Maybe they were closed, that’s if they’re using it as a Marketplace, but lots of these places they’re also including just talking about it right, and I I I don’t know, but I I just looking at the things that I hear like you, you hear about a lot Of fatalities from fentanyl, for example, that’s a big one in Vancouver.

We hear news about that. All the time um but fentanyl is a. Is a drug they’ve given hospitals yeah so like, but if someone is prescribed fentanyl well, you wouldn’t be prescribed it is it only ever administered at hospital because the the amount of it to be found is like so tiny, it’s very tiny yeah. What, if you talked about how it had been, how you’ve had it before yeah, but you just meant in a hospital, even if that person doesn’t ultimately end up in jail.

Look at the amount of administrative nonsense that you’re creating what a what a waste of time. When police departments quite frankly, have enough on their hands um someone in Philippine shot says you can be prescribed fentanyl for at-home use. My dad had it no way that sounds terrifying lost Insanity says Hey, so the state of Louisiana finally sent out an email today that those who were affected by the Department of Motor Vehicles, hack, that occurred they’re providing a year of LifeLock to anyone that was affected By it, but they finally notified people of it. At least this is something that I’ve found quite confusing for a long time, so you know how difficult it is to change a social insurance number or for our American friends a social security number um.

You know once you have it assigned to you, you know how impossible it is to change your birth date, for example like these, these key pieces of information that can Aid people in committing identity theft or fraud um. The fact that the only mitigation that is offered are these um. These monitoring services, like uh, like LifeLock, is one that I haven’t heard of before, but I’ve heard of it before I find it weird that they Grant you a temporary amount of time with a private service yeah. Well, that’s really, weird to me: that’s exactly kind of where I was going with that, so, whether it’s like TransUnion or LifeLock, or or any one of those kinds of organizations why why is this a thing yeah? This feels like one of those things where you look at and you go. That’S got to be lobbying, oh yeah, because the obvious answer is a permanent solution. Yes, and the not obvious answer is one that you pay a subscription to some Rando third-party company that has had their own breaches in the past. I don’t know if LifeLock has, but TransUnion certainly has forever and I’m sorry you’re, giving me one year.

So what? If? I’M a criminal mastermind. I basically just go to do I’mma wait 365 days. This information will all still be valid due to come on. Are you serious right now January 15, 2023. Thousands of Norton LifeLock customers had their accounts compromised in recent weeks, potentially allowing criminal hackers to access customer password managers uh the company revealed in a recent data, breach notice cool. No, that’s a nice hat. I disagree. This is from float, plane chat, they do know better. I think they do know better. I think it’s just the oldest reason in the world. It’S money, money, man, if you want to go down a good rabbit, hole the uh, the fact that um Turbo Tax exists at all God. No okay, you’ve already done this one though yeah. That’S such that enrages me that should so not even close to be okay, that’s so frustrating like I I I understand government services and some private Services, even you shouldn’t just be able to like Crush companies from existing. All the time and stuff like that, but that same setup should not be allowed to exist to forcibly keep completely useless motions in in, like completely useless things in motion. It’S so incredibly, frustrating people are mad about the US tax system, yeah, it’s not as bad in Canada, but it’s still completely messed up.

It’S still bad. It’S still ridiculous. American Tax is just a complete utter joke.

There’S like potentially worse than there’s so much stuff. That’S so dumb. One of the things that I was just outraged to find out as an adult is that when you buy a second-hand vehicle, you have to pay sales tax on it and I’m sitting here going.

No, you already taxed this yeah, that’s double dipping like am I if I okay, if I, if I could have a double dipping Rabbit Hole, there’s a lot of that. There’S an absurd amount of that like if I deduct something this year. Do I get to deduct it again next year because I gifted it to my wife like what are you talking about you guys just trade it back and forth? Oh I’m sure people do that.

It’S it’s such a joke, man. Ah I don’t know it’s very, very. Very frustrating the whole like we know exactly how much you owe, but you need to tell us and if you’re, wrong, you’re screwed yeah.

What why yeah do? You know how it works for corporate tax here, not as much okay, so uh, you know how, with personal taxes you um, you have them deducted by your employer on your paycheck automatically right, um or or you cannot right like you. Can you can go that option if you want? I don’t think, that’s something that we offer just because offering both sounds like a paperwork. Nightmare um, no offense to everyone, but people do not manage their finances very well.

So if people got their whole paycheck uh every time then in when April rolled around, they would not have honestly. That is very wise, and I support this so like 25 to you, know 30 plus percentage of their annual income that they would owe in taxes. At that time, so, anyway, the way personal taxes work they’re due in April in tax season, and you pay them at that time and the way corporate taxes work is based on your last year.

You will pay installments every month based on the last year and if it turns out, you were wrong, and you actually owe more than you owe interest for not like estimating it correctly so, instead of it just like having a due date at the end of the Year, you need to be paying it continuously or you basically get boned, it’s absolutely ridiculous. Oh my God yeah I hate it. I hate it so much, I’m pretty sure they don’t pay you interest if you overpay on it either.

But don’t quote me on that. Don’T quote me on that surprise too. I’D be I’d, be very surprised. I had no idea, but someone said we don’t do taxes in the UK. It’S done by the government that that is how that should work.

Employees should be able to decide what happens with their money. No no you’re, actually just wrong yep um because they don’t get to anyway. They owe it in taxes, yeah um, it’s just that we don’t want people to suddenly go bankrupt. Yeah, that’s really bad, actually extremely chaotic yeah, not not having those taxes on hand not having those tax payments on hand in April would be potentially devastating to the lives of someone who didn’t manage their money correctly and most, which is very common yeah.

Most people are not able to just look at like ten thousand dollars in their bank account and go okay. No, I I should I should actually hold on to that um and, like, like Luke, said the um, the additional paperwork of handling it both ways would be extremely complicated. That alone is like that makes it kind of not worth it. In my opinion, .