The Correct Way to Fall into a Pool

The Correct Way to Fall into a Pool

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “The Correct Way to Fall into a Pool”.
Okay, so I saw the thumbnail and it just looked. You know standard maneuver. You got to reach for something in the pool. I didn’t realize you just kept going Dan. Can you bring up the thing okay, so why do you keep going? What happen, what you’re still going, how do you fall into a pool that slowly, I’m not falling if you’re not falling? Why didn’t you just go in if you want to know the? Why do you keep talking over me? Questions are more fun. We don’t sell swimming trunks. Maybe that’s. Why wait? We do we do sell swimming trunks about? Oh, I didn’t know that they’re really good. Oh awesome, okay, so the airpod went in okay and I figured by grabbing on with my right foot and my left hand. Okay.

Okay, so first of all, it was a little deeper than I thought. Okay, so I’m like oh okay. This is deeper than I thought, so I I grab on with the right foot and I’m holding on with the left hand and I’m trying to reach in as far as possible without going all the way in.

I didn’t want to get all the way in the pool and then eventually you just have to okay, but the problem is that, while I was in there I’m upside down right yeah, so I have to I have to blow bubbles out of my nose or I’m Going to end up with water up my nose so because of the bubbles I couldn’t see forit, so I couldn’t I couldn’t get to the airpod. So what I could reach initially it was, I couldn’t see, and I didn’t get it right away, so it swished the water a bit and moved it away. So that’s why I’m getting in slowly is the airpod keeps moving a bit and I’m trying to and I’m like, maybe if I could – and So eventually, as you can see, I kind of go okay, forget it well, I have to come up for air because I’ve Blown out all of my air, and so I’m in at this point now anyway, and the quicker I get this thing the better.

So I come up for air and then I go um back down and I get it on the second dive. That’S fantastic! Do you remember you remember when we got that camera wet years ago, we Ed like every heat, generating thing we could find y to try it out um. I I don’t remember how it necessarily happened, but my airpods that I use for working out if they break I’ll, be very sad.

Uh were in my pocket and they went through the wash yeah um and Emma noticed. She handed them to me and they were like wet and I was like, oh well. I’Ve got this top of case mounted very warm boy GPU and I was like the laziest possible way.

I can fix his problems by playing video games. Ded them out work perfectly fine, no problems. Yeah I’ve actually run my airpods through the wash before too.

The Correct Way to Fall into a Pool

That’S surprisingly resilient. The the problem is that my pool is saltwater chlorinated. Oh so I mean it.

The Correct Way to Fall into a Pool

Dried Sal water is a particular problem for electronics. If if people didn’t put that together, soapy water can be too, but if it gets really well rinsed yeah yeah yay before it dries, then it won’t build up as much conductive and corroding Shmo, yeah, um, so yeah. The reason I went in so slow was because I kept being about to get it and it kept moving a little bit.

The Correct Way to Fall into a Pool

Ah, that’s always an annoying problem yeah. So I yeah I got it out, but one of the batteries is swollen. I can tell because the display popped off and so Dan did a little bit of investigating and it’s going to be a Linus and Dan Adventure um. Apparently the donor phone is arrived yesterday. You said Dan today morning so we’ll maybe do that video next week or the week after because there’s another video, that’s waiting in the release queue because there’s footage on that phone. I didn’t care.

I didn’t care that much about recovering the phone, because I had actually backed it up about just over 3 weeks before this happened, so in terms of precious family memories or whatever. There was almost nothing on it. I don’t know why my Google photos wasn’t sinking. I checked my account settings and set to I don’t know, and I had stuff from backed up from that phone from a little bit before it happened.

But I did lose about 3 weeks of photos but, like I said it didn’t really matter, there had been no major family events since then, so I didn’t care um, but I didn’t realize that I had actually shot a little intro for the my computer died. Video cuz, my computer, also sprung a leak and had water damage, and I made a oh wait. No, that was a separate issue. Well, that happened, but that’s not a video, but the point is it died suddenly, and so I I shot a clip just showing my computer’s dead and so it’s the intro of the video and we need it and it’s on that phone.

So we have to at least make an attempt to get it back. Otherwise, I’ll have to do like a reenactment or something yeah yeah, my computer’s dead, or at least I would have said that if my phone wasn’t also dead yeah, hopefully everything I have is dead. Hopefully we can do it, but minus make sure you get that approved by uh Luke approved yeah yeah. I need to take okay Luke.

I need to borrow Dan’s time. I don’t know about that. We got these. We got these quarterly goals they’re hard to do.

We do, what can I say? Yes actually. Actually he did gave me break if lonus tells you to do something, it’s yes, that is actually true. Don’T ever bother me again, I’m working that is actually a rule.

It’S stopping my sheet! Uh lus, yes, videos, uh-huh! Anything else no there there was something – and I was like wait. Lonus requested this and he was like yeah and I was like well the just do it. I don’t know.

Why are we talking ex? It was fair, though you were following it: it’s fine exactly so, for those we were wondering, Luke is Dan’s direct manager now um and there has been a signific ific problem with people monopolizing Dan’s time, because Dan is capable and useful um. They don’t understand the difference between someone’s capability and someone’s job um, so Dan has been often asked to do things that he is capable of, but that are not his job. So we have a new rule that before 10 does anything for someone they are supposed to ask Luke if Dan is allowed to work on that, because Dan has an actual job to do with actual cap eyes, um and and a little bit of an interested. In literally everything and wants to say yes, problem yeah, it’s also my fault, so yeah just little there’s some Dan in there and then Dan has been instructed anytime, someone circumvent Luke to ask Luke. If that’s, what he’s supposed to be doing to make sure that we can it’s it’s a training exercise right like we got to get people out of the habit of just leaning on Dan to do their work? Is it worth going through Luke to get? This is done yes, that stops so many people it does. It really does it’s also good because it no one wants to talk to me, he’s a scary man.

It it exposes issues as well right, yeah, yeah, yeah cuz, sometimes like yeah. Visibility is good. Yes, exactly so so that’s some context for that conversation that took place just now. Uh do you want to pick another topic? Merch messages? Oh right, why do I even? Why do I even ask Luke? Why do I even put them up right to ask Luke? So I can ask Dan what the next topic is.

Am I allowed to ask him? No yeah, you have to use a request, quarterly goals to do what what can I say, there’s an sop for this. We got work. We got work to do he’s tasked all day, I’m sorry how about next week, Thursday 2 p.m. that’s my D time that work for you Dan time. No, that’s a thing. That’S literally a thing Dan time is.

I I assigned him Dan time. It’S it’s Dan time. I haven’t used it in ages, but it’s nice to have when we first started working together. There was this problem where again, everyone goes to him all the time. Oh yeah, I still had. I started trying to monitor the people that were coming to his desk and I would try to intercept, but then I started figuring out.

The people were intercepting that by just pming him. So I was like we need to stop this because he can’t help himself. So when people try to ask that bad, it’s distracting because I’m trying to do work and get into a flow State and people are like hey thing and a lot of what I’ve had him working on is things that kind of need Flow, State type, energy y. So I’ll be like okay, what was it? 2 P.M to 6.

I think yeah, basically, 2 p.m. to 5 2 p p.m. to 5 okay, 2 p p.m. to 5:00 P p.m. on Thursdays. Just mute everything. Okay, so time power through stuff and you’d get a lot done, but it’s hard to maintain because people want to book meetings at that time, including me. Sometimes I ruin it.

Other things happen, it’s more like yeah, it’s it’s! I don’t have to be doing Main task time. Okay, so you’re saying that if I want Dan to do something for me, I should come at 2 p.m. on a Thursday. No, you can. You can literally ask me anytime, that is, that is actually a rule yeah. I try.

I try not to bother you about things, one Reas but like in fairness, useless tech, tech, Vance, Tech, Vance, Tech. It’S I don’t know. Yeah .